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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. 93 deaths since the start of the year. Directly, or indirectly from covid? And how many from the flu? And traffic accidents? How about from the extremely low air quality? This is a non story. Covid is endemic, and has been for a long time. No longer news. Sorry to disappoint, but this is not the Zombie Apocalypse.
  2. The Commerce Ministry revealed that up to 75 local steel companies ceased operations last year, and the association fears that this figure may increase in the current year. https://thethaiger.com/news/business/thailands-steel-industry-threatened-by-surge-in-chinese-imports
  3. It is hard to even fathom the level of insecurity, and lack of self esteem, worthiness, and sensibility this man and his department must be feeling to go this far, and humiliate themselves to this extent. Or, don't they even see it? Could they be that blind and ignorant?
  4. I guess they decided that an incompetent PM who was also finance minister, while the economy was sputtering, was a bit of a mistake. Will this goon be able to implement any policy that will kickstart things? The Chinese are dumping massive amounts of steel onto the Thai market, and 67 Thai steel manufacturers have closed shop in the past year alone. The economy is still reeling from 9 sorry years of the Prayuth Decimation. Tourism numbers are up, but the quality of tourists is way, way down. People are spending alot less. What else can go wrong?
  5. Putinism is the new Stalinism. The big difference being the tens of millions Stalin had slaughtered. Both are psychopaths. Putin, a bit less so. He seems to get more fun out of the billions he earns, than from genocide of his own people.
  6. Sawasdee, like alot of overly sensitive numskulls these days, does not seem to understand that it is comedy. It is a parody. It is supposed to offend. And you must admit, there is an awful lot one can make fun of, with current government policy! Lodging a complaint with the police over a comedy routine. It does not get more surly and inane than that. Who are these people?
  7. It's as if you were speaking about Trump himself, you literally could not have been closer to the mark if you're speaking of hatred and Trump in the same sentence. That is just to the man is, that's who he's always been. My guess is that he was just a foul, discontent child, and he's been that way ever since. As a matter of fact he's still a foul discontent child, what am I saying?
  8. DeNiro is a giant. A true American hero. He speaks the kind of truth others are afraid to utter, for fear of prosecution and persecution from a petty, very angry, and very bitter man, if the tragic outcome happens, and he is re-elected. Celebrities of his stature have a pulpit, people worship them these days, and he is simply using that platform to speak his mind. Thankfully, that is still legal and permitted. Kudos to him for his courage and conviction. I agree with nearly everything he has to say about Sleepy Don.
  9. Congratulations to the armed resistance. A job well done. Keep it up. For all humanity.
  10. That is what he does and who he is. He respects nothing and nobody. Except himself. Maybe. All that self congratulatory blather may simply be a cover-up for alot of self loathing. It would make sense. But, who am I trying to apply reason to this very strange man?
  11. That is such an ignorant statement. You have obviously had some very bad fortune in this life. Many of us have Thai women who are exceptional, with big hearts and alot of kindness and integrity.
  12. As if a guy who is with a older gal does not pay. Alot of delusion on this topic. We all pay, one way or another.
  13. One could make an argument that anybody who is in a position to find a good woman, who is 10, 20, or 25 years younger than himself would go for it gladly, and joyously. And that the poor guys who are stuck with a woman their own age are the ones that are having to endure a far more difficult life, with infinitely less inspiration. It's all just a point of view, and very subjective. I prefer much younger. Had women my age back in the US. Did not like it, nor do I find older women appealing or attractive. I love like a centi millionaire here. Nearly all of my friends are envious.
  14. Because he is. There was one thing that was certain when he was president. When he as in a room with world leaders, there is no doubt he was in possession of the smallest intellect, and was the least prepared for the meeting. Add to that the fact that the man cannot negotiate his way out of a paper bag, and you have one of the world's most dangerous men, asking for a second term. Yikes.
  15. Such nonsense. Not deserving of a thoughtful reply. Keep drinking the kool-aid and listening to right wing podcasts.
  16. Fortunately these thieving, serial killing maniacs seem to be losing their toxic grip on the nation. A pox on them and their families. May the youth, the resistance and the good people of Burma prevail against the monstrous generals. Nothing short of execution, or at a minimum, a life of exile, would be fitting for them.
  17. Please your honor. Lock the huge creep up. The world would celebrate and be overjoyed that he finally got some time in the slammer. He has been working his whole career toward this end. He richly deserves it.
  18. I've always said that some people are qualified to be parents and others are not. This tiny minded creep is obviously unfit and it is likely there is nothing her kids have ever done to deserve this kind of behavior. In my opinion she shouldn't be locked up, she should be executed. If not by the authorities, then by the community. Busted. You had your chance to be a decent human being, and you failed miserably. You self revoked the right to consume oxygen. See ya.
  19. I agree but it could be said that we get what we deserve, when America has been dumbed down for 20 years by reality TV, social media and podcasts, this is what we get. Two really terrible choice, and the inability or unwillingness for a serious and noble contenders to step up and try for the office. Those days are over. Only dregs from here on out.
  20. No mention of the root cause of all of this. No mention of the worldwide anger against Israel, for the extreme and disproportionate response to the Hamas attack. It is as if there is never any possibility of blowback.
  21. Good idea, there are many solutions. Sloth should not be tolerated. I hope the people rise up and say enough! The current order is a dismal failure. Has been for a long time.
  22. He has become a fan of Sukhothai architecture, and no doubt he's sending the money to one of the foundations that's helping to restore a temple. Regardless his trips are a healthy thing, and they're likely making up for something that he's not getting at home. LOL.
  23. 18 to be on the safe side, anything under that and you're just looking for problems. If you're an American citizen and you are found with someone 16 or under by the police, you can and will be tried for statutory rape in the US. An assistant district attorney will fly here on an overnight flight, put you in handcuffs, take you back to Washington, try you on a federal case and they will get an conviction unless you have 5 million dollars to spend on legal fees. In which case you might be able to get the sentence reduced, if not you're going to be spending 10 years in a federal pen. So think about that the next time you don't check the ID of a very very young looking gal. It is not a joke. And then the next question is why the need for underage when 18 to 25 is as hot as most men are going to need?
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