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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Thailand lags far behind on so many levels due to the Junta. Not just the social media arena. The entire administration is populated by incredibly corrupt men and women, who are fabulously incompetent, and have very little experience in their supposed area of expertise.


    Go now. Get out. You are not wanted. Get out. Leave. Resign. Hold elections. Leave. Get out, get out, get out!

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  2. Best thing you can do, is to post the details about your experience on Trip Advisor, Booking.com, Agoda, their facebook page, or anyplace else you can find. Social media is very effective when it comes to getting the word out. And I would call them out by name, so we all know to avoid the place. The owner sounds like a real loser. Who wants to be around someone like that? I would have left long before you did, due to her antics. No guest deserves to be subjected to that kind of hospitality. Please let us know the name of the hotel. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    It's typical Thai way to blame somebody else. To lose face again is the obcstacle and that the govt failed to provide vets and vaccines is impossible of course


    Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. To take responsibility for your actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social convention? 


    Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, and man or woman is made a far lesser person. For those of us with high self esteem, we know who we are. What others think, what society thinks, what a guy or gal thinks, means less than zero.

    Real men or women, simply own a situation, and take responsibility for their errors or mistakes. Small men, social deviants, or emotional adolescents deflect, obfuscate, attempt to confuse, and do everything in their power to deny that they made a mistake, or that they are responsible in any way, or on any level. They make up narratives about fake news, or alternative facts. Anything to avoid looking within, for the source of the problem. Anything.


  4. This worm said what was on his mind. He acted as the King of Khon Kaen, and was discovered to be behaving like nearly all Thai politicians behave. With insufferable arrogance, an offensive smugness, and hostility toward the people who are responsible for generating his massive personal fortune. He is a corrupt man, as is the case with all officials at this level, and he is a worm and a toad. 


    The leaked letter with the insulting language has been strongly criticised on social media for its “aristocratic mentality” with government officials seeing citizens as dumb. “I didn’t read through the letter. I just signed it because it was just an invitation for the second meeting,” Suchai said at a press conference yesterday. He said as soon as he had found out the invitation contained “inappropriate words”, he had ordered the correction. “I am really sorry,” he said. “I would like to apologise to people who feel uncomfortable about those inappropriate words.” Suchai added that he definitely did not look down on Khon Kaen people, because his family had settled in the northeastern province. “I was born in the Northeast too,” he added. 


    He lost face. And what do many Thai people do when they lose face? What are my personal feelings about face and the loss of face?


    Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. To take responsibility for your actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social convention? 


    Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, and man or woman is made a far lesser person. For those of us with high self esteem, we know who we are. What others think, what society thinks, what a guy or gal thinks, means less than zero.

    Real men or women, simply own a situation, and take responsibility for their errors or mistakes. Small men, social deviants, or emotional adolescents deflect, obfuscate, attempt to confuse, and do everything in their power to deny that they made a mistake, or that they are responsible in any way, or on any level. They make up narratives about fake news, or alternative facts. Anything to avoid looking within, for the source of the problem. Anything.



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  5. On 3/19/2018 at 9:42 AM, smotherb said:

    Well, it is apparent that some Republicans are not aligning themselves to Trump or his practices.


    I am still amazed that so many so-called American patriots do not want to see the results of this investigation. Is patriotism along party interests only; or worse yet, only along Trump's interests? If he is innocent, why is he fighting so hard to stop the investigation? Trump claimed there was no Russian meddling with the 2016 election, then he claimed that the meddling was not in his favor--well we all know those are not true, the Russians did meddle and Hillary was the brunt of their attacks. Now, did the trump campaign collude with the Russians? That is the question that needs to be resolved. How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed?


    Anyone with an ounce of sense ought to see some of the other bull Trump throws out-- “Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?” Trump wrote on Twitter.  Hell Mueller is a registered Republican, Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee and his boss is Jeff Sessions, a Trump appointee. When Mueller was FBI Director, he was appointed by George W. Bush another Republican, remember him?


    And, then all the bull about the investigation has gone on for more than a year without any results, absolute crap. Mueller was appointed May 17, 2017 after Comey was fired, and remember, Comey was not investigating Trump. Mueller's investigation has proven Russian meddling in the 2016 elections with trash against Hillary--gee, even the most ardent trumpets ought to be able to see who that helps. And, there have been four indictments against Trump associates--Flynn, Gates and Papadopoulos plead guilty and Manafort will go on trial. Others, no doubt are in the line-up. Will trump be included; that is what we should all want to know.


    Quit sunburning your butts and get your heads out of the sand; demand a thorough investigation.

    You are referring to what I call "false patriotism". It is very easy to wave a flag. It is easy to spout nationalistic platitudes, with nothing behind them, as is the case with Tiny Don, on a daily basis. A true empty suit, if I have ever seen one. But, what are you willing to do when you butt is on the line? In Tiny Don's case, he got five deferments, from service to his nation.  That was the best way he could demonstrate his patriotism, and commitment to his nation. In McCain's case, he does not have to spout nationalistic platitudes. He showed it with his courageous service. And what did he get for that? Insults from the deflector in chief. Little Don had the audacity to criticize Captain McCain for getting captured! After he suffered torture and years in captivity. Trump's biggest sacrifice to his nation is avoiding going to Mar a Lago for the weekend, therefore saving the nation hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs. What was McCain's?


    As a naval aviator, McCain flew attack aircraft from carriers. During the Vietnam War, he narrowly escaped death in the 1967 Forrestal fire. On his twenty-third bombing mission in October 1967, he was shot down over Hanoi and badly injured. He subsequently endured five and a half years as a prisoner of war, including periods of torture. In 1968, he refused a North Vietnamese offer of early release, because it would have meant leaving before other prisoners who had been held longer. He was released in 1973 after the Paris Peace Accords.



    Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

    The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

    The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. Like The appointment of Lynne Patton, a wedding planner and longtime Trump family associate, to head the Housing and Urban Development's office for New York and New Jersey, and the talk show host that he just appointed as a chief economic advisor, because he talk smooth and looks good on TV. Good one Don.


    The art of not being able to fill vacancies, and leading a nation, without the help of key appointees. The Trump administration will usher in the second quarter of its presidential term with hundreds of vacancies still left to fill in departments throughout the administration. According to the Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service, only 241 key positions requiring Senate confirmation — out of 633 — have been confirmed as of Jan. 18, with 244 positions still without a nominee. The 633 key positions are a small portion of over 1,200 total positions requiring Senate confirmation, the Post noted. Trump’s sluggish staffing stands in stark contrast to his predecessors. According to the Post, Trump had 301 total confirmed nominees by Jan. 18, as compared with 452 confirmations by former President Barack Obama, 493 by George W. Bush and 471 by Bill Clinton at the same point in their terms. 

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  6. On 3/19/2018 at 7:49 AM, Boon Mee said:

    Sounds like a capital idea! 

    Too many leakers with their own personal agenda trying undermine the President. 

    Not a real issue. He does plenty of undermining of himself, his administration, and his policy objectives, entirely on his own. He just cannot help but shoot himself in the foot, on a daily basis. 


    He needs a disclosure agreement. According to Priebus, the amount of discord, disorganization, and chaos in the White House is 50 times what has been reported! 


    Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

    The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

    The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. Like The appointment of Lynne Patton, a wedding planner and longtime Trump family associate, to head the Housing and Urban Development's office for New York and New Jersey, and the talk show host that he just appointed as a chief economic advisor, because he talk smooth and looks good on TV. Good one Don.


    The art of not being able to fill vacancies, and leading a nation, without the help of key appointees. The Trump administration will usher in the second quarter of its presidential term with hundreds of vacancies still left to fill in departments throughout the administration. According to the Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service, only 241 key positions requiring Senate confirmation — out of 633 — have been confirmed as of Jan. 18, with 244 positions still without a nominee. The 633 key positions are a small portion of over 1,200 total positions requiring Senate confirmation, the Post noted. Trump’s sluggish staffing stands in stark contrast to his predecessors. According to the Post, Trump had 301 total confirmed nominees by Jan. 18, as compared with 452 confirmations by former President Barack Obama, 493 by George W. Bush and 471 by Bill Clinton at the same point in their terms. 

    • Like 1
  7. There really is not need to be consuming water in plastic bottles. At least not often. There are alternatives. Those damn bottles are a real culprit, when it comes to fouling the environment. What can we do, if we say we care?


    A change in consciousness must start at the most basic level. Most Thais think plastic is the best thing ever invented, and the percentage of Thais that even consider the negative ramifications of plastic is incredibly small. This requires some education. I always do two things to avoid the consumption of plastic.


    1. I bring re-usable bags with me every time I go shopping. I use the larger shopping bags I buy in the US, which are made of recycled materials. Most of the clerks have to be dealt with. Even when they see my bag, they still start putting the stuff in plastic. I always "mai sai toom". No plastic! Then they start loading up my bag. Most look at me like I am from Mars. Do I care? Not one iota. About 1% thank me, and get it. Not many do. 


    2. I bring a bottle of water with me, every time I go to a restaurant. I refill my plastic bottles from the 20 liter bottles at home. It is easy. I never buy bottled water at a restaurant. This saves 300-600 bottles a year. I use a plastic bottle dozens of times. I never get any flack from the restaurants. Only once did someone say something to me. She said you cannot bring you own water. My response was if you serve the water in a glass bottle, and I do not have to consume a plastic bottle, I am happy to pay for that. She was lost. I told her to leave and get me my food. She went away. 


    What they are referring to is BPA, and other toxic chemicals that leach from the plastic, if the bottle sits in the sun, or has been sitting for too long, or is re-used a few times. This can easily be avoided by purchasing these bottles shown here. They are on ebay, and shipping to Thailand is either free or less than $1. The bottles are one liter, and a half liter. Only $2-3 each. Worth it. I use them daily. 


    My Thai wife does not like bringing the bags to the store. I really encourage her to. By now, she expects it, and sometimes even asks if I have any bags in the car, or on the motorbike. Same with the water bottles. It used to embarrass her. Now, it is second nature, as I have been doing this for so long, she expects it. So, if a Thai can be conditioned to follow these simple principals, then anyone can. 


    We simply cannot say we are concerned about the environment, and then do nothing about it. Action demonstrates commitment. Lack of action demonstrates nothing. Lastly, restaurants can demonstrate their commitment, by serving drinking water from the 20 liter bottles. It saves alot of plastic. They lose a small amount of revenue, by not selling thousands of bottles of water. But, their operation is still profitable, and they are making a real difference. 




  8. 22 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    am i surprised at the lack of tourists?? NO   what with the latest/ongoing  reports of   poor conditions of

    filth on beaches/muggings/theft/traffic accidents/general ripoffs  etc etc

    it is no wonder  that any sensible  quality tourists would  see this as a useful /convenient mode of transport  to what seems to be a hell hole   well yes we all know  what Pattaya is really  good for  

    but i dont think this needs a dedicated  train service


    It is due to lack of putting out the information and has nothing to do with your hate filled post.


    True that. Pattaya has it's share of problems, but once you get out of the tourist zone, you realize Pattaya is a very large city, and offers a fair degree of services, great golf, and other activities, besides what the place is known for. And the beaches south of town are far better, than in town. 


    Having said that, they do need to make it convenient. If not, it will not be used by foreigners. There is no doubt public transportation options need to be continually expanded, so perhaps a good move in that direction. But, make it easy for us to use. 

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  9. 17 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    He needed to domesticate the UK custody order in Thailand.  There's no reciprocity treaty as Thailand is not a member of the Hague Convention (due to being on the wrong side in WW2).  He would probably need to go through a child custody court trial in Thailand.  Instead, he took a shortcut commonly known as "parental kidnapping".  There's no self-help remedy for recovering a child in a country that hasn't recognized your legal custody.  No bail for you and no sympathy from me.

    Sometimes laws need to be broken. Sometimes law have no moral or ethical basis. In this case, I side with Sean. He was doing great work. There is a good chance this child was being neglected. Alot of Thai parents possess very minimal skill when it comes to parenting. A big generalization I admit, but I have seen it often.


    Erdington MP Jack Dromey, who was instrumental in returning Mariam to Britain, voiced his concern.

    He said: “There are many families reunited thanks to Sean Felton. And the biggest smile I have ever seen belonged to Miriam. I am deeply concerned by the news you’ve given me.”


    Can you even imagine what it is like to be in a Thai prison, this time of year? I cannot even imagine being in my house this time of year, without AC. Damn. A very nasty vision. If he is only being held for trespassing, which it sounds like is the case here, there is no way on earth he should be a prison, with the general population. Way, way too much. Overkill. Draconian. Nasty. 

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  10. It is typical of this ministry to not take any responsibility for a health epidemic. Small men, with little to no experience in their fields, who simply are looking to deflect blame, as they have never in their careers come up with any solutions, to anything.


    Leaving the soi dogs alone, is a good way of culling the Thai population. Not a good idea. They simply need start a nationwide culling program. Most soi dogs are a nuisance. Most are mangy, some are disease ridden, many are hungry, tired, and lead terrible lives of desperation. Some attack people, some terrorize neighborhoods. Many harass the domestic dogs, and cause them to bark all night long, like in my neighborhood. Nobody wants to do anything about it. Culling is the answer. If they found a budget for it, they could do it Western style. Round up the dogs, clean them up, vaccinate them, and put them up for adoption. The ones who are not adopted after 60 days are simply put down. Nothing cruel about it. Not doing something like this, is both cruel to the dogs and to the neighborhoods they infest. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

    That's cruel, why infest the dogs with a whole host of new diseases?. By comparison, rabies is a much more ethical and dignified method of culling dogs

    And a good way of culling the Thai population in the process. They simply need start a nationwide culling program. Most soi dogs are a nuisance. Most are mangy, some are disease ridden, many are hungry, tired, and lead terrible lives of desperation. Some attack people, some terrorize neighborhoods. Many harass the domestic dogs, and cause them to bark all night long, like in my neighborhood. Nobody wants to do anything about it. Culling is the answer. If they found a budget for it, they could do it Western style. Round up the dogs, clean them up, vaccinate them, and put them up for adoption. The ones who are not adopted after 60 days are simply put down. Nothing cruel about it. Not doing something like this, is both cruel to the dogs and to the neighborhoods they infest. 

  12. On 3/16/2018 at 3:26 PM, Dustdevil said:

    This is precisely ROUTINE driving in Saudi Arabia on all two-lane roads. I survived the KSA Mad Max Fury Road for a total of ten years--the last six mostly by minimizing driving as much as possible. Saudis told me the rationale is simply that the other guy is the one who should get out of the way. In other words, they behave on the road exactly as they do in supermarkets. One time in Oneizah (near Buraidah, 300 miles south of Anbar Province, between Iraq and a Hard Place) I saw a big SUV full of children about to pull out of a parking lot...and the driver was a 12-year-old boy, beaming at me proudly, "Oh, hey there Mr. Foreign Expert, look at me! Look, no hands!"  I asked a British Pakistani colleague who lived in Oneizah, "What's up with the parents?!" He told me "They'll be proud. They'll tell their friends 'I bet YOUR son can't do that.'" I've driven in Chiang Mai a lot. It's like a walk in the park picking dandelions and getting kisses from Scarlett Johannson compared to driving in the Tragic Kingdom.

    I am thankful on a daily basis, that I have never had to work, nor had to visit the desperado nation known as the Tragic Kingdom. I hope I never have to go. The place just strikes me as a country torn between the 13th and the 21st century. The House of Saud are a sorry bunch of fools, with far too much cash for their own good! And the Wahhibi "faith" is one that scares the hell out of me. I do not think I will be lending any sort of support to these long time sponsors of terror. 

  13. 19 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Russia has every right to expel  23 Brits. The UK gov is assuming Putin had something to do with the poisoning without  hard evidence. This bias in the western media about everything Russian is out of control.  Theyre now trying to cut transmission of RT TV in the west,. RT gives a professional second opinion on all the dribble that CNN and BBC go on with everyday.


    Now that is delusional

    I enjoy watching RT, as they do offer a perspective not found with the other outlets. But, having said that, I am always mindful of the fact that it is an organ for King Vlad and the Kremlin. Granted, all media outlets are biased these days. They all have an editorial slant. But, when was the last time you saw a piece on RT that was critical of Putin, or Gasprom, or the Kremlin? It rarely ever happens. I always keep that in mind, just as I keep the editorial slant in mind while watching CNN, the BBC, or Fox. 

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  14. This is the most fake article I have seen in years. There has never, ever been any concern for tourist safety, traffic safety, or public safety in the history of this nation. Never. Now, there is egg on their faces, due to them becoming the number one nation in traffic fatalities, and the world press is creating some loss of face, and humiliation for Thailand. In addition, there are alot of stories about tourists dying here, due to an astonishing number of hazards here. Alot of people come here for vacation, and leave in a wooden box. Crossing the street, getting taken out by motorbikes, dying in minivans, drownings, boat accidents, etc. So, they make up these stories about being concerned with tourist safety. All complete BS. The indifference on the part of the authorities and Little P, is glaring. No amount of hyperbole, and planning for the future is going to change that.


    Real men and women act. Small men talk, and spout about plans and visions, and tell us about how things are going to change and improve. We are not interested. Show us. Do not tell us. Your words mean less than zero.

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  15. 18 minutes ago, idman said:

    You are comparing an apple to an orange and it doesn't make any sense.  Xmax 300 cheaper, more powerful, better looking.  I had a Burgman 400 for three years and it was nowhere near as nimble, nor as quick as my new Xmax.  If you are happy with a minor league performer in the maxi scooter genre then stick with the Burgman 200, if not, rent the Xmax 300 for two or three days.  After that, the choice all buts hits you in the face.

    OK, that is helpful. By the way, the Burgman was about 28,000 baht cheaper, when I bought it, than the Yamaha. It feels like alot of bike for the money. I paid around 155,000 baht, with about 15,000 baht in accessories, and two years theft and damage insurance.


    So, you are saying even the Burgman 400 was less powerful than the X-Max 300? Wow. Fascinating. Will have to take one for a spin. Is the Yamaha as comfortable a ride? Is it as cushy? Thanks. 

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  16. 9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    So, "to put things in perspective", this cop showed you PROOF that you were exceeding the local speed limit and had a list fines that both you and your wife sneered at before you happily managed to subvert him into the 'Thai way' that you find so despicable.... but handy when it applies to you.


    If the cop on the Don Mueang elevated had seized your license, impounded your car and had you and your gobby missus taken away in a paddy wagon where, after a brief detention and you paid the fine, would he have then gotten your respect?


    Actually, you lost me at your "... Of course, the 80kph speed has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with making the toy cop franchises more profitable. ..." bit of Thainess falang loo mahk gobbyness.


    But then you said, "In the world that I come from, respect has to be earned, and it is never freely given." as if that justifies you're stooping to the lowest-level of every day corruption masquerading as some deep and profound concern for real-world law enforcement and safer driving in Thailand.

    I think I lost you. So, are you saying that by paying the 1,000 baht that he was asking for, I would have been somehow more dignified, and less offensive to you? How does that apply? And the part about the cop seizing my car, is from a parallel universe. I have never heard of such a thing happening, in all my years in Thailand. I was not nasty with him. More like playful, and dismissive, which is how I always am, with Thai police. The situation was never in any way threatening to any of the parties involved. He had a good laugh, and so did we. And are you saying I should be more respectful, with the police here? Why? What have they ever done to earn mine, or anyone else's respect? 


    Please explain. Your strange reasoning has really lost me. 

  17. Anyone have any experience with both of these bikes? I have owned a Burgman 200, for some time now. I love it. It is powerful, super comfortable, has a cushy ride, great suspension, is very dependable, and is a real treat to drive. This bike absolutely loves the highway, and drives so beautifully at 100KPH, which is about as fast as I need to go on these highways. Just recently the Yamaha X-Max 300 was introduced in Thailand. Appears to have some of the features of the T-Max, without the hefty price tag. It seems to be priced at around 168,000. It does have 8 horsepower more than the Burgman, but so does the Honda Forza (I despise the design, and find it to be one of the ugliest bikes ever made) and the Forza drives like a large boat, without the nimble ride of the Burgman, and does not appear to have more power either, despite the additional size and horsepower. 


    Any thoughts on either? I was considering a change, though I am relatively content with the Suzuki for now.

  18. On 3/15/2018 at 11:37 AM, Annunaki said:

    Why did no one attend to the victim?

    Do the police here not have any first aid training?

    Often, it seems like the local people are reluctant to get involved. Not sure if it is indifference to injury or death, or fear of being held responsible, or just fear. 


    I seriously doubt the police have first aid training. That would be defined as a public service. There is one aspect of this, that always has to be taken into account. I think most Thais get it. But most foreigners do not. The police here own franchises. They are franchisees. They are not law enforcement officials. They rarely engage in law enforcement, traffic safety, or public safety. They are not here for the benefit of the people, and they are not here to keep us safe. They are here to collect. That is all they do. If you need to give them an official title, it would be that of a revenue collection agent. Only it is their own account, that they represent.

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