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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Generally, customer care is taken seriously in the US. So, some accommodation may be made, if it was a genuine mistake. Repeat business is taken very seriously in the US, so most want you to remain happy with the service. 


    In your case, it sounds like a scam. I doubt if there are any laws here, as the government, especially this current administration, makes very little effort to protect the consumer, or the general (non elite) public. They just do not care one iota. To say they are indifferent to you, I, and the common man, would be the understatement of the year. No effort is being made to protect the consumer, or toward public or traffic safety. You and I and the common man mean nothing to Little P. Nothing. Less than zero. 

  2. 2 hours ago, fullcave said:

    I wonder do the parents notice their children are missing? 

    Often they are sold. A good friend of mine told me he knew a family in Cambodia, who sold their daughter for a new scooter. Sold her! Never to be seen again. What can one even say? I would hope this represents a small minority of these cases. Sounds like alot get roped in by convincing swindlers. I do not think Thailand is doing much to fight this. 

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  3. 55 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    It was clear from summit discussions that South Korea's interests were not presented. Even if Trump cared not to require a sign of good faith from Kim (just vague promises), he could have looked to South Korea's interest as a minor concession from North Korea. Especially as Trump unilaterally gave up military training exercises with South Korea critical for South Korea's security.


    What we are all wondering, is what he got in return. For someone who is a self proclaimed master negotiator, seems like he walked away from the table rather naked, and empty handed. Again I proclaim, Don you are a real pussy. 

  4. If you do not like me, I do not like you. And I just do not like people who disagree with me. I demand absolute loyalty from my devotees, and citizens, just as any master would. That goes for other world leaders too. 


    Complete and total obedience. And you are required to believe everything I say, no matter how outlandish, or fictitious. OK? Got it now? If you do not understand, I hate you. 

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  5. Some men play with cards. Some with cars. Some with women, and some with video games. Never heard of a man playing with a grenade. Beyond comprehension.


    An old professor of mine used to love to say "there are many things that people say and do that are completely beyond my ability to grasp, or understand". Great line. It really seems to apply to an abundance of situations here in Thailand. 

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

    Are you confused?  What Nukes does America have in S Korea?  Where do you get these talking points?

    I stand corrected. As of now, visiting ships may have nukes, and the US has alot of nukes within striking range of North Korea, but it appears they are no longer based on South Korean soil.


    During the Cold War, the United States deployed nuclear weapons in South Korea continuously for 33 years, from 1958 to 1991. The South Korean-based nuclear arsenal peaked at an all-time high of approximately 950 warheads in 1967. Since the last US nuclear weapons were withdrawn from South Korea in 1991, the United States has protected South Korea and Japan under a “nuclear umbrella” using nuclear bombers and submarines based elsewhere. While defense hawks in Seoul and Washington have, in 2017, called for the United States to redeploy tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea, the authors argue against this idea. Doing so, they say, would provide no resolution of the crisis over North Korea’s nuclear weapons and would likely increase nuclear risks. Redeployment would also have serious implications for broader regional issues because it would likely be seen by China and Russia as further undermining their security.

  7. 12 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    China and North Korea are "huge trading partners?" Given the tiny size of the North Korean economy, how huge for China can it be? China is the second largest economy in the world. North Korea ranks 95th. It's roughly 1/400 the size of China's. There are other interests China may have in regards to North Korea, but the strictly economic ones are of no great importance to China.

    Still, Beijing continues to have sizeable economic ties with Pyongyang. Bilateral trade increased tenfold between 2000 and 2015, peaking in 2014 at $6.86 billion, according to figures from the Seoul-based Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency. With the advent of tougher sanctions, trade growth has dampened, but Pyongyang is still dependent on Beijing for economic activity.


    Also, the fear of sanctions on the part of China has alot to do with their 800 km. plus border with North Korea. They are very fearful of a huge exodus from their neighbor, should things get worse. And nearly all of the larger Korean banks operate out of China. 



  8. 13 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:


    I am looked at like an alien if I deny a plastic bag and put things in a shopping bag brought with me (tales from the village market).

    I asked my wife what did they do before the age of plastic bags?

    "They had a basket."


    How do I know that school is closed?

    Less garbage in front of the plot.



    A change in consciousness must start at the most basic level. Most Thais think plastic is the best thing ever invented, and the percentage of Thais that even consider the negative ramifications of plastic is incredibly small. This requires some education. I always do two things to avoid the consumption of plastic.


    1. I bring re-usable bags with me every time I go shopping. I use the larger shopping bags I buy in the US, which are made of recycled materials. Most of the clerks have to be dealt with. Even when they see my bag, they still start putting the stuff in plastic. I always mai sai toom. No plastic! Then they start loading up my bag. Most look at me like I am from Mars. Do I care? Not one iota. About 1% thank me, and get it. Not many do. My Thai wife does not like bringing the bags to the store. I compel her to. By now, she expects it, and sometimes even asks if I have any bags in the car, or on the motorbike. Same with the water bottles. It used to embarrass her. Now, it is second nature, as I have been doing this for so long, she expects it. So, if a Thai can be conditioned to follow these simple principals, then anyone can. 


    2. I bring a bottle of water with me, every time I go to a restaurant. I refill my plastic bottles from the 20 liter bottles at home. It is easy. I never buy bottled water at a restaurant. This saves 300-600 bottles a year. I use a plastic bottle dozens of times. I never get any flack from the restaurants. Only once did someone say something to me. She said you cannot bring you own water. My response was if you serve the water in a glass bottle, and I do not have to consume a plastic bottle, I am happy to pay for that. She was lost. I told her to leave and get me my food. She went away. 

    We simply cannot say we are concerned about the environment, and then do nothing about it. Action demonstrates commitment. Lack of action demonstrates nothing. 

    Lastly, restaurants can demonstrate their commitment, by serving drinking water from the 20 liter bottles. It saves alot of plastic. They lose a small amount of revenue, by not selling thousands of bottles of water. But, their operation is still profitable, and they are making a real difference. 


    There really is not need to be consuming water in plastic bottles. At least not often. There are alternatives. Those damn bottles are a real culprit, when it comes to fouling the environment. What can we do, if we say we care? It is so easy to say it is all their fault. But, we are the only ones we can control on a daily basis, right?

  9. 2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    And who are the Thai police to call judgement on who breaks the law when every man bar none in the RTP breaks the law themselves. It would be different if they were honest cops but they are not and never will be. If they were their words might mean something and they might receive some respect.

    You sound confused. I know where most of us come from, the cops practice law enforcement. But here, it is all about revenue collection. A very tiny percentage of them have anything to do with law enforcement. It is selective, and based on money to be earned. It has NOTHING to do with the good of the people, public or traffic safety, or the improvement of Thai society. 


    And you are right. The toy police here deserve no respect, and get none from this poster. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Rarebear said:

    Last week Trump cancelled the summit.  Kim blew up test site.  Trump rescheduled summit.  Is this difficult to understand?

    Do you remember why Trump cancelled the summit? Because the North Koreans insulted Pence. I rest my case your honor. Trump is a thin skinned kid. A bully. Real men do not allow themselves to be easily provided. Right? Real men act with dignity, and can take an insult, especially when they dish them out so often, and for such trite reasons. Trump is not a real man. He is a pussy. 

  11. Always remember one thing. The General was installed to protect the elite, the powerful, the connected, the influential, the wealthy, or those in power from ever having to face the consequences of their actions. There are the occasional crimes that are so heinous, and get worldwide attention, as in the case of General Manas, who was recently convicted of human trafficking, that they cannot be ignored. But, they are rare, and the absolute exception to the rule. So, any gambling taking place by the elite, is permitted. It is only illegal if you are a small guy. More absolutely inane policy, from this fabulously incompetent administration. They continue to sabotage the economy. They cannot get out of their own way. They shoot themselves, and the honest, hard working, common Thai people in the foot daily. 


    I am really, really scared. The 5'2" general is going to come after us, if we misbehave. Oh my. What are we going to do? I think I will find someplace to hide, within middle earth. He does not want to go back there.


    Sometimes feels like the authorities are trying to institute something like a Saudi style moral police here. And they have enough to work on, within their own nation already. Give it a rest. Both sides here are behaving like fools. There are so many things these absolute fools could be doing, if only they cared. Talking about it is one thing. Doing something is another. Real men and women act, they do not endlessly engage in blather.


    The goons in charge are focusing their efforts in all the wrong areas. They are trying to make Thailand a Quaker State. A land of purity. Total BS. Nonsense. Misplaced priorities, and wasted efforts. They should be focusing their efforts on traffic and public safety, easing import tariffs, making visa policy simpler, and more friendly, boosting Western tourism, real crackdowns on slavery, and illegal fishing instead of nonsensical hyperbole, cleaning up the water, the air, the rivers, and the beaches, and other things that actually improve lives.


    Little P. Not making Thailand great again. And moving the nation backwards at an astonishing and alarming pace.  



    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

    Roosevelt did it with Stalin and Trump is doing it with Kim.  What is the difference except you probably liked FDR.  Could be a political bias instead of analysis of events.

    The big difference is that Trump does it with Kim, Putin, Duterte, and other dictators and perceived strongmen he talks about. And Roosevelt did not insult our closest allies. I am open minded. I would like to see Trump succeed. It would help the country, and it would help my business. Roosevelt was a tough guy with thick skin, and Trump is an absolutely pussy. His adolescent emotional state does not allow him to lead, and compels him to respond to every single perceived slight. That makes him very small, in the eyes of most. Man up Don. Be a man. Water off a ducks back. Being such a pussy is not appealing at all. 

  13. 13 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Watch Twitter carefully for a possible twitter twist.

    Little rocket man is such a good guy now and "loves his people".

    What can you say...

    Now, all of a sudden Kim is a good man and a good leader. And Trump looked into his eyes, and could see that. He is also very playful. When he is not killing his family! And Trump has developed a "great relationship" with him, in just a few hours. Remarkable. It takes most of us many months, and sometimes years, to develop great relationships. He has his own hyper warp speed method. 


    Trump has a bizarre habit of praising and admiring despots and dictators. Makes one wonder what his political aspirations are. And he also has the rather bizarre habit of pissing off, offending, and annoying our closest and most valuable allies. Makes him a very unstable leader, and not a trustworthy partner. He is playing a strange game. My guess is, it will lead to his ouster. Time will tell. 

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  14. Now, at the end of the summit, he has created another in a thousand lies. He says he has a great relationship with Kim! How do you develop a great relationship in one meeting? I mean this guy has no regard for facts, whatsoever. All we know, as of now is the following:


    1. Trump said he would suspend the war games, with South Korea. The South Korean ministry said they have no idea where that came from, what it means, or the reason for it. China is wetting their pants in delight.

    2. Trump said he would work towards bringing down the number of US troops stationed in the DMZ and in South Korea. China is again wetting their pants in delight.

    3. He said he would work toward easing sanctions. Both Kim and China are wetting their pants in delight.

    4. Trump said he would offer security guarantees to North Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for South Korea. 

    5. Trump said he would consider removing American nukes from Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for the South Koreans. 


    What did the so called master of the art of the deal get in return? A vague promise that we will work toward de-nuclearrization from North Korea. What else? There was no mentioning the previous US aim of "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization." And Kim's commitments did not appear to go beyond what he already pledged to do in April when he met South Korean President Moon Jae-in along their countries' border.


    Who got played here? Looks like Trump got played, just like he is getting played by the Saudis, the Israelis, the Canadians, and just about anyone else he engages with. This man is a horrific negotiator. He could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag. 


    Tiny Don. The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

    • Sad 1
  15. Now, at the end of the summit, he has created another in a thousand lies. He says he has a great relationship with Kim! How do you develop a great relationship in one meeting? I mean this guy has no regard for facts, whatsoever. All we know, as of now is the following:


    1. Trump said he would suspend the war games, with South Korea. The South Korean ministry said they have no idea where that came from, what it means, or the reason for it. China is wetting their pants in delight.

    2. Trump said he would work towards bringing down the number of US troops stationed in the DMZ and in South Korea. China is again wetting their pants in delight.

    3. He said he would work toward easing sanctions. Both Kim and China are wetting their pants in delight.

    4. Trump said he would offer security guarantees to North Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for South Korea. 

    5. Trump said he would consider removing American nukes from Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for the South Koreans. 


    What did the so called master of the art of the deal get in return? A vague promise that we will work toward de-nuclearrization from North Korea. What else? There was no mentioning the previous US aim of "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization." And Kim's commitments did not appear to go beyond what he already pledged to do in April when he met South Korean President Moon Jae-in along their countries' border.


    Who got played here? Looks like Trump got played, just like he is getting played by the Saudis, the Israelis, the Canadians, and just about anyone else he engages with. This man is a horrific negotiator. He could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag. 


    Tiny Don. The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

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