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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 12 hours ago, poanoi said:

    i'm a former smoker, and a foreigner will invariably

    throw a cigarette butt in an ash tray, and litter in a trash can,

    so long as there is any trash can & ash tray around.


    i also believe thais can be trained to throw litter in a trash can

    so long as there is any trash can around, and negligence result in a fine


    I am often astonished at the high percentage of smokers who throw their cigarette butts out the window, in areas where there is a high danger of fire, or just toss them onto the street, or onto the floor in a hotel lobby or a mall. It is very offensive. Sorry, but in general most smokers are very disrespectful people. Between their second hand smoke, in restaurants, bars, and around children, and their offensive disposal of their butts, they appear to be positively toxic people. Most. Not all. For some reason, it is still considered hip to smoke on Europe. I really do not get that one. For some of us, who despise tobacco, and the noxious odor, the lack of respect on the part of smokers is glaring.


    As far as the ban goes, this law has been on the books for years. In some areas of Bangkok, I see it enforced. In some areas of Pattaya, not at all. On Samui, not even 1% of the establishments enforce the law, as it is a law free island., and the police there only collect money, and do not ever engage in law enforcement. 


    I used to ask where the no smoking section is. The answer was always the same. Oh do not worry. You can smoke anywhere.

    Now, I ask if I can smoke! They say, oh the smoking area is over there. LOL.





    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    I was in Phuket a couple of weeks ago and rented a motorcycle. I was very shocked by the idiocy displayed by bike/scooter riders.  But what was even more surprising/shocking to me was that 9 out of 10 of the idiots who were riding in a crazy fashion as if they were taking part in the Manx TT and coming out of junctions without looking, were the foreigners not the locals. I assume that most were tourists. I also saw quite a few in bandages and casts from what I assume were motorcycle accidents. Unbloodybelievable.  


    Yes, it seems as if many foreigners come here, and they gradually have shrinking brain syndrome. All of the stuff they learned back home, just goes out the window, when they see the locals doing stupid stuff. Not me. I drive like a grandmother on my bike. Very conservative. I constantly remind myself that if I drive quickly, I will only get to my destination three minutes earlier. What difference does that make, in the face of serious injury, or death? Do I really want to die today? That is what anyone driving a motorbike in Thailand should ask themselves, before getting on the bike.


    Let us keep things in perspective here. It is difficult enough staying safe, and avoiding a collision with the local maniacs here, while driving slowly and safely. Why take those kinds of chances?

    • Like 2
  3. On a few occasions, I have tried arguing with the policeman. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. But on some occasions, the argument had some merit, and I went on and on and on. Finally the policeman asked me to leave! On other occasions, I have negotiated a reduction in the bribe amount. So, a little resistance can go a long way here. It is not like they are going to bring down the hammer on you, for doing so. Not like resisting the police in the US, which could get you killed, or increase the fine or penalty dramatically. I rarely go down without a fight. I think they deserve the resistance. It is not like they are engaging in traffic safety. They are simply working their franchises. 


    This method only works if you have a proper Thai drivers license and are wearing a helmet, if on a bike. 

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, Daveyh said:

    This motorcyclist is completly at fault trying to enter a main road on the wrong side & trying to filter over to the left when clear. He got it very wrong & paid for his mistake with his life. This maneuver is all to common here & seems to be the norm when entering the road from the opposite side against traffic flow .............. just another stupid suicidal action most cyclists do here each day. It's fact no one can drive here safely, hence it's the risk you take if you drive on the highway here. RIP.


    But it is an action one can do safely, if you look carefully, and allow enough time and distance. For some reason, many Thai people do not think like that. And they take remarkable chances with their lives, an those of their family. Often, I look behind me, after someone has dangerously cut in front of me, and there is nobody back there. Which means that a rational mind, that belongs to someone with self respect, self love, and respect for other human beings, would look first, and then make a calculated decision to wait three more seconds, and enter the road safely, when there was no oncoming traffic. The rarely happens here. What is up with that? Why take such a chance, when two or there seconds is all it takes to do it safely? It boggles the mind. I am not a big risk taker, when it comes to driving. I value my life too much, and that of my friends or woman, if they are traveling with me. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/3/2016 at 9:48 PM, lopburi3 said:

    This has been the rule and is clearly stated with a 2 minute Google search.


    They normally transfer the merchandise to the boarding gate. Sounds like that was the case here too. This is definitely a scam. Before surrendering the merchandise, I would have DEMANDED the ID of each individual involved, and taken images of each. However, one thing must be understood here. Just as is the case with the police, the customs guys purchase their positions of authority. A lower level guy has to spend 6,000,000 baht to purchase a mid level position. Same with the police. That tells you how lucrative these "franchises" are. They are essentially accountable to nobody. The government or police would never pursue them, as this is known to anyone in a position of authority. All that can really be done is to shame the country as a whole, for allowing these ancient practices to continue. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Thian said:

    Well the general does absolutely nothing to improve the airports, and what they do (like that 50 baht taxiservice-superlong qeueu) doesn't work...The skytrain to Swampy even stopped operating iirc and if it works it might just break down and passengers are locked with closed doors in full sun for many hours.


    but those chinese groups on Don Muang are still a pain in the butt, i was so lucky to have them in the plane i booked and they ALL started pushing like idiots when the gate finally opened...Another farang and me were in the mess but he got tired of it and walked straight through the checks without even showing any ticket, he held his suitcase above his head and they just let him board without questions.


    I pushed them back and told them to not jump the qeueu but all those chinese got very nervous when we could board, oh so scared they would loose their tourleader...since i'm much taller than them they didn't dare to push me again but boy are they rude.


    If my European friends/family want to visit me and my wife we meet in Singapore from now on, much better for everyone and absolutely no stress there. Quality tourists who don't mind to pay a little more should all go there since it's SOO much better than Thailand.


    Don Muang also needs many more shops to buy some food, there were very long qeueu's at that S&P to buy a sandwich for 120 baht..but there's not much else so be hungry or go there.


    I hope more travellers make pictures of crappy Don Muang so it will get renovated very soon..how dare they luring quality tourists to let them endup in that filthy mess.



    I hear alot of complaints about the Chinese behavior. And I think some things should be taken into account. I am not waging a defense of the Chinese tourist here. But, I do prefer them to the Russians, on so many levels. They are accustomed to dealing with 1,400,000,000 people. So, everywhere they go, they deal with enormous crowds, and really, really stupid lines. So, they get pushy. We interpret that as rude. They probably see it as tactics for survival. And the other consideration is that we are not seeing the whole of China. The current pattern of attracting tours, means that we are seeing the relatively poor Chinese. They are paying next to nothing for these package tours, and Thailand is attracting the dregs of society, relatively speaking. Not smart policy on any level. But it is what it is. 


    In my opinion compared to the droves of surly, nasty, hard hearted, hostile Russians I used to deal with, the Chinese are jovial, fun loving, and easy to deal with. Sure they are pushy, and they fart and burp alot in public, and you have the occasional guy who urinates on a statue. But not bad, compared to the Russkies I used to deal with, in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, dieter1 said:

    this story about " meddling in the US presidential erlection  gets more stupid day by day...

    The US did "meddling" in the regimes of other states from the beginning, with under cover or open kind of tools like war:

    south america (Chile, Honduras, Panama, nearly every state), all of Europe , Ukraine , Iraq,Iran, Syria,Libya, .. it would be an endless list to count them all. Killing millions of people this way.  Even in Russia they  are doing it, especially after the end of the Sowjet Union.


    Now this big Propaganda champaign about meddling of Russia in the last election !  who are the fools who take this seriously

    (ups, I forgot: all of you who did vote for Miss Clinton...)

    (I could add up a lot , what I do not like about Trump. but that is another story....

    I think the real focus here is not whether or not the Russians muddled in the election. Of course they did. That is what King Vlad, the murdering dictator does best. The question is whether or not Tiny Don, and his team aided the Russians, in their attempt to defeat Clinton. My guess is that they did. And that is the real crime here. Alot more to come. I am guessing that Mueller will prove that his team was aiding and abetting. Will that result in anything? Do his supporters care? Does congress and the senate care? Looks likely they do not. At this point it is not about the man. It is not about his background, his crimes, his misdemeanors, the probable serial statutory rapes he engaged in, along with Jeffrey Epstein, the grab them by the pussy stuff, or any of it. It appears to be all about the agenda, at all costs. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 16 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:


    My guess is that was done simply as a form of deflection. There is no way the authorities want him back here for prosecution. Just like the serial killing worm child on Dark Tao, he is being protected at every level by the police, the army and the government. That is simply how things work here. He will never in a million years be prosecuted. Not only is the administration NOT fighting corruption, they are doing everything in their power to protect the elite, the powerful, the super wealthy, and those in power, at every level, every day. 


    Of course he may not be able to return to Thailand. Maybe. Maybe not. But, he is enjoying the life of a billionaire, and will never pay for the consequences of his actions. At least not in this lifetime. 

    • Like 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    I can't escape the feeling it was even worse when so-called democratically "elected" parliament and the government made up from those "elected" parliamentarians were running the show.

    So to say.

    No doubt. I am not saying this administration is more corrupt than others before it. But, that is not saying much. Some things never change. Billions upon billions are being earned at the top. And I am talking dollars of dollars, not baht. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Thian said:

    Here i came out of the smokingroom at Changi Singapore....look at the real tree's at the gates with the designerchairs.


    Then i landed at Don Muang, here you see the smoking room.


    It was so filthy that i decided to wait and smoke outside...but look there at the smoking area in hard rain!


    Welcome to Thailand!









    Quite a contrast. The TAT is working feverishly to increase the number of arrivals, and as always, no thought is being paid to how to support that increase, how to improve the general infrastructure, services, immigration services, etc. The country is losing the higher spending Western tourists by the year, and they are being replaced with lower spending Chinese tourists. I am looking at the ratings on Skytrax, and it is quite low. As an example, here is a random review of the airport:


    "not a good place to be"

    B Moore (New Zealand) 10th March 2018

    ✅ Trip Verified | I have travelled in and out of Don Muang airport at least 20 times. Maybe twice I have had a reasonably quick arrival or departure experience, every other time it is chaotic. Definitely ranks as one of the busiest airports and not a good place to be. If you can avoid it at all costs, unless you can get a flight in or out when its in a quiet patch. Anybody that reviews it and says its good either a) Doesn't travel through here much or B) Is being paid to write good things or c) Lucked out in a quiet patch or d) You are Thai in which you have eGate and its quick. Come on Thailand, you're not doing visitors to your country a good service by having such appalling airport facilities. Staff are just overworked and unhappy, open more kiosks, look after your guests, land of smiles right?




    And here is a random review of Swampy. I did not realize how poorly that airport was rated:


    "Terrible service"

    P Tan (Singapore) 21st February 2018

    ✅ Trip Verified | Long queuing times all the way. Terrible service. Queuing at check in, then at security control, then at passport control. A complete review of the processes should be conducted. For a country like Thailand where tourism is so important, it is astonishing that the main airport offers such a sad spectacle.







    Little P. Moving Thailand backwards at a breath taking,

    alarming, and astonishing pace. Definitely not making

    Thailand great again.

  11. 1 hour ago, rosst said:

    I am like most of us not surprised by this but how blatant can corruption exist in the highest echelons of a Government before the world sits up and takes notice. 

    What a disgusting saga, Thailand, hang your head in shame. 

    I think corruption is so pervasive, worldwide at this time, that there is little to notice. Look at Russia. Maybe the most corrupt nation on earth. India? China? All we can do is hope that eventually, once they are out of office, Little P., Prawit the nitwit, and other now billionaires, will be brought to account for their enormous theft, their corruption, their policies and their crimes against the illegal immigrants, the slaves, the people who are trafficked, and the Thai people. As we know, current politicians, those that are in power in the police, the army, and the administration, never, ever get prosecuted. Once in a blue moon, they face charges long after they have left office, and squirreled away their fortunes overseas. Above the law. Any and all laws. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    How is that a valid argument against deporting illegals? I would venture to guess that your "Happy-Go-lucky" encounters were with those who did it correctly.

    If you're here illegally, get the hell out and do it right.

    I hope they put that mayor in club-fed and slap JB for allowing it.

    The current immigration system is completely broken, and hardly allows people to "do it right". If you are from the third world, and you are not wealthy, you have little hope of getting a visa. That is a fact. And if you are highly skilled, and are from the third world, you have little hope if fitting into the minuscule quotas, that have been outdated for 50 years. Regardless of how brilliant or creative, or extraordinary, or accomplished you are. The system is dysfunctional beyond description. And it contributes to not making America great again. Guys like Trump refuse to address that, nor talk about it, on any level. Alot of the immigrants I know are illegal. And they bring so much to the table. Legal or not, I barely care. I completely understand why they are illegal, when there is so little in the way of opportunity to either come in legally, or to become legalized, these days. 


    The fact of the matter is, American industry wants illegal aliens. Many cannot function without them. Without them, the US economy would decline overnight. 

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