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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. After maintaining a steady 74 baht for a couple of months, the Baht is beginning to weaken slowly this week against the Pound. Could it be due to the serious trouble in the Southern provinces and the UN issued terror warning this week?

    I was poised this week to transfer a large amount of money into my Thai Bank account and take advantage of the great FX rate but seeing the baht strength slipping again, I'm tempted to wait and see what happens. The nasty developments with terror elements could see the Baht freefall if tourists vanish.

    Any comments?

    N.B. My favoured real time FX checker is http://www.xe.com/ Also, I use wire transfer but if your looking to buy cash, the current best deal is online with Travlex UK for collection from airport booths. Their spread is very narrow compared with other UK rip off merchants.

  2. Took the test a few times. Reasons...


    -Ex in HK was a prostitute (I was green in those days and didn't know she was a hooker. Had unprotected sex several times a week for a year)

    -Out of respect for my current love and to reassure us both.

    -Common sense

  3. Prefer the Airbus A340 range myself.

    Features such as leg room, entertainment systems etc etc are not aircraft type dependant. That's just down to airline policy and pricing structure.

    When it comes to cabin noise however and passenger support such as air temp and humidity control, airbus has the edge IMO.

    There are several night flights on Cathay from Hong Kong to London, I will always take the one that's half an hour later on the basis that it's an Airbus. Much more comfortable for the 13 hour flight.

  4. I'm having strange problems. After re-mastering, my security software had problems on install, browser crashed while transferring backed up data from ext. HDD and now the ext. HDD has gone from the my computer page. I'm gonna start over again.

    There goes another 4 hours :o Oh well, back later.

    As far as I can gather, deleting partition and creating a new one, then a format should allow XP to view it as a fresh HDD. THanks for the advice guys 'n' gals.

  5. Let me be clear, I don't do drugs and I don't sanction the use BUT on the other hand I don't really see why anyone should limit anyone else's freedom to do to themselves what they want.

    If you can't respect the law of the land for the country in which you are a guest, then don't go there, it's as simple as that. Save your 'Freedom' speech for your homeland.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for these morons.

    On the subject of innocents in jail, you will find a similar amount of innocents in prisons of places like the UK and America, victims of bent cops eager for an arrest, and a weak minded person signing a confession under undue pressure and interview technique.

    However, I don't think these two clowns in this article are innocent.

  6. hi'

    when you use fdisk to format a disk, you may think that your disk is clean ...

    it's not, data are not erased ...

    to get a real clean disk you need to make a "zerofill", called in a wrong way low level format.

    it's not a low level format, it's simply an overwrite of 0's ...

    then your disk is clean.

    if you use fdisk to format, this means that your disk was in FAT32 ...

    fdisk cannot format NTFS ...

    if you suppress partitions, you'll have to recreate them.

    if you install XP, you can still format partitions either in FAT or NTFS.

    even if you used fdisk before, you'd better format them with the option you get before install (in choose a partition to install).

    my 2B here :o


    Thanks Francois. How do I zerofill?

  7. so when you fdisk the drive do you get the same size drive offered to you to create partitions in?

    Yes. I start with a completely raw drive, put a single primary partition accross the whole volume, format, install the OS... but things are different every time, not major things but little things. I can't understand why this should be the case. Surely it should be the same each time?

  8. Watching the BBC last night, showed the interior of Peel's house shortly before he died. A lovely cottage in the English countryside... with a huge music repository built onto the side!!! This was to house all the demo's and white labels he'd been sent over his 40 year career. Get this, he kept every amatuer demo tape that he'd ever been sent, every last one. Even sent them all replies. He was paranoid he'd miss something special, so concerned was he that true talent should be nurtured.

    You can listen again to Peel's latest Home truths online at the BBC.

  9. Rest in peace John.

    John Peel was the BBC's greatest asset. The Airwaves will be a more lonely place without his warm understanding of life on 'Home Truths', the best Human interest programme I ever heard... and he was a genuinely lovely bloke.

    My condolences to Sheila his wife and his family.

  10. The year is 2024.

    Excerpt from BKK post:-

    Middle aged Farang Arrested for 20 Year Overstay

    A middle aged British citizen was detained in Phuket yesterday for overstaying his visa by 20 years. A spokesman for the Phuket police department described what happened...

    The man who would only identify himself as 'Scampy' (Pictured below) was brought to our attention by a concerned bar girl who said she used to know him. We found him begging discretely at the end of a narrow soi frequented by tourists. All he could mutter was 'Why didn't I listen to Flummoxed' over and over again. We are unsure now what to do with him as we all know what happened to the United Kingdom'

    It is a matter of history that 7 years ago, crime rates in the UK became so bad and socio-ethnic unrest led to civil war. The European parliaments decision to turn the British Isles into one huge prison for the worlds criminals is one that brought order to the World to a large degree but left many British Expatriates as Stateless refugees, the majority of which have made their lives elsewhere in the world.

    The case of Mr Scamp however is a difficult one. The governments decision to close Thailands borders to Western Nationals in late 2013 because of overwhelming amounts of immigrants to our beautiful land means he will be unable to stay. We could have issued him with rights to stay because of his longevity here but his illegal status excludes him from that.

    When asked to comment, Mr Scamp said only this:-

    Why didn't I listen to Flummoxed?



    Meanwhile, in a paralell Universe.....

    Excerpt from BKK Post September 2024:-

    Cameron Scamp voted Mr Personality Thailand 2024

    Khun Scamp (Pictured below) previously of the UK but now a naturalised Thai Citizen, has been awarded the top personality award by Siam's Media organisations. Mr Scamp, who recently championed the campaign to rename Thailand to Siam, lives in Phuket where the Headquarters of his National chain of tourist entertainment venues (read Go go bars) is located. He is credited with reviving the country's flagging tourist industry after what is now recognised as Taksin's catastrophic folly that was his social order campaign of last decade. When asked to comment:-

    I'm truly honoured to receive this award. It will take pride of place next to my UN Award for compassion to homeless Americans

    Since the great pollution catastrophe that blighted America 12 years ago that left the US uninhabitable, Americans have been shunned the world over for crimes against the atmosphere and few countries are willing to re-home them in any number. Mr Scamp, despite his distaste for American's, has fought relentlessly for their rights to a home, commenting that their home should be as far away from Thailand as possible, for which he has won widespread support. After being interviewed by us, his parting words were:-

    Thankyou Siam for this award and making me so welcome here. There is one person I would also like to thank for my good fortune, who I have never been able to trace... his name is Flummoxed. If I hadn't taken his advice 20 years ago to go home and sort my life out, I wouldn't be where I am today. Wherever you are Flummoxed, thanks. I hope I can buy you a beer one day.


  11. Is it possible to be in love with a cartoon charactar? I think I love her :D

    Seriously though, I've got a much more racey one but I don't think the mods would let me get away with it :o

    I'm none too happy about having Flummoxed's heaving half-woman on display in the living room for my young daughter to ask me about.

    Hey! Where is it? :D

    Yep, I got my knuckles rapped by Wolfie :D Had to remove it. I'll miss her.

  12. Depends what you call advanced. I'm no hippy but the Inca's, before they capitulated to the Portugese/Spanish... and the Native American Indians before they capitulated to the pioneers... and the Aborigines before they capitulated to a bunch of convicts........ all lived tranquil lives and were quite happy without all this 'advancement' of war, religious and social unrest and a knackered environment.

    Advancement my a.s.s. :o

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