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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. This is easily misunderstood by alot of Western men. A ship needs a captain. Most relationships needs an alpha. Whether it is the man or the woman. In the West, most are captained by the woman, and the man takes a submissive role. Here, women prefer men to act like men, and take charge. If you don't, she will, but most women here would prefer not to. I do not boss her around. But, she loves when I am strong, and decisive. It is very healthy role playing, and she is able to be a real woman, and I am able to act like a man. We both love it. Alot of very healthy relationships are played out like this. Some men just cannot wrap their minds around a woman manifesting the incredibly gorgeous dignity within femininity, and enabling their man to behave like a strong and healthy man.
  2. Yes, after dating for two years, and living together for another 7 years, I felt I had invested enough time into getting to know her and her family. We were married after being together for 9 years. Enough time? And I would do it all over again. She is a wonderful woman, and is more than my equal, on so many levels. She deserves whatever she gets, or is given. It is all about worthiness. And that takes alot of time to determine.
  3. It could be a miracle if Thailand could accomplish what few other nations have been able to. But, with all the genius minds in this cabinet, perhaps it is possible. Especially when you consider the talents of the health minister, the chief justice, the power of the courts, and the upstanding nature of the cops.
  4. I think when you have too much money and too much power, you tend to lose touch with reality. Also, being surrounded by yes men likely does not help. Nothing he does or says at this point means anything, to most people. He has lost all credibility.
  5. Why would they be scared of the police? These guys do not inspire awe, nor are they particularly good law enforcement officers. And when they make a threat of enforcing the law, it does tend to invite scepticism.
  6. I think a man can treat woman as a equal, with a great deal of kindness and respect, and still maintain his standards, and be willing to walk away, if at any point that she demonstrates she is not worthy of his devotion. And most importantly, take his time. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
  7. I have been a motorcycle enthusiast since I was 15. Owned a number of super bikes. But, I have never understood the fascination with Harleys. They are uncomfortable to ride, they are unreliable, and they are loud and ugly. I see the beauty of some of the custom choppers. But most Harleys seem like 1.5 million baht glorified lawnmowers. This was one of the bikes I owned for a few years. What a blast to ride up in the back canyons. My friends who owned Harleys never wanted to join me for rides, as they were afraid of their bikes breaking down in the middle of nowhere. And they preferred to park them in front of a cafe, and watch people admire their bike.
  8. Putin is obviously insane, unhinged and desperate. And he does not seem to have any issues with the murdering of women or children. He is a despot maniac and needs to be stopped.
  9. Since when is the media here reliable, uncensored, not biased and even the slightest bit objective?
  10. Thanks. But, the market for mangoes is upside down, right now. That could change. But at this time, the only ones making money on mangoes are the chemical companies, the brokers, the retailers, and others who are not growing them.
  11. OK. They got into a fight. It was the driving away, after the man hit the pavement and is clearly knocked out, or possibly dead, that is the troublesome part of all this.
  12. I could only find a portion of the video, where the French guy knocks the Thai man to the ground. He obviously hits his head on the pavement, which can be deadly. They have been operating on his brain, and he remains in the ICU. This could end up being a case of manslaughter, if this guy does not survive. So, explain to me the circumstances that justify leaving the scene of a crime, or a fight, after your victim has hit his head on the pavement, and appears to be unconscious. This appears to be atrocious behavior, regardless of how it all started.
  13. Charged with lying to the police? Is that a crime here? I have been in similar situations with very aggressive Thai men on Samui. Lived there for nearly a decade. I was always able to defuse the situation with kindness, humility and a deep wai. How sincere was their effort to calm him down? Where is the entire video? Cannot seem to locate a link for it.
  14. It is the only food in the world I can eat nearly every day, without getting sick of. I love Japanese and Italian. I could not even eat it 3 days in a week. Same applies to Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian. Good Thai food is sublime.
  15. If the army is serious, they need to arrest alot of border officials, convict them and lock them up for many, many years. Otherwise, this is just an insincere game of charades. We know who some of the culprits are. So does the army. So, is this real, or is this another empty Prayuth promise?
  16. I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take over. They have to. Someone needs to be the captain! Nothing wrong with taking care of a good woman. I really like doing so. Mine really deserves the care and support she gets. But, she does bring alot to the table. She works, she is smart, funny, sexy, beautiful, quite a bit younger than me (my preference, by a long shot) and very supportive of me. I could not ask for a better woman, and there is no way I could find a gal like her in the West. Never happen. But, we dated for awhile before living together, and we lived together for many years before getting married. Something that many guys do not seem to understand, is that time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most guys. Do not get hung up on them, emotionally. Have some fun. Get to know them. This is not the west. Just because she is sexy, so what? She is just one fish in a huge ocean of possibilities here. Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, they will reveal themselves over time. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. We need to be honest, and let them know we are not interested in an immediate relationship. Something might develop, but if you are in a hurry, I am NOT YOUR GUY. An environment like this allows us to set boundaries, and take our time. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door.
  17. Well, it could be a cover up. Who knows? But, the reality is we are guests in Thailand. And everything must be done to maintain respect. Even if confronted by a Thai, every effort must be made to defuse the situation. Unfortunately, there have always been a disproportionate number of aggressive foreigners, and Thais on Samui. I had to defuse some Thais who wanted to fight a number of times there. Did it with a sober head, humility and apologies for a perceived slight, to an overly sensitive ego, belonging to an emotionally under developed man.
  18. Rubber has barely been profitable for a long time. Durian is a great, long term investment if you are willing to invest in a good irrigation system. Pomelo would be my 2nd choice.
  19. If the Frenchmen did as they were accused, I hope they are severely punished. For some reason, Samui has always attracted a bad element. We don't need the bad PR. Especially those of us who treat the Thais with a great deal of affection and respect. Don't beat up the Thais! Lock up the goons.
  20. Cool concept. Except in the PI, they are so difficult to get to you would need a private helicopter or yacht to get there!
  21. The opposition parties are on the wrong side of history, and are making themselves appear regressive, at a time when they need to appear progressive, to be relevant. Such a disastrous miscalculation. Such blindness. Such feeble leadership. Such pathetic men. They are playing right into the hands of the dinosaurs. Idiots.
  22. 2 years. Minimum. That is the minimum amount of time it takes to really get to know someone. And why bother to open your heart to someone who has not demonstrated their worthiness? I will spend time with her until then, have fun with her, and tell her I really like her. That is as far as it gets.
  23. I lived on Samui for many years. Some of the dodgiest foreigners I have ever encountered, lived and visited there. I was always on the lookout for drunk idiots itching for a fight, and avoided them like I would ebola. There are very few instances where an attack on a Thai are justified. I hope these fools are arrested, convicted and locked up.
  24. I agree they have more power. However, I think they are gutless cowards.
  25. The stilts are used to protect the brick against rain and pooled water. In theory you could build the wall a meter high with more traditional brick to avoid that issue. But that would likely affect the anesthetics of the design. And wood stilts would likely be unstable in the long run. Mortar helps, and there are finishes that can be applied to the outside of the brick. But, you still want to keep them relatively dry.
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