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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. So you have personally met umpteen million people have you? Have another case of Chang. ;)

    I actually met a yellow shirt supporter here the other day - and I must say that is very rare - the most yellow supporters I have ever met are on here posting on TV!

    edit: spl

    That is because Thai yellow supporters have been intimidated into not daring to show colours even if they wanted to by a violent red movement

    I don't call that democracy, do you?

    haha this made me giggle... those pesky red shirts on every street corner just a-huntin out those yellows - haha - hey cum on out! - we know you're there! and all the time those yellows are a-cowering in their peaceful homes (sorry expensive peaceful homes) trying to work out which school to send their lovely little 'darlings' to and fearing those reds might surprise them at the local 7/11 - dam_n the life of a yellow sure is tough!

  2. A reminder about multiple nested quotes:

    Everybody, please follow this rule of forum netiquette:

    5. Please do not quote multiple nested quotes. Quote only the relevant section that you are discussing. Moderators will snip excessively long nested quotes.

    There are far too many posts not observing this courtesy and from this point forward such posts may simply be removed rather than edited.

    not an excuse but many of us find the 'quotes' thing very confusing? when it tell us we have quoted too many blocks? can't you automate it so it automatically deletes the previous blocks? just an idea

  3. Most red sympathisers I know don't go to demos - there is more support than you realise - I have only met a few yellows - one was Thai the rest opinionated farangs who think they know best.

    Just to remind you, this topic is about actual attendance "30,000 Thai 'Red Shirts' rally in Bangkok: police", not about stay-at-homes.

    (edit: removed a quote ;) )

    fair enough - nice to see you acknowledge that there WERE 30,000 - good job!

  4. where are those silly posters who doubted even 10,000? they just can't help but tell lies to try to make the red demo look insignificant - looks HUGE to me and the Police say 30,000 others claim 50,000 - it's just the tip of the iceberg

    It's not the tip of the iceberg. If that were the case only 10% of the total has been seen and mentioned till now. On the other hand it might explain the 1 million talked about last year. At some days 100,000 might have been visible ;)

    10k, 30k or 100k ... they have done nothing to help their cause and in fact continue to hurt it because of their lack of communicating any kind of real grievances except demands to immediately disband the government and let their leaders out of jail. Nothing about education, nothing about infrastructural improvements in the urban.

    Bottom line is they are losing support and not gaining with their tactics to date. They really need to think about what it is they need and want and get some leaders who will take actions to get them those things instead of having leaders that simply want to use their followers as tools for their own means.

    let's see come the election

  5. I've posted some photos from last night in the TV Gallery .... it looked like a decent football stadium's worth to me .....


    My link

    where are those silly posters who doubted even 10,000? they just can't help but tell lies to try to make the red demo look insignificant - looks HUGE to me and the Police say 30,000 others claim 50,000 - it's just the tip of the iceberg

  6. Perhaps inadvertently you made an interesting comment, you called it the BROAD red movement...

    no i meant 'broad' and yes there are many views - I say 'broad' because I wanted to highlight that's it's a cultural shift not just 'the reds' as many people view them dmonstrating in krung thep.

  7. I find the totally anti red shirt bias of most of commentators in this forum quite entertaining, they go to ludicrous lengths to rubbish any possibly good observations about their activities. One thing is for sure, they don't live amongst or have contact with poor Thais, the nearest they might come is a taxi driver, restaurant waiter or perhaps their maid. Most of whom will say what they think a Farang wants to here.

    I can understand why they write as they do, most Farangs will automatically consort with the upper classes and adopt their values and attitudes towards the poor and countryfolk.

    thanks for a sensible post - I would estimate that the yellow fellows outnumber anyone with 'sympathies' to the broad red movement here (not particularly Thaksin) by at least 20/1 - I find it quite funny too - I have to fidn it amusing as I get hammered all the time by the right-wing smug capitalists on here. There are a few 'reasonable ones' who simply argure the case for the elites but loads more who think Thaksin is Lucifer incarnate and anyone who's DARES to support the poor is stupid, inexperienced and has no understanding about 'their' Thailand.

  8. :rolleyes:

    The "right to peaceful protest" is a cornerstone of democracy.

    I agree it might be better for everyone if the demonstrators did not block a major highway...but considering what happened last year...a peaceful protest is a much better result. So, all in all, I'm willing to accept that.

    As for the "reds" right to demonstrate....you can't have "democracy" for some and not for others, can you?


    no but what they want is 'it's ok for the yellows but not for the reds' - cool thinking right? the yellows on here are a right wing lot largely

  9. ...Oh, maybe education will stop them but that has and continues to be addressed despite they fact I've never heard a Red mention they want better education for their kids..

    'never heard a red mention they want better education'? now I've heard it all - what a load of rubbish

  10. and when will you realise that some will use any arguement from capatalist dictator to commie to try and enhance their arguement? it's quite, quite pathetic - and as for your other point when will you guys stop painting anyone who is sympathetic to the broad red cause as a 'Thaksin lover'? hmm? many pots on here calling the kettles black

    Broad red cause? What's that then? Let me guess: rights of the poor and downtrodden underclasses. I hate to tell you this, but that is not the broad red cause, that's the pretense of a reason being used to give nobility and credibility to a cause that is in fact solely about a rich people's fight for money and power. Why is it not possible to simply support the rights of the poor and downtrodden underclasses, without attaching yourself or lending support to any side, be it red, yellow, pink or blue, because let's face it, they all have their own dirty badly-hidden agendas.

    As for pots calling kettles, you yourself are a pot every time you trot out something like "yellow fellow".

    twas a tit bit of humour... you are completely right I am pot too in this respect but TV is full of pots and pans that yell at me and a very few others everytime we dare mention that the reds have some points worth considering and I/we are labelled 'reds', 'Thaksin supporters' and all the other rubbish that I have endured over the last year or so - so you will forgive my little sarcastic turn right?

  11. So you have personally met umpteen million people have you? Have another case of Chang. ;)

    I actually met a yellow shirt supporter here the other day - and I must say that is very rare - the most yellow supporters I have ever met are on here posting on TV!

    edit: spl

  12. Firstly, were you there, or are your estimates based on pictures?...

    Police tend to underestimate but there's is the best 'count' we have - and now we have some posters saying'not even 10,000' like they are some kind of expert so we have hype and propaganda on both sides - some say 50,000 some tonkas on here say 10,000 so let's go with the Police's offcial estimate? 30,000 (and probably underestimated).

  13. you should all make up your minds - we have some yellow fellows saying Thaksin is 'authoritarian capatalist' and others saying 'communists'

    There you go again. If someone is anti Thaksin they must be yellow. When are you going to realize that there are many shades to this argument.

    and when will you realise that some will use any arguement from capatalist dictator to commie to try and enhance their arguement? it's quite, quite pathetic - and as for your other point when will you guys stop painting anyone who is sympathetic to the broad red cause as a 'Thaksin lover'? hmm? many pots on here calling the kettles black

  14. Once again Thailand is so far behind civilized society

    Sex education wold be a good place to start

    Wat happens to the boys who get the girls pregnant?

    This is the point - the boys - the answer? NOTHING because Thailand is a million years behind making the boys responsible for their semen - those poor girls... I do pity them but they are stupid too - education, education, education and there are University girls throwing their life away over a quick shag with an irrresponsible tonka.

  15. wweo.jpg

    ID of the foreigner wearing a red shirt is welcome.

    He's the latest in a long history of proud Foreigner Red Shirts... (FRS'ers)

    His martyrdom-worded T-Shirt reflects the grave injustices done to his brethren in arms that went before him. Such notable intellectual stalwarts as


    Australian Colin Purcell


    and Briton Jeff Savage

    really embarrassing - farangs should stay out of it and limit their comments to TV! it's not our fight

  16. I have a bad back (DDD) and the latex didn't suite my back at all so be careful if you have a back condition - the Latex company on here are very good though and I'd recommend them if the latex is suitable for you

    Yeah, its too bad that it did not help your condition. But the truth be told, you are the ONLY one that found it did not help a bad back or joints. Mind you, your issue is quite severe. Hope you did find some relief somehow....

    yea man - it's severe and on drugs- your company is cool and helped me alot - nothing but recommendations for Mam and you for helping me so much - I want to make it clear - these guys were GREAT and if you need a latex they are number ONE - truthful, honest and professional.

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