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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. The country's head of defence forces Thanasak Patimaprakorn is obviously an intelligent, and level headed man. We should all be grateful he is leading the military at this time. Suthep has once again grievously miscalculated. He is out of touch. He is completely lost in the wilderness. He is grasping for straws. Whether or not you feel change was required, all of the ways he has suggested change take place are irrational, silly, and misguided. It is as if Mussolini himself is giving this silly man advice from the grave.

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  2. Is it a criminal offence to beg in Thailand?

    Probably not. But there is a way to do it kindly, with manners, and there is a way to do it in an obnoxious fashion. Nobody likes an obnoxious or aggressive beggar. This guy got clocked, and the guy who clocked him should be praised. I got approached by a gal recently who claimed she was collecting donations for her school. She was so delightful and so pleasant, I gave her 100 baht regardless of whether or not I felt she was legitimate. The rude ones I ignore.

  3. I and many millions of others here in LOS realize Suthep is talking absolute nonsense. He is behaving like a wanna be marxist leader. What on earth is a peoples council? Sounds like an invention of Karl Marx, or Joseph Stalin. Backwards the direction that Thailand is traveling in, according to this man. Since he knows he cannot win an election, he is grasping for straws. And is appears many of his "followers" are deserting him. He must step down, not the elected leader of this land. Democracy must be respected. It is not about whether or not you like the leader. It is about democracy.

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    I think it can be said that this company simply does not know how to run an airline. Period. All they have to do is three things.

    1. improve the service

    2. upgrade the cabins

    3. lower prices to the point where they are competitive with other airlines.

    That is the entire business plan needed to bring the airline back to competitiveness. Every time I have checked the airline for a fare, I have ended up booking with either EVA Air, Bangkok Air, Air Asia, Nok, or another airline. But, it has been years since I have flown with them. And the last time I did fly with them, it took 45 minutes to get our bags after we arrived. They are poorly run. Many of their jets are tired. Service can be surly at times. The food is not above average for an airline. And the prices are wildly out of sync with the real world. How do you develop a successful airline with that formula? The airline long ago fell out of the top ten. Doesn't management acknowledge that? Don't they understand there are reasons for that?

    And their chance for salvation appears to be going nowhere, as MW, and other posters say Thai Smile is overpriced. Will they ever get it? What is so magical about this airline that they feel they can get away with a lack of competitive pricing? Some of us would refer to this as hubris. Others would call it silly pride.

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  5. Energy consumption per capita in the USA is more than 4 times that in Thailand.

    Now, what were you saying about Thai wastefulness...?

    Well, I believe that he might have been referring to the lack of recycling, the use of plastic, the littering that takes place, the refusal of Thai people to use doggy bags to take left over food home from restaurants, our of fear of being embarrassed in front of their guests, etc, etc. Not just the level of consumption.

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  6. In the US, it required a major, nationwide no littering campaign, to get people with college degrees from throwing soda cans, cigarette packs, and any other waste they had out of the windows of their cars onto the highways, and hillsides. Only after this campaign created a social stigma, for displaying this tremendous degree of ignorance, did things begin the change. And then this was followed up by the states imposing massive fines for littering. In California the fine currently stands at $1,000 (31,800 baht!). It did not happen on it's own. It was imposed by people with intelligence, vision, and will, who saw the future, and desired to change it. Do we have anyone in the LOS that fits these credentials? Have we ever had leaders like this? Will we ever see these sorts of people in charge? Can you imagine the Yingbat proposing a plan like this, in your wildest imagination? I think Thailand being a third world country is the best explanation for this utter lack of awareness. I bring my own shopping bags everywhere I go. Keep them under the seat on my scooter, and carry them into stores. It takes an act of will to get them to use my bags. They are usually surprised. A percentage of them acknowledge that it is a good idea. But, do you think that could possibly translate into them doing the same thing? I would hope so. But, I am not optimistic about that. I usually say to them I am trying to save Thailand from the plastic madness. They give me a blank look. "But, plastic is the best thing since som tam with blue crab! Why don't you like plastic?"

    Same goes for the beaches. How do you leave trash on a beautiful beach knowing it will end up in the sea? It will take some time, for the local people to develop an awareness. When I am traveling up in Issan, I notice tons of trash by the side of the road. And this is in some very scenic areas. As fas as the eye can see, there is trash everywhere. One would think there might be some pride in the way your local area looks, right? That does not appear to be the case. When I ask, they say there is no trash pickup. So, how do you clean up a society that has no trash pickup, in the rural areas? Where are the priorities of the local government? Obviously not on trash, the ensuing disaster that results from no trash pickup, nor on the beautification of their areas. I am guessing it will take another 10, 20, 30, or 50 years before the Thais become environmentally aware, sensitive, and conscious. Will that be too late? Hope not.

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  7. Meanwhile Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana said, "We understand that the protest leaders are trying hard to force the government to use violence in order to increase their support fortheir own benefit.

    Absolutely! It's a tactic straight out of the UDD copy book.

    And fortunately the current governemment is showing more restraint. So far.

    I agree absolutely. Protests are one thing, but when they start attempting to take over government ministries, the police have every right to take their lives. That is stepping over the line, and in most countries you would be stopped cold. So, they are making their choices. I cannot fault the police or the military for trying to stop the protestors, who declare themselves hooligans, when they try to take over these offices. You have to draw the line somewhere, and I am glad the govt. is not allowing themselves to be trampled. Just my opinion.

  8. A courageous and timely contribution to a debate in which the whole world - not just Thailand -

    to get actively involved.

    Roosevelt would surely not believe what has become of his beloved country: millions homeless, jobless and living on food stamps, a puppet government controlled by private bankers and a military industrial complex so bloated that waging war has become an ongoing necessity rather than a last resort.

    The New Deal gave US working people two decades of rising wages and living standards - followed by forty years of flat-

    lining while the Rockerfellers the rest of the capitalist elite sucked an ever larger share from the economy.

    The myth of the American dream was brutally exposed with collapse of the real estate bubble in 2007 - a classic example of market manipulation by the banking mafia with the connivance of their political foot soldiers in Washington.

    Right now, with wage levels, working conditions and trade unions all in retreat and human rights and personal liberty under attack as never before, not just American but the entire West is moving dangerously ever closer to fulfilling the elite's dream of a new world order.

    Imagine it: one over-weaning authority, answerable to no-one else, controlling all our lives and one army ready to enforce its wishes on a global scale.

    In Roosevelt's time, this was little more than a pipe dream among the Rockerfellers, the Rothschilds and the rest of the banking cabal. His decision to take the US into the war created the conditions for the dream to become a reality.

    Victory turned the US into the most powerful economic force in the world and created the military/industrial complex to impose whatever it saw as right with unstoppable might.

    Eisenhower warned of the dangers in his retirement speech. But his words were largely ignored. Today, the US "defence" budget is larger than that for all other developed nations put together and plans for a global government are no longer a closely guarded secret - successive US Presidents, from George Bush Senior and Ronald Reagan to George Bush Junior,

    have come out of the closet to do the cheer leading.

    It is 2013, but it is starting to feel uncomfortably like 1984. Not only George Orwell, but Franklin D. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

    Wonderful commentary. I could not agree more. And the vast majority of my American friends, and I myself as an American, feel the same way. The US is a pale shadow of it's former self. So many of the wonderful qualities that the country emulated, and stood for are gone, replaced by greed run amok. There are simply no leaders left that represent what the country once was. At least Clinton had some principal, and stood for something. The current and last administration stand for little. They most definitely do not stand for the middle or lower classes. Blundering Barry represents the rich, and only pays lip service to the poor. I believe he despises the poor, much like Tiny George II did. So, who represents the average American anymore? Certainly no members of the house and senate, who are nearly all bought and paid for street whores. Warren may come to closest to an American politician with principals, ethics, and ideals. The days of Bill Richardson, Bill Bradley, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and the likes are past. The glory of the empire is fading, and I am not sure how it can be revived. Certainly not with the current lack of leadership, and lack of principals he brings to the office.

    It feels much the same here in the LOS. Yingbat does not seem to stand for anything except the status quo. She is not offering any effective populist policy like her brother did. The rice scheme and rubber schemes are a fiasco. Her administration appears to be a fiasco. The fiasco continues with the current protests, and her extraordinary lack of leadership, and seeming inability to handle this adult dilemma, while acting like a teenage girl, who displays on a daily basis, how in over her head she really is, and how little talent she surrounds herself with. In that way she is a carbon copy of Blundering Barry. He appears afraid to surround himself with talent, out of fear he will not be the smartest guy in the room.

  9. With the situation deteriorating, authorities announced more than 2,700 troops would be mobilised to reinforce security in Bangkok, the first time a significant number of soldiers have been deployed to cope with the unrest.

    Justifying the government's use of military force against its people is the government's job, not the media's.

    "We have information that there will be efforts to escalate violence in several areas," said National Police spokesman Piya Utayo.

    Yes, the Jatuporn is ordering his troops to commit murder and other violence - but if you just say it like this it makes it look like the anti-government protestors are the one's ordering violence.

    Wow. Do we have some intelligent, objective analysis here? Refreshing. I am always hesitant to believe the party line told in the news here. And I thought the news was censored back in the US. Very difficult to get the real news here. So, good to see some insight, as we all wonder what is really going on here. You very well might be right about the red shirt squad.

  10. The PTP is panicking this protest is interfering with the flow of money by scaring off foreign investors which is affecting the sale of government bonds. They are loosing the publicity battle and loosing face internationally. Time for a propaganda offensive to draw international sympathy and misdirect the Thai people. But its too late "The die has been cast", their unconstitutional and immoral amnesty bill, their corrupt rice scam and their self centered constitutional changes have let the genie of public discontent, out the bottle, no amount of spin, misdirection and outright lies will put it back in again.

    Heads must roll.

    You make some good points. The level of incompetence that Yingbat is demonstrating is historic. She is an absolute neophyte, attempting to handle serious issues. She is out of her element. And the level of cronyism is being demonstrated by just how little talent she has in her administration. Reminds me of Blundering Barry, back there in D.C. If she had been wise, who would have appointed truly talented men and women to the various posts, and when a crisis like this happens, there are smart, wise, charismatic people to get on the job, and find solutions. Of course, has she had anyone who fit that description they would have advised against the amnesty bill, which demonstrated tremendous lack of wisdom. She seems like a 13 year old trying to deal with adult issues. Is there a leader in the house? Anyone capable of creative, wise solutions? A war room? Has she completely departed from her faculties? When will she stop listening to the "turd in Dubai"? Will she develop some wisdom, at some point? Is it too late for that? What is the solution here? Even if she resigns, do the democrats have anyone better?

  11. This is not a good sign. The Thai army does not exactly have a record of showing great restraint. I am not sure if they should be pushing them this hard. What is to be gained? Are they looking for anarchy? What is the goal in this? Is this just a lot of goons that are out of control? During the red shirt fiasco three years ago the red shirt leaders completely lost control of their supporters. Will this happen again? Is this happening again? I do not interpret this as a good sign of things to come. Hope I am wrong.

  12. I have met them many times in the Thai hotels/resorts. They walk next to eachother and will never give way for anybody else. They take all the beachbeds at 6 am and start drinking there right after breakfast, yelling, rude behaviour, being very wild and drunk at 1pm before they go take a nap. At the breakfast buffet a fat russian bloke grabbed the whole pile of plates while my arm allready was reached out to take a plate. He waited for his group of friends who came a few minutes later and gave them all a plate. They piled them plates up, ate only half of it and went for a new pile. Leftovers disappeared in their bags for lunch.

    They barely speak english, don't care at all for other tourists, are agressive and only drink/eat all day.

    I know there are other nationality's which also can be rude but the russians are the worst for me.

    Just my own experience and opinion. From now on i only want to go in a hotel where there are no russians

    I second that vote. Worst on the planet, by a longshot. Even the Chinese make an effort to be somewhat pleasant. Not even a consideration for the average Russkie.

  13. This is an absolute demonstration of character and courage. Speak your minds! Show us what you really feel! Many of us felt the amnesty bill was a heinous whitewash, and was the wrong bill, at the wrong time. Obviously Yingbat did not see this coming. This is democracy at work. I wish my people in the US were capable of something like this. I am not sure they have it in them anymore. Seeing the Thai people standing up to power, and making it known that the PM completely dropped the ball, is a good thing for the nation. Lets hope it does not turn violent. Lets hope something is resolved. I would like to see her resign. I think a lot of people are beginning to realize the staggering degree of incompetence she brings to the table, and just how fabulously untalented her entire cabinet is. I am watching this adventure with utter fascination.

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  14. This is a very, very positive trend. The sentiment will spread from the capital to the provinces. Open mindedness is what allows a country to grow, progress, and become a better place. Open mindedness would benefit the Thai people a lot, as they already have so many good qualities, they can build on. In my opinion their hearts are pretty damn kind, so with this attitude, who knows where they can go from here? Very good news.

  15. Imagine Thailand arresting someone as prominent as this goombah was? Does anyone think that could ever happen? If so, would there be any possibility of a conviction, or would he be fined 500 baht? Justice is a nice thing.

    Thailand did something similar, a few years ago. The scoundrel slipped out of the country. Thailand has suffered since as he continues to do all he can to cause troubles.

    Was he actually charged while in the country? If so, he should have been held without the possibility of bail. Thailand was nuts and irresponsible to ever allow him to depart the country while charges were pending. That was inane. Look at the problems he has causes, and continues to cause. Something should be done about him. He does not appear to deserve the oxygen he consumes so freely. There are vipers, earthworms, frogs, crocodiles, wild boars, and single celled amoebas that are further along than this creton on the evolutionary scale.

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  16. I can only address this as an American national. Every American is subject to US law, worldwide. So, this means if you are caught with a 17 year old, or under, you are subject to U.S. statutory rape law. I hear usually the Thai police will let you off if you are able to come up with 100,000 baht minimum, within 48 hours, if she is 17. But, if 16 or under, you are truly playing with fire. If caught, the Thai police will demand a minimum of 1,000,000 baht, within 48 hours, in cash. And that is if you get one nice enough to let you off. Most will not. I am convinced they are paid a handsome reward by the American authorities to turn you over to them, and I am told EVERY THAI policeman in the country carries the phone number of the American Consulate in their wallet. The US authorities LOVE these crimes. It is their wet dream. The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside.

    This is one of the most serious crimes you can commit as an American. If you like girls 16 or under, see a hypnotist, psychotherapist, lawyer, or someone, but do not under any circumstances ever consider having sex with one, if you are an American. If you are unsure, ask for ID, and examine it very, very closely. Any doubts, walk away. Unless you are willing to give up your life as you know it, spend all that time in a federal prison, and once released be on several sex offender lists for the rest of your life, and not be allowed to leave the country for years afterwards, due to your probation. Oh, and did I mention getting barred from re-entering Thailand, ever again? Serious prospects, right? Is it worth it, when the country is chock full of gorgeous women of legal age? That is sure a no brainer for me.

    These are all absolute facts, that have been triple verified from multiple sources. As an American you are living under fascist rules. I know, as I am under those same rules. And it only appears to be getting worse with Tiny Blundering Barry, the fascist, who I made the terrible mistake of voting for (only the first time thankfully).

    Do write fiction for a living? What utter crap!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You are indeed in denial. I have had this confirmed by both attorneys in the US, and the Thai police here. So, continue living in denial, but do not touch anyone under 18!

  17. All I have to go by is my experience. I have found Russians as a whole, to be the least friendly people on earth. They make the Chinese look positively warm! I have a lot of admiration for their culture, but as a people, they feel like human icebergs. Even just a polite nod, acknowledgment, or reply of any sort seems to be beyond them. Yes, they are westerners to some extent, but it feels like they do not like the planet as a whole. Am I wrong? Am I missing something here? I have known a few Russians over the years who were kind, intelligent, and pleasant. But, I cannot say I have run into any that fit that description here in the LOS.

    mike macarelli

    chaiyaphum, thailand

  18. 15 November: ATTA says protest not yet affect tourism

    27 November: Protests cause number of foreign tourists to drop by 300,000: permanent secretary

    Come on chaps, get your story straight. violin.gif

    And you can bet that the real number is a lot higher. You can assume any number the government ministry quotes is fictitious. They are not known to be honest, straight, ethical, or otherwise a fair player. So, there is always an agenda. And it is always biased. I have a friend who was planning to come in November of 2014, and he has already cancelled his trip. Alarmist, yes. But, many tourists are very careful in choosing their destinations, and the perception of danger is not something they want to deal with. And the fact that the Yingbat is demonstrating such an incredible lack of talent as a leader is alarming to many. She seems to be completely out of her element here. When things are going smoothly, she seems to be a reasonably capable hostess sort of leader. But, when the crap hits the fan, she seems about as incapable of resolving a problem as her counterpart in the US.

  19. Very, very impressive that the leader of Thailand wants to sit down with her opponents to discuss the current crisis of confidence in her government. Impressive indeed. Wow. A national leader making an attempt to resolve a crisis. Damn. Good work PM. Keep it up. We are all very proud of the level of competence you are demonstrating. Dialogue. Good step Ms. Shinawatra. No, a dynasty does not exist. No, your brother is not calling the shots. We believe everything you tell us. Keep jt up. The Thai people love you.

  20. Could a more positive outcome ever happen for this country, than this swine losing his head? Does not matter how it happens, but it would benefit everyone. He cares not one iota for the average Thai. He cares only for money and power. He is a very low life form, and his heart is made of black coal. Sure, he did some things for the average Thai, and they had never seen largess from a national politician in their lifetimes. So, he established some loyalty. But, even many of my friends in Issan are saying enough is enough. The man just will not stop instigating, creating problems and unrest, and just generally being a major pain in the butt. What a piece of garbage. What a horrific human being. What a waste of oxygen he consumes. Does he even deserve the air he breathes?

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