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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Believe me, I have thought about it. Big joke has perpetrated a brilliant job of deluding some folks into believing he is a crime fighter and that he is free of corruption. Quite the opposite is most likely the truth. And anyone who does not remember his xenophobic ranting as director of immigration, has memory issues. He was fired for his incessant, non stop, virulent nonsense. This man is toxic, and likely guilty as the day is long. The real problem here, is the willingness to buy into his hypocritical white knight sales pitch.
  2. I tend to agree. As a white American, I think the white race is not only highly over rated, but also the source of so many of America's problems. Easy to blame immigrants and people of color. It is mostly deflection, based on ignorance. There are an awful lot of white people who are low class trash, thieves, gangsters, rapists and social retards. Just think of the entirety of Russia.
  3. It is not only cars, it is also retail shops which are being ransacked. Retailers in California and in cities elsewhere around the U.S., including Chicago and Minneapolis, have recently been targeted by large-scale thefts when groups of people show up in groups for mass shoplifting events or to enter stores and smash and grab from display cases. Several dozen people participated in a brazen smash-and-grab flash mob at a Nordstrom store in the Westfield Topanga Shopping Center last month. Authorities said they used bear spray on a security guard, the Los Angeles Times reported, and the store suffered losses between $60,000 and $100,000. https://apnews.com/article/california-smash-grab-robberies-grants-police-0172b4e64ed9d748a6fced4316f4121d The Reyes and Cardona families both said they were repeatedly told by desk clerks, waiters and rental car agents not to leave anything in their cars because property crimes in San Francisco are a major problem. Both families stopped at Alamo Square for just five minutes to snap some photos at the iconic spot, but that's all the time it took to become the city's latest car break-in victims. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco/car-break-ins-san-francisco-alamo-square/3265746/
  4. You need evidence of his constant ranting while the director of immigration? Were you living here at that time? Were you hiding under a rock? As deputy director of the RTP, he is guilty until proven innocent. That is just how the organization is formed.
  5. The practice of face may be the single greatest weakness of Thai culture. It prevents growth, emotional development, and is the polar opposite of Buddhism, on multiple levels. It is a scourge.
  6. If used often, all AC units need to be taken apart and throughly cleaned by a pro, at least once every 6 months. In addition, the filters need to be cleaned at least once every two weeks.
  7. You are really obsessed with this. Might I suggest getting a hobby?
  8. He is very old, semi-senile, and likely in very poor health, due to his obesity and diet of hamburgers. Not real candidate material. Though the same could be said about Biden. Woe is America. Let us hope he is found guilty. He deserves that fate.
  9. This is an arrogant fool, who was booted out of immigration, due to his constant ranting about the evil nature of foreigners. He had no business being appointed to a high position within the RTP. Maybe a janitor, or a street cop. Maybe. His reputation as a crime fighter is hogwash, and just great PR on his part. He is guilty by association. Anyone in that position has to be corrupt. The RTP is the greatest pyramid scheme in Thailand. Where is he hiding the billions of baht?
  10. The Army has absolutely no business being involved in government, so you have two administrations in a row that are influenced by, or controlled by the army and that's 10 1/2 years of extremely toxic and incompetent, lazy, sluggish, unimaginative, and regressive leadership. What does that result in? The worst air Thailand seen in a decade and zero reform. We are moving backwards.
  11. The answer is likely yes, and it is very likely that Thailand has never really done much to solve the issue of human trafficking and slavery. They make it appear as if they're doing just enough to stay off the most wanted list, but in reality are they really taking any realistic and productive action? I don't think so. If you have any doubts about this watch the movie Ghost Fleet, it's a pretty fantastic documentary that talks about slavery aboard Thai boats and is produced by a very brave and courageous Thai activist named Patima Tungpuchayakul. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/07/15/741138111/this-fearless-woman-is-fighting-to-keep-slavery-out-of-your-seafood
  12. It's a good thing anytime an authority tells Trump to shut his trap. All he does is yak, yak, yak, and it gets quite tiresome. This is a man who is all words and no action, he is the very definition of an empty suit.
  13. The traffic going into Bangkok is always heavy, these days the only time I drive into Bangkok is after 10:00 p.m. or before 5:00 a.m. Otherwise it's nothing but pain and suffering.
  14. I think the bottom line is that as many qualities as Chiang Mai may have, it's become unlivable. With the air quality being as bad as it is for so many months of the year, is it worth it? I don't think so, I think it's a no-go zone, at this point in time. Time to re-locate.
  15. Spot on. If you have some game, if you have a great sense of humor, and are able to make them laugh and feel relaxed, if you are decent looking, and dress well, and are well groomed, it can be quite easy here. Generally, Thai woman are very comfortable with their femininity, with flirting, and open to talking with someone who approaches them, very unlike women in the West, these days. Of course, it also depends on who you pursue. If you are going after wealthy women, who are wearing $3,500 outfits, you will likely get turned down. If you are in your 30's, Thailand is your oyster. But, for single men who are older, there are hundreds of thousands of good looking, younger Thai women who are open to being with a foreigner, as long as he is financially stable. 98% of women want that stability. You simply need to be very assertive, have some game, hopefully have a minimal amount of bling, and a great sense of humor. If you can get them to laugh within a few moments of striking up a conversation with them, you are on your way. Gals who work in hotels, restaurants, retail stores, etc. Stay away from the beach areas, and you will be fine, finding a real civilian. Step up to the plate often, and just approach as many strangers are you can. Make a sport of it.
  16. It seems to be so common that they attempt to upgrade a website and it ends up being worse than it was prior to the upgrade. What is that all about? Is that about the refusal to spend more than $50 to hire an expert? Is that about a level of ignorance about how website technology works? What is that all about? I see that so often.
  17. No. But when it comes to mass shootings it happens to people of all ages. The rise in gun deaths among children and teens is part of a broader recent increase in firearm deaths among Americans overall. In 2021, there were 48,830 gun deaths among Americans of all ages – by far the highest yearly total on record and up 23% from the 39,707 recorded in 2019, before the pandemic. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/
  18. I do agree about being polite. But that doesn't mean that we're not allowed to question things. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some lame guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place? Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. I love my life here. I have a very good life here. But, I do have some complaints, and there are some things I would love to see improved. I should leave because of that?
  19. This is true, the granting of the monopoly to Bangkok Air for the airport was a terrible mistake and likely a sign of massive corruption. When I used to live there for many years, I always felt very landlocked and I often felt like I was getting overcharged for the smallest things. And when I would ask them why they would say we're so far from the mainland. Ha. When in reality it was a 20 km. ferry trip. Nearly everything was overpriced and now I hear the rents have gone sky high. I do miss the weather and I do miss the beauty of the island when you get up into the mountains and down to some of the beaches, but that's about all I miss.
  20. I think sometimes when the law fails, or if in this particular case a local terrorist is above the law, perhaps the people need to take action into their own hands.
  21. Are you attempting to claim that America is not the capital of mass murders? Are you attempting to claim that the people killed in mass murders are not innocent? What exactly are you trying to say, other than a lame attempt to defend an extremely violent country where shootings are very commonplace.
  22. I could not possibly agree with you more. I feel very safe here, and in all the time that I've lived here I've never had an issue related to violence or security, never had my house broken into, never had a vehicle stolen, or broken into, and never had a violent encounter with the local. Unlike in America where I recently had my car broken into, and I've had multiple threatening situations over the years. A friend of mine lives in Berkeley and he told me that snatch and grab is becoming an epidemic, and he sees broken windows on cars nearly every morning. Thailand is very safe for the average expat or tourist, and I'm very thankful for that. I too love it here and I wake up every morning feeling very happy that I'm here. I do have some minor issues with the place, but they're fairly easy to overlook. For me, the quality of life here is very high.
  23. Well it is all relative, but you found them to taste watery compared to Chang, Singha and Tiger? I consider those beers to be horrendous.
  24. The recent events are worthy of a mass funeral. Thailand might have been the tiger of SE Asia a decade or so ago, having been the 22nd largest economy in the world, but those days are long gone. So, I would say it would be safe to refer to Thailand as an up and coming country, post Covid. I would not be surprised to see Thailand in 75th place in terms of GDP, 20 years from now. There is absolutely no doubt the nation is moving backwards, on at least a dozen levels. And unless a dynamic leader like Thanathorn or Pita is allowed to lead, the great tiger will continue to devolve into a whiny little street cat. Go ahead and stick with regressive, conservative policies, resist change and progress at all costs, and run your nation into the ground. Thailand mourns. For now, its future has been stolen once again by the army thieves and goons. The army is no doubt the enemy of the people, and so is the new stooge PM. The recent election shows that the people are both sick of being led by highly ignorant dinosaurs, with no interest in progress, and are interested in smart, young folks, who are serious, accomplished, capable of change, and interested in insuring that Thailand has a good future. Pita is exactly what this nation needs, at this point in time. However, he was too progressive, and the goons had to stop him, in the name of regression.
  25. My guess is that part of the filthy deal that the toxic army made with the morally bankrupt PT, to be able to join the current coalition, was that both Thaksin and Yingluck would be able to return, completely free of the prospect of arrest or jail. So, it's probably just a matter of time before she returns.
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