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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 4 hours ago, mgthom63 said:


    If you're not getting intellectual stimulation from a very smart Thai wife, maybe you're not matching her intellect and/or taking the time to converse with her? 

    I can't understand arguments that married life is not enhanced by mutual intellectual stimulation...unless one takes the view that a wife (Thai or otherwise) is only there to fulfill basic and submissive sexual and physical needs (such as cooking, cleaning, child-care, etc).

    And you also brought an honor to her and her family?  Based upon your diatribe about women, I think you should feel honored she agreed to marry you!


    Funny reply. I could say alot of things about it, but I will say it is a fairly typical view of a western man, who has suffered a lifetime of indoctrination. No, it is not about cooking and cleaning. We have a very good maid. So my wife does not have to clean much. We have no children, and we are very fortunate in that regard, so no child rearing required. She is a gourmet cook, so whenever I want, she is thrilled to whip up an incredible meal. But, mostly it is about outstanding companionship, being with a kind, loving woman who always has my back, as I always have hers. It is the most satisfying relationship I have ever been in. We have fun, we talk, but we don't try to break down the origins of the universe, and the conversations are lovely, but not particularly deep. She speaks very good english, but is not fluent, so that is one aspect of it. But, the primary aspect is just a lack of interest on her part, in the deeper subjects, (such as astronomy, physics, science, botany, theatre, independent film, etc.), which I find to be the case with alot of Thai women, and I am fine with that. 


    I am not sure about who you are with, but I have met very few Thai women that I would describe as philosophical, or intellectual. Most Thais simply do not have inquiring minds. Most are not taught to be curious souls, as youngsters. This does not mean they are not smart. But, most of the intellectual kind of stuff I like to discuss with my friends, my wife considers bizarre, and uninteresting. And that is not even one iota of an issue for us. I learned long ago that an intellectual woman, who can match me intellectually, also tends to be a combative woman, and the chance of harmony is low. I for one, love a harmonious house, where my woman is joyful and light hearted, with a great sense of humor, and an amazing attitude toward life, and us. Just my point of view. Whatever works for you, stick with it.

  2. 14 hours ago, rickb said:

    Most civilized countries have stop signs where minor roads intersect with major roads forcing the drivers to stop and look before proceeding.  I can't think of many places where I did see a stop sign at such intersections here in Thailand.  And when there was a stop sign, I don't recall seeing anybody actually stop.  Once again, nobody wants to obey sensible driving rules here in Thailand and the deaths associated with poor driving attests to that.

    Civilized? Does that not translate into law and order, and the efficient implementation of that law and order? Thailand has decades to go, before it can truly be considered civilized in that regard, and before it can take itself seriously, in regard to public and traffic safety. As of now, they remain number one. In traffic fatalities. Takes alot of talent to gain that number one spot. And alot of incompetency, indifference, and utter disregard for the common man.

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  3. 16 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

    Exactly if he knew what he was doing and believed in it, he would not have needed to cloak himself in a blanket amnesty, that he knew he would probably need one day to cover his ar..se, and don't even talk about art.44, seems to be a very fragile politician, as he terms himself lately!

    He reminds me alot of Trump, incredibly fragile, very low self esteem, a great deal of self loathing, and very thin skin, masked by a grand presentation of himself, and a large ego. Both are fabulously incompetent fools, and both are unwilling to take good advice, or act with wisdom or vision. Both are men of tremendous ignorance incapable of doing good for the people. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    in these days? I doubt it. But if so did you call the fire brigade? Did you go to the police with phone video as proof?

    Funny man. Up in the Chaiyaphum area, and also the Kanchanaburi area, it is an exception to find a sugar cane grower who does NOT BURN. We are talking about thousands of growers who burn. So, calling the police as a solution is inane, ineffective, and naive, sorry to say. But, at least they would have a good laugh. 

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  5. When I was living in the states, I tried dating women my own age, or nearly my age. Nearly every one of them were less energetic than I am, less motivated to try new things, less open minded, less passionate about their lives, more established, and therefore incapable of even a three day trip, that was spontaneous, without a great deal of planning, set in their ways, and alot less fun to be around than younger women. I really did try. But I find a younger woman and I, to be far more compatible. To each his own. But even now, I notice my friends who are trying to establish relationships with women over 40, to be having a hard time, due to their lack of an open mind, and know it all attitude. For the most part. Of course this does not apply to everyone. But, it seems to apply to many.

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  6. On 5/1/2015 at 11:47 AM, lovelomsak said:

    In IMHO most men who marry in Thailand like the submissiveness of a younger thai woman. Beauty is only skin deep and gets boring real quick. I have it found it hard to find a woman in Thailand who can carry an intelligent conversation. Many times it starts good but falls apart because of their lack of worldliness, and brain washing. My wife who is 20 years younger than me answers all my questions with a question. Example 'Are young hungry?" reply "Are you hungry?". " Do you want pizza?" reply "Do you want Pizza?" We cannot discuss home planning doesnot have a clue about planning absolutely anything.Gets angry when I try to do. Things like preparing for university for the children is dismissed as will deal with it when the times come and I will just pay.But she is 45 kilos and has the body of a young woman. And smiles a lot and we laugh a lot life is care free and fun. We live life without a care and enjoy company for companies sake. She has simple tastes easy to please. Small village girl with little expectations. Very, very affordable not an expensive woman to have around. Men compromise for happiness.

    I found most women here who feel they have something going for them in Thailand be it looks, job, or even just the top mobile phone and a car, are difficult to be around. they all want to be princesses.Not the type you go out and have a bowl of noodles with at the local shop. If you take them out must be to a place that is new and expensive, even if they do eat noodles when they are there.

    You want to know what men are looking for well here goes. Submissive,kind,fun,easy going and easy on the eyes. Like I tell my wife the less you demand the more you get. The happier our life the more you get. The easier our life the more you get. I tell her I wouldnot have married someone who expects a lot and gives a little. She asks nothing and appreciates all I give her.Many princesses offer nothing and demand to be treated special.

    Forgot to add the wife speaks 3 languages also. Thai,Loa and English


    Intellectual stimulation is way, way overrated, in a trait for a wife. Granted, even though my Thai wife is very smart, I do not get much intellectual stimulation from the relationship. But, I get so much else. And in all of the relationships I was ever in with really smart women, who I got intellectual stimulation from, there was also so much grief to contend with. Such combative women. So much competition. Yikes. Thrilled to death to have left all of that behind. 


    When I was only in the relationship for a year or so, I had dinner with a very sharp American friend. I asked him about that. He laughed. He said, when you feel the need for intellectual stimulation, call me. We can hook up for the meal, and break down the origins of the cosmos. Do not fret. That same brain that gives you that stimulation, also tends to give you so much grief, it is not worth it, on any level. Get over it. Enjoy all of the other qualities, that make your day so delightful and fulfilling. Great advice, that I have followed to this day. 


    In the US, many people I speak to say their woman was a better version of herself before they got married. In my case, my wife seems to be more secure in her role of wife, than she was as a girlfriend. Also, since I did not want to have children, marrying her was an honor I brought to her and her family, by showing my earnestness and my long term commitment to her. Since then, she is even more delightful, lighthearted, and loving. And she is very devoted to me, as I am to her. 


    In terms of the states, nearly everyone I know in the states tells me that their wives do not try as hard, once they are married. That the motivation to be all they can be just sort of disappears. I can see if for myself. They often do not seem the same as they were before. And this especially applies once the kids were born, though that might happen here, to some extent too. Fortunately, I do not know about that part of the equation. Here, I do not see that happening. For some reason, the cultural differences allow the women here to be a greater version of themselves. Does that make sense? I realize if you are a Western woman, it is not easy reading this stuff. And certainly this does not apply to everyone, either here or there. Some in the west are just exceptional, and capable to rising against the tide. But, it does apply to most, from my point of view.


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  7. 4 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Unfortunately that is not the point.

    1. Most of pollution comes from Burma.

    2. Burning is prohibited in Thailand up to 20. April.

    A solution is possible only by ASEAN states together.

    While some or most of the pollution comes from Burma, I have personally witnessed burning here in Thailand on many occasions. The amount of smoke is tremendous. Look at this chart, and then in a scientific manner, please try to convince me that the pollution that is plaguing the Khon Kaen area, and causing a massive amount of lung disease, and respiratory issues, is being caused by Burma. 


    Regardless of what they are doing in Burma, the Thai people could dramatically improve their quality of life, by stopping the practice of burning. No amount of pressure from ASEAN is going to make any difference. Thailand has already broken dozens of promises they made, when signing multiple ASEAN charters. It means nothing to this government, nor any other administrations. Prohibited does not mean a thing, unless it is enforced. The officials here are so weak, they rarely enforce any laws. And the burning continues. 


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  8. 13 minutes ago, KKr said:

    "Well the Russians had no impact on our votes whatsoever, but certainly there was meddling.


    Funny. After spending over a year claiming that there was no meddling, and defining the Russians as being the nicest people he had ever met, he is now forced to admit there was meddling. Does he even realize what a goon he is? Does it ever occur to him how he appears to the world? Does he care? 


    NO, No, and no.
    and maybe doesn't get the information to understand the impact either.


    I really do not think he cares. He is so out of touch, so oblivious, so caught up within his own desires, and ego gratification, that anything else does not matter. I think it is important to not lose sight of one important aspect of this show. It is the Donald show. It is planet don. It is a reality TV show, with little don as the host. He is able to devote a few hours a day, to pretending to be president. But, for the most part, it is about running the show, and that is the most important thing for the charlatan. The American people? They mean nothing to him. His base? They mean nothing to him. The world. It means nothing to him. His family? They are sort of important. But Melania? Not really. 


    Tiny DT- Continuing the trend of decreasing the quality of life, for the average America. Moving America backwards. Re-populating the swamp with his own brand of alligators and crocodiles. The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life!

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  9. 12 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Why they would choose him.. how about his popular policies that he is rolling out.. its the way how Thaksin got to power. Stuff like that works here in Thailand. We will see how good it works in the next election. (whenever that will be)

    Can you please share with us, what the nature of those policies are? We would love to know. So far, all I have heard is rhetoric and hyperbole. I have not seen any constructive policies.


    Regardless of how you feel about Thaksin, we must never forget, he was the first leader in the nations history, to ever do anything to benefit the common people. Universal health care for the Thai people was a stunning achievement. It exists to this day, which is testament to the popularity of that idea. Little P. in his wildest dreams, could never consider anything that would be as helpful to the normal people, who he very obviously despises. He is a typical politician, though he claims to be different. He is responsible for protecting the elite, the super wealthy, the powerful, those that are connected, and those in power in the administration, the police, and the army. That is all he does day and night. Other than collect cash. Billions. Nothing else. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


    That's some high praise for a bag man for the 1%. Gary Cohn is personally responsible for blowing the biggest hole in the ship so far.

    I am not sure where the praise is here. Just stating that he was showing a little bit of honor by leaving the sinking ship S.S. Donald. 


    After all, this incredibly corrupt man was second in command, during these horrific periods, when Goldman Sachs was responsible for the following misdeeds and catastrophes-


    The Malaysian Slush Fund Fraud.

    Goldman Sachs raised billions of dollars for a Malaysian government investment fund — known as 1Malaysia Development Berhad, or 1MDB — that wound up in a shadowy web of personal bank accounts that were used to buy high art, luxury real estate, and fund movie productions like The Wolf of Wall Street. Investigators have described it as one of the largest financial frauds in history.


    The ABACUS Fraud.

    In 2010, the firm agreed to pay $550 million to settle claims that it misled investors in a subprime mortgage product known as Abacus 2007 C-1. Goldman acknowledged as part of the settlement that its marketing materials were “incomplete” and agreed not to commit intentional fraud in the future.


    Role In America’s Mortgage Meltdown.

    The money to be made in trading mortgage-backed securities had a larger effect on Wall Street and Goldman Sachs than just creating room for the occasional fraud. It also fed the appetite for mortgage-lending that contributed to the housing bubble and later the financial crisis. And Cohn was at the center of Goldman’s big move into mortgages as the housing bubble inflated. When Cohn took over the mortgage unit in 2000, it was trading just $1 billion of securities a week, according to a 2010 story by the Wall Street Journal‘s Susanne Craig. Just three years later, it was trading $50 billion, Craig reported.


    Cohn Gave The Financial Crisis Commission Bad Info Under Oath.

    Cohn testified under oath to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in 2010 that Goldman Sachs had gone to the Fed’s discount window–its facility for providing banks with emergency funding–only once. A year later, a court ordered the Fed to release data on Fed borrowings. It was discovered that Goldman had gone to the discount window five times between the fall of 2008 and early 2010 to borrow a total of $60 million.


    With the cranks and nationalists ascendant in Trump World, whoever replaces Mr. Cohn is unlikely to be any better than he is, and possibly quite a bit worse. No sound economist would risk his or her reputation by working in this administration. Since before even taking office, Mr. Trump has reeled from one scandal to the next. Recent weeks have brought a parade of senior officials departing, most under a cloud of suspicion. The first-year turnover among senior staff members in the Trump administration is significantly higher than for the past five presidents and is double the rate for the first year of the Reagan administration, the previous record-holder, according to the Brookings Institution.



  11. And why would the Thai people choose such utter incompetence, such modest intelligence, such an extraordinary lack of vision, such a lack of progressive thought, and such a greedy and corrupt man child? If given a choice, is the key word here.


    This charlatan is completely lost. He has no idea who he is, what he represents, nor does he ever even consider his people, in any decision he makes. It is all about Planet Little P. Always has been, and always will be. A man of such small stature, on every level. Except for his ego. In that regard, and in many other regards, he is much like Trump.


    Little P. Moving Thailand backwards at a breath taking, alarming and astonishing pace, and not making Thailand great again. 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    Oh he realizes it alright. He ran his entire campaign on the fact that his predecessors were giving away the country to pander to the thieves in the market and he was going to put a stop to that crap.

    And how is he not pandering to the thieves? How has he not re-populated the swamp? He has never met a lobbyist he does not like. The day after a meeting with the NRA lobbyist, he completely backed off his promises to reform gun control. He is an absolute whore. What is he doing differently, to show any kind of integrity? 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    He will only hire those with his view.....he is the expert.....the stable genius....no one knows it better than Trump...and even if they do know more than Trump they will leave or he will fire them...


    He can't even control the Goldman Sachs swamp dwellers he recruited......just look at Gary Cohn for instance




    The exodus continues. I think there are alot of people who just do not know who this absolute charlatan is. And once they find out, they are overwhelmed with embarrassment, at having been deceived into thinking he was a capable, or earnest man. Kudos to Cohn for leaving the swamp. My guess is that McMasters and Kelly are next. That is if those former top officers have any dignity left within themselves.


    It is a matter of weeks, before Ivanka and Jared the evil prince are shown the door. That will be a great day for the nation.

  14. My guess is that he was probably not too interested in sex (he was ok with her continuing her career, and banging countless other guys) and just wanted a trophy wife. There is a level of desperation in the US and the UK, that men have, which compels them to make some very strange decisions. There is no doubt she is a gold digger of epic proportions. Why on earth he would continue to offer her continued support, is beyond the ability for most of us to grasp or understand. But, it is possible she is just making alot of this up. She looks like the type who would do or say absolutely anything. 


    Sometimes, a man just needs to be and act like a man. Whenever you are in doubt, just ask yourself, what would Bond do in this situation? It helps one to grow a set of cajones, and begin to regain his manhood, after the emasculation has taken place, or after he has been taken advantage of, by a crocodile like Nat. She has predator written all over her. He has sucker written all over him. There is much to be learned from this sad episode.


    The biggest part of the problem here, is the extreme emasculation that is taking place in the West. Most men, in the US, Europe, and Oz, are no longer real men, when it comes to dealing with their women. Their women have made their lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC. And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within femininity. So, it is easy for the con artists, like this worm Nat, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. 


    The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. Start making the decisions, and stop saying "honey what do you want?". "What will make you happy?" "Where do you want to eat?" I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take charge. Someone has to.


    Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, or if she is a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, or if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. 


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  15. This is a man who literally cannot get out of his own way. He is such a bumbling fool, and his policy grows more inane by the day. This administration is so lost, they have absolutely no idea how to proceed, nor what to do to lead the nation, and benefit the people. If only he was willing to hire some real talent, maybe he could get some work done. The type of protectionism he is offering is very 19th century. It will only hurt the US economy. The only upside to that, is that re-election will become impossible. Hooray for that.


    Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American.

    The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life.

    The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience.

    The art of attempting to lead a nation, while being infected with the thinnest skin of a world leader, in history. 

    The art of not having a diplomatic bone in his body, and destroying long held alliances, with hate, hubris and a horrible lack of intelligence, vision and talent.

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  16. This man Hamat Bah, is no doubt a man of such ignorance, it boggles the mind. He is one of those fake puritans. A man with so many skeletons in his closet, that he reminds us of a Papuan Highlander cannibal. It is what is called deflection. We have solved all of our problems, and we are a pious nation. We are an Islamic nation, so of course we do not have prostitution, and nor do we have any other vices. Of course what he said about Thailand, was at least partially true. But it was unnecessary, arrogant, self righteous, and very ignorant for him to say it. 

    • Like 1
  17. 14 hours ago, riclag said:

    Can you show the source for that 4.7 billion dollars Donald Trump personally stole !

    Here are several articles that detail many of Trumps crimes.


    By December, Trump was on the verge of missing an interest payment on the debt of Trump Castle, and there was no room left to maneuver with the banks this time. So, just as he had in the past, Trump turned to Dad for help, according to New Jersey state regulatory records. On December 17, 1990, Fred Trump handed a certified check for $3.35 million payable to the Trump Castle to his attorney, Howard Snyder. Snyder traveled to the Castle and opened an account in the name of Fred Trump. The check was deposited into that account and a blackjack dealer paid out $3.35 million to Snyder in gray $5,000 chips. Snyder put the chips in a small case and left; no gambling took place. The next day, a similar “loan” was made—except by wire transfer rather than by check—for an additional $150,000. This surreptitious, and unreported, loan allowed Donald Trump to make that interest payment. (The Castle later settled charges by the Casino Control Commission of violations from this escapade and paid a $65,000 fine.)






    Jim Williams, of Calvi Electric, lowers the 'M' letter from the signage of Trump Plaza Casino to his co-workers Tony Demidio and Steven Nordaby in Atlantic City, New Jersey October 6, 2014.


    From mid-1995 to early 2009, Trump served as chairman of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2004), and held the CEO title for five years (mid-2000 to mid-2005). During Trump’s 13 years as chairman, the casino empire lost a total of $1.1 billion, twice declared bankruptcy, and wrote down or restructured $1.8 billion in debt. Over the same period, the company paid Trump—essentially Trump paying himself—roughly $82 million by Fortune’s estimates, collected from a dizzying variety of sources spelled out in the company’s proxy filings, as varied as payments for use of Trump’s private plane to fees paid directly Trump for access to his name and marketing expertise.




    What this tiny man said about one of his bankruptcies, that cost thousands of jobs, and millions in pension money for this employees-


    Trump himself fared well through the bankruptcy. He kept a $2 million annual salary after the company emerged from bankruptcy and took in more than $44 million in compensation over the course of the 14 years he served as chairman of THCR. “I don’t think it’s a failure,” he said of the bankruptcy in 2004. “It’s a success.”

    Our fearless leader being his crappy self. Welcome to Universe Don.


    Good reading- 13 of Trumps biggest business failures- the guy is a loser! -




    How Trump screwed the US govt and the American taxpayer out of a billion-


    “He has a vast benefit from his destruction” in the early 1990s, said one of the experts, Joel Rosenfeld, an assistant professor at New York University’s Schack Institute of Real Estate. Mr. Rosenfeld offered this description of what he would advise a client who came to him with a tax return like Mr. Trump’s: “Do you realize you can create $916 million in income without paying a nickel in taxes?”




    A list of his six bankruptcies. I was wrong. I think I said five.





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  18. 2 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    I thought the purpose of the tariffs was to punish Chinese manufacturers?  Trump is such an imbecile that the tariffs actually punished American allies, like Canada, Germany and South Korea.  At the same time, Trump is praising communist Chinese President Xi Jinping for declaring his life tenure.  Fortunately, Trump's executive order on tariffs will be superseded by Congressional action.  Trump is so ignorant that he doesn't even realize that the power to impose tariffs was exclusively reserved for Congress.  (U.S. Constitution Art. I,  Section 8).



    Luckily, Trump will be in an orange jump suit before he reaches the end of his first term.

    One can only hope. That is a personal dream at this point. He certainly deserves a long jail term. Not so much for what he has done as president (he has not done much) but for the 4.7 billion dollars he stole from the small contractors over the course of his career. At the time of his election, there were 3,600 lawsuits pending against him. Has anyone in history been sued that often? I doubt it. 


    The tariffs could be his undoing. It is all about the economy. He really runs the risk of slowing down the US economy. That would be the end of him. It's the economy stupid!

    • Sad 1
  19. Tiny Don has already launched his re-election campaign, in that he is putting together the committee. Earliest in history. Guess he is getting a taste of the power, and likes it. I have news for you Don. You will never in a million years be re-elected. You will be fortunate if you serve out your term, and America is not a wasteland by the end of your four years.


    It all comes down to the economy. Personally I think his trade tariffs are a bad idea. Especially on foreign cars. Who on earth wants an American car, anyway? Could adversely effect the economy (who is going to be paying those tariffs? The very people he said he was representing. Bah humbug. Another lie. Is anyone surprised? Of course not. Trump never met a lobbyist he did not like, or could say no to.


    In terms of China, it makes sense that Trump would praise a genocidal dictator, who runs organ harvesting industries, locks people up for writing stories, runs one of the most repressive regimes in the world, and wants leadership for life. Why bother with an election, when you do not have to? Just ask Little P.?

  20. DO NOT PLANT RICE, what ever you do. It is one of the least profitable crops on earth, and has been responsible for hundreds of millions of people remaining below the poverty line, for centuries. It appears to be a method the elite use, to keep the poor, dirt poor.


    Fruit trees are a far more profitable alternative. Any fruit is better than rice. 

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