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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. I hadn't seen that post yet. What an incredibly sad thing to read.

    here's my (cynical) take:

    1. remember you are a walking ATM

    2. don't forget that if you cannot get a girl in your own country - you can here - but at a price!

    3. Thais view relationships in a more 'practical way' than farangs - what's love got to do with it? (apologies Tina)

    4. you are number 10 behind:

    their family

    their bank account

    their gik

    their second gik

    their friends

    their dog

    their car

    their job

    their clothes

    and then maybe you (if you find a good one)

    and remember the translation problem?

    they say/it means

    honey I miss you / can i have some money

    you are the only one for me / apart from my gik

    where have you been honey / I need money

    i love you / i love your bank account

    you are so handsome / i am short of cash

    honey can i bring a friend / can you pay for both of us

    i'm feeling sick and cannot come tonight / my gik is visiting town

    i have never met anyone like you before / none of my giks have ever had any money

    I only like farangs / only they have money

    I broken heart / and broken bank account

    A bit tongue in cheek but you get the drift? everything here is an 'exchange' i know many farangs who are happy with their Thai girl - often 20 or 30 years apart... must be love right? well it may be... love Thai style


    it's a bit of fun Winnie but it's generally (ish) true - Thai's are incredibly 'practical' when it comes to errrrr 'love' - no one really believes that that incredibly beautiful young 20 something with that over weight 60s farang would 'love' him if she had a choice? still if they are happy so what? but I am pretty realistic I think

  2. yea we really need another bar ph34r.gif

    Why not?

    If the OP has found a gap in the market he should go for it.

    He is not going this "Blinkered" :D

    actually there IS a market for a 'girl' bar around Nimman (there ain't any) or around Hang Dong (there ain't any) so David's advice is not too far off if you are serious (gulp!) - I might even be tempted to visit

  3. "...young Thai people dancing, listening to the band and drinking. There might have been a thousand people of which I couldn't see any other farangs but myself. At least half or more were petty, young Thai females. If that isn't a big enough selection to choose from then I wouldn't know what more to say." ~ IanForbes

    I find that the irrepressible Mr. Forbes has made what we might call a Freudian slip, or perhaps an honest one, in his advice. If you're interested in finding a petty woman (who likes drinking and dancing too!), come to Thailand! He continues to inform us that such women are all around us, so if we are led where we usually are by the usual organs, we may well marry one! Chances are good!

    As Elvis once said 'why buy a cow when you can get milk through the fence'!

  4. Hi there, heard something about the build quality at hillside, dont know the truth, but i have never wanted to buy there so never pursued the matter. I have been told that some time back the owners? were told to stop allowing people to put marble in the appartments as the structure might not be up to the task ! structural integrity? please, i dont know the truth about this problem and i dont want to say more, just be aware of what has been said to me! and look into it, if its okay then come back to the forum and make it public knowledge so we all know!


    it's not about build quality at all - any sensible condo management would limit the load on the floors. Yes hillside has put a stop, sensibly, to owners putting marble now as it's so heavy. Condos that do not control this type of thing are FAR more worrying!

  5. red sky at night Sheppards delight! I was hoping it would rain - save watering but... alas...

    Red Sky at night sailors delight.

    Red Sky in the morning sailor take warning.

    no red sky this morning - so Sheppards and Sailors should be ok today whistling.gif

  6. that I have to 'give up' my 75ml of Davidoff at the security check point at Savarnapum - then buy it again just past it?

    happened to me - I had to throw away a bottle - then walk 10 paces and there's a shop selling it - what's the point???

  7. I must say I'd advise against mountain view - unless you like living in a microwave

    or just buy some bamboo/wood sunshades like a lot of people have there. Makes a huge difference if the sun cannot hit the windows.

    helps yes.. but doesn't help the build up of heat that is let out at night time! the first condo i bought was mountain view - best advice - don't!!! I regularly fried - sit on the balcony during summer? forget it - keep the sunshades closed/ then what's the point? still good luck

  8. To answer your first question is easy TIT! they have no concept of customer service and that's just the way it is - don't let people scare you into not buying - I own a few and, although you have to work at it they were all rented out last year - this year is a little more difficult.

    I know many farangs who have bought here (mostly for rental income) and many more just to live in - no serious problems unless you overpay of course.

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