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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. The most we can hope for is his dismissal, and a suspended sentence. Even a dismissal goes against policy, which is to protect the police, at all costs. However, when there is enough egg on the face here, sometimes they do something.
  2. Kudos to Wasan for telling it like it is. Hua Hin is NOT an international destination. It is a nice town. But, not someplace people would come for a primary stay. And there is no way to do any sort of contained program in a city like that. As usual, the authorities are living on Mars, are being silly and impractical, and are showing their level of desperation, now that Cha Cha, Phiphat, and Anutin have sabotaged the tourism industry, to the point where it will likely never return to anything approaching what it was before.
  3. Notice how they are always blaming us? It is never about them, and their lack of policy, their failed vaccination drive, their toxic favoritism with regard to the shutdowns. Am I the only one who is tired of them always pointing the finger at us? So, let us turn it around on them. 1. How can you demonstrate to us, that you are up for the task of leadership? What have you done for us lately? 2. What are you doing to prove that you can and will protect us? 3. Instead of contact tracing us, how about we trace you, and make sure you are doing your job? How about you report to us daily, and let us know how you are handling and containing this epidemic that happened on your watch? Stop talking, and start working, and doing your jobs. 4. Why did you not prevent this? How did you allow these corrupt officials to let infected people in? Why did you not post 100,000 soldiers on the Burmese border, when infections were spiking there, and low here? What else are these guys doing? I thought they were supposed to serve and protect the nation. What are they doing, on a daily basis? And how are they justified, if they cannot protect us? 5. Why are you not making the vaccines more of a priority? Why isn't the army sacrificing some of its huge budget for the people? 6. What are you planning on offering the people in the way of assistance, so they can survive this disaster you helped create? 7. Can you demonstrate to us why you think Anutin, who has no background whatsoever in the filed of health, is up for the task of tackling this emergency? 8. And why are you shutting down so many businesses, yet you allowed ground zero to remain open to people coming and going since this latest outbreak happened, only closing the province down yesterday? Why such bad decisions, and such extreme incompetence? How do you justify that? How do you explain that? Thousands of cases emanated from Samut province. You knew that would happen. 9. How about a compulsory level of competence and experience, for all future administration appointments to key positions? 10. Why have you been so hard on foreigners, making it so incredibly difficult to fly in, yet so lax on the borders? 11. Why should we allow you to remain in power? What have you done lately to deserve that power? 12. Are you deliberately destroying the tourism industry, in order to rebuild it, without it's nightlife? A purer image, more akin to your fake Quaker image? 13. Why is nobody in a position of power being arrested? Why aren't heads rolling?
  4. Samui Storage and Moving Solutions. They are excellent. Run by a British chap if I remember correctly. The number I have is 083-3928049, and the last email I had for them is [email protected]. Very solid, dependable, and honest.
  5. And putting a construction guy in charge of the health department may have made sense at the time, due to his political clout. But, the moment Covid came along, it was a national emergency, especially with a nation so dependent on tourism. So, wisdom should have prevailed enough for him to be replaced with someone experienced and competent, immediately at that point. Not doing so, tells you everything you need to know about Cha Cha, and his heinous, toxic, no nothing administration.
  6. There is no money in parks. And parks require a governmental body that is actually concerned with quality of life for the masses, and conscious enough to plan for that. Never been the case with Cha Cha, nor any of the local leaders in Bangkok.
  7. Well, among US leaders Clinton was likely the smartest in the past few decades. Obama was likely second. And even Clinton did not have the good sense to get out of his own way. With regard to Bush Jr., Trump and Biden? Dim and dimmer.
  8. It is about time they put the most underutilized airport in the nation, and likely the world, to work. We know why it was not used much before, and that no longer applies. So, what gives? It is an ideal location for regional flights. Use it. Man up. Do some real work. Make things happen. We need some adults in the room.
  9. The PM? What country do you think this is? The PM was installed to protect the police, not prosecute them. He has never made any effort to pursue an agenda to get rid of corruption here. He talked about doing so. That was a snow job, to fool the most naive. But, that is who he is, and how he rolls. All talk, no action Cha Cha.
  10. This is to be expected, and should come as no surprise. Police work is a pyramid scheme, with each franchisee helping to enrich the next level up. So, if there is any surprise at all, it is that he is not worth more. It is likely he has tens of millions of dollars stashed overseas. Same applies to the cabinet, and especially the PM. Likely most of the generals too. It could not be any other way. Thailand is built upon a foundation of corruption and patronage.
  11. The only battle this man has ever engaged in, in his sorry life, is the war against personal poverty. He has totally embraced corruption in any and all forms. Personal enrichment at any cost, could be his personal motto.
  12. Great cities, great nations, and important cultures are built on the basis of the arts, support for the arts, music, dance, theatre, nightlife, and other forms of culture. Not shopping. More malls are the last thing in the world Thailand or Bangkok needs. Plenty already. If wisdom prevailed, they would institute a mall moratorium. Enough already. Did I just say wisdom? What on earth was I thinking?
  13. It is likely, that anytime Prayuth meets with a foreign leader, he is outclassed by 70 IQ points. Which leaves him utterly lost.
  14. China is struggling under a massive amount of internal debt. Little known to the outside world. Last week, the firm, with projects underway in 22 cities, warned that it may default on debt repayments if its efforts to refinance and sell assets fall short, an announcement that rattled global debt markets. Contractors are lining up for payment, and creditors are fleeing, willing to accept less than 30 cents in the dollar from anyone game enough to buy Evergrande debt, meanwhile, tens of thousands of hopeful apartment owners are fretting that a collapse may see their deposits evaporate. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/china-property-bubble-may-be-about-to-burst-hurting-australia/100435868?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web
  15. True that. But, it takes a certain degree of humility and wisdom to surround yourself with experts, who are highly qualified. And it defies the long held traditions of cronyism here. But, you are right. It would be a very effective way of making a horrible leader look mildly competent.
  16. What do you think I am, a broken record? Hah!
  17. Nope. And happy to say my Thai wife is equally adventurous, and nearly fearless.
  18. Well, that is rather black and white. There are a number of governments around the world, who hire ministers based on talent and experience. And some have very highly qualified people, with deep backgrounds, and impressive educations. Some really stand out, like Denmark, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland. Not the case here. Not at all. Pure cronyism, and appointments are rarely based on merit. That does set Thailand apart, and puts it within the ranks of Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Burundi, Burkina Faso, South Sudan, Iraq, Azerbaijan, El Salvador, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Guatemala, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Myanmar, and Turkmenistan. Great company indeed.
  19. Oh, where is the adventure in that? For most of us, the chances of catching Covid are minimal. And travel is fun. I refuse to live in a state of perpetual fear.
  20. You mean the guy who knows absolutely nothing about health care, or how to create an effective vaccination program?
  21. The major difference in the US, is not necessarily judicial corruption, as much as it is the ability to afford a legal team, that can cast doubt on the degree of guilt. That can certainly be looked upon as a form of corruption, and the need to reform the system. But, at least in the US there is a chance of the guilty party being arrested. Maybe. But not with regard to mafia bankers like Jamie Dimon, and his ilk. They are above any and all laws. Too big to fail, remember?
  22. “Why aren’t those MPs supporting me? What did I do wrong? I am working so hard,” the PM reportedly wrote in a text message. Huh? Is this overly rich, self entitled, Ivory tower fool really this out of touch? Is that possible? Talk about unrepentant. He or his policies, (or his lack of policies) have sabotaged tourism, decimated the economy, dramatically increased homelessness, put millions out of work, taken away press freedoms, taken away the right to protest under draconian Covid laws, dramatically increased suicide rates, failed miserably with the vaccinations, set the nation back a decade or two, shrunk the economy, collapsed the real estate market, shuttered countless small businesses and taken away the happiness of the people. He will blame it all on Covid. And part of this is due to Covid. But, much pain could have been avoided had he acted like a leader. And he does not know why he is the most despised man in Thailand? Really?
  23. All credibility is lost. Nothing these goons say can be trusted. Their word is NOT their bond. Zero cred. You break enough promises, and nobody listens to you anymore. So, stop talking, and start acting. That is what adults do.
  24. None. The only domestic restrictions seem to be on the islands. The nation is wide open. Even at the peak, no effort was made to stop infected super spreaders in Bangkok, from traveling anywhere they wanted. Another massive failure of Prayuth and Anutin.
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