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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. It is a deterrent. Not a foolproof solution. But, neither are the safes. I have never lost a bag in a room. Have had significant amounts of cash locked in a bag and it has never gone missing. And this is mostly about crimes of convenience. Having valuables, gold, your passport, and cash locked up is far better than having it exposed. It is unlikely a visitor to your room is going to attempt to take your luggage with them, when they leave.
  2. Such unrealistic projections. Thailand will be very lucky to get 30 million tourists ten years from now. Everything has changed. They are more likely to get under 10 million a year, for the foreseeable future. For a dozen good reasons.
  3. If he was sincere he would look at the officials first. Who are the dealers? Who do they work with? How do the drugs get smuggled into the country? But, as we know Prayuth is not a man of action. He is Mr. Proclamation. He is best at making grand sermons, then it is swept under the rug and forgotten in two weeks. It is the Prayuth way.
  4. And as we know monopolies mean larceny, lower quality and indifference. Look at True Visions. The quality of the programming is an abomination. The selection of movies is so poor. They likely are unwilling to pay more than 100 baht for a fee to show a movie. Shame on the government for allowing it. And shame on the government for putting the people in this position. They shoulder much of the blame for the economic morass the people find themselves in. An alternative to pre-historic politicians must be found.
  5. Get the <deleted> out of my face, you inconsiderate and insensitive super freak, would have been my answer.
  6. I remember that monstrosity. Someone lost their shirt on that one. How much marketing research do you think went into the project? There is an ample field of dreams mentality here. Build it, and they will come. Nope. I do not think so. And this is the first time I have even heard the term Samuilians. Was that just invented, or is it real? Samuite? Samuipudlians? Samuian? Samugeleno?
  7. Just another goon, who cares not one iota about the well being of the nation or it's people. Hopefully, he will be humiliated with regard to his spectacularly inferior choice of horse to run in the race. Talk about an empty suit!
  8. Just say NO to cockroach and insect rights!
  9. This is really excellent news. Biden doing more good work for the people. The Feds in the US have continued to back insanely dumb and fruitless anti cannabis laws for decades now. Millions of lives have been devastated by this stupid policy. It is time for a federal official to stand up to the DEA, a toxic, creepy, and wasteful organization, that accomplishes very little, yet sucks so much in the way of resources from the treasury. Now, it is time to empty all prisons of anything related to ganga, and lock up, or severely punish some overly zealous DEA officials.
  10. Survival and prosperity depend on the laws of natural selection. It is amazing this incredibly gullible, and indiscriminate family made it this far with their wealth. You just say no. Sue me. Report me to the cops. This should be fun. Go for it. Knock yourself out. See ya! GOOD TRY!
  11. I do not find MSM repulsive. I watch and follow them a little bit, just to keep tabs on what is going on, but do not spend much time on the news these days. I think as long as you follow the MSM and are aware of the liberal (or of the conservative bias, in case of Fox, The National Review, The Federalist, Washington Times, and podcasts like the Blaze, Red state, etc.) slant, and point of view, they can be good sources of information. There are an awful lot of dodgy podcasts out there these days, and many millions who follow them, and believe them. Not much in the way of true investigative journalism anymore. RT actually used to do some. But, it was always Kremlin sponsored, always anti West, and one never knew if it could be trusted, especially considering it's very toxic sponsor. But, it was very entertaining.
  12. While I question a lot of US foreign policy, what would you suggest, regarding Putin and Ukraine? Give him free reign? Support him? Is killing women and children ok?
  13. Anytime tradition is carried out without any questions asked, is not healthy. And the secondary aspect of this tradition of respect, is the inability for the offspring to ever question or challenge their parents, no matter how wrong they are. That is damaging to society.
  14. Reasoning? Who stabs little kids? He was not within 20 km of reason! Rage, anger and dissatisfaction with your life are invalid excuses for causing other people pain. We all have setbacks. Real men deal with them, and move on. Cowards and creeps commit these kind of unforgivable acts of violence.
  15. Driving a bike at excessive speed here is an invitation for trouble. Ask yourself one thing. Is my life already complicated enough, without a serious bike accident? Darwin insisted that some species and some members of those species were more fit for survival than others. It would appear the roads here, and especially motorbike riders, are a perfect example of his theories in action. It takes certain qualities to survive on the roads here. Patience, being very conscious of your surroundings, driving defensively, avoiding excessive speed, especially in town, following basic traffic rules and laws and avoiding being overly stupid, at all times. 99% of the time someone smashes into a parked vehicle, or a train, it is due to a lack of attention, to the very serious, and very dangerous task at hand. Or just sheer stupidity and machismo. Many Thais are extremely casual about driving, and seem to have little understanding of the dangers involved, and the need to be 100% focused, at all times. Especially on a motorbike. The other 1% is due to a blown tire, an animal running across the road, being cut off by a maniac, etc.
  16. I always prefer to keep valuables is a locked luggage in the room. It is inconspicuous, and it is too easy to get into a hotel safe.
  17. They are on the wrong side of history. And the timing could not be worse. At a time when they need to be seen as progressive, to counter the regressive and failed policies of the ruling party, they are doing the opposite. This is very dumb, reactionary, and knee jerk stupidity. They have virtually eliminated themselves from contention. So, who remains, as the anti dinosaur party?
  18. So what? A few people here and there smoking ganga is not a narco state. Isn't that better than the cops holding people up for bribes, like before? Are we being a bit overly dramatic? Or, are you a reefer madness type?
  19. Since Thailand is likely already negotiating major contracts with the dear Russian comrade ambassador for borscht, buckwheat, barley, poultry, cooking oil, dried fish, and sunflower seeds, we will all have plenty to eat here.
  20. Does TV count? How about True Detective season one? Rust Cohle uttered some of the best lines ever. "I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."
  21. They are looking to spend money Thailand does not have, and cannot afford, on a jet the US Air Force itself has labeled a failure. To say the F-35 has failed to deliver on its goals would be an understatement, it's mission capable rate is 69 percent, below the 80 percent benchmark set by the military. Just 36 percent of the F-35 fleet is available for dispatch, well below the required 50 percent standard. Problems include faster-than-expected engine wear, transparency delamination of the cockpit, and unspecified issues with the F-35’s power module. Former Air Force pilots have not been kind in their recent evaluations of the aircraft’s performance and capabilities. https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/320295-the-us-air-force-quietly-admits-the-f-35-is-a-failure#:~:text=The Air Force has announced,of staff General Charles Q.
  22. Can they please ask him if Putin has seen a psychiatrist lately? Or did he just stop taking his anti-psychotic meds?
  23. Love is still here, thankfully. You just have to be fortunate enough to find it. Satire? Society seems to take itself far too seriously these days. And PC has exacerbated that, along with the extreme toxicity of social media, by weakening society and making victims into heroes. Tik tok, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram were the worst things to happen to society in the last 20 years.
  24. Very true. And by now the vast majority of Prayuth's rhetoric about cleaning up the country, has been proven to be as credible as Trump's promise to drain the swamp. He never made the slightest effort. The army is as filthy, corrupt and morally bankrupt as any group who came before it. Maybe more so. Not only are they not of much benefit to the nation, they drain valuable resources. And for what? What does the nation get in return?
  25. And they will never be answered. Looking within for the source of the problem, and taking responsibility for one's actions, or lack of action is simply not something many here are capable of. Least of all the leadership. They are masters of blame, obfuscation, misdirection, fake news, and lies.
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