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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. I had a Bed made in Baan Tawan some 8 years ago, so far no complaints.

    The bed maker arranged the mattress and now I am in the market for a new one.

    Any recommendations for place to purchase ?


    There's a bed shop going towards Baan Tawai on the left - De Big Collection 053 434 685 - I buy all my beds there.

  2. All the private banking reports that I read have GBP going the opposite way to your estimate CMF, probably around end 3Q11, who knows.

    oh right... I guess it was more 'hope' than factual - I need to bring over a 'wad' and wanted to catch a short 'wave' above 50 - but maybe I should consider bringing over at 46/47 - it's just so depressing I can hardly consider it :unsure:

    I remember the 70s and wonder if we'll ever see 60 again in our lifetimes!

  3. I would expect this sort of resonse from you - no we don't know 100% I agree but it is the balance of probability - with good ballistics and investigative techniques they should be able to identify the bullet and gun etc. you think they will do this impartially? let's see... but to suggest it was the same side is beyond any neutral person's imagination - maybe Kennedy was shot by the his own guards right?

    Even identifying the bullet or the type of gun wouldn't necessarily point the finger at the army, given the red shirts access to military hardware both before the protests and during the protests.

    I'm not saying that it wasn't the army, but just highlighting that bullet and gun couldn't identify that it was the army.

    yes I understand that - I should have said 'in all proabability' but I was lazy... but where is the CCTV footage? where are the witnesses? anyway we are veering way off topic - I just would like to see more balance in the posts - you cannot be against violence and pick 'n' choose which bits you are against - I'm against it ALL

    edit: spl

  4. That was not my point... violence is violence on any side and murdering someone being interviewed by a journalist is MURDER and extreme violence on behalf of the state


    Do you have any evidence he wasn't ordered shot by Thaksin or one of the many unelected Red Shirt leaders who needed him out of the way?

    Without evidence, making a claim that the Army "MURDERED" him could be construed as libellous.

    on the balance of probability it wasn't Thaksin (who was on the same side) the bullet was Army issue and it wasn't Santa Claus right? use your brain

    I thought this was argued out to its conclusion just a week ago.

    We do not know that the army killed Seh Daeng, and we do know that Seh Daeng had pissed off people who also say they don't approve of violence despite sponsoring it (Thaksin), talking about “bloodshed all over the country” (Natthawut) and “a guerilla war” (Jatuporn).

    Despite this argument AGAINST the army shooting Seh Daeng (and that's not even going into the many other theories), I still believe it was an army hit. But it might not have been and, as I said in the other thread, I think we can safely assume it was not Santa Claus. So common sense or otherwise, it would be misleading and, dare I say it, evil to push this opinion in the same way that you did.

    Really, especially since you have brought up your very high level of education, you should engage your brain from time to time too. Hope you can take the criticism as helpful advice.

    I would expect this sort of resonse from you - no we don't know 100% I agree but it is the balance of probability - with good ballistics and investigative techniques they should be able to identify the bullet and gun etc. you think they will do this impartially? let's see... but to suggest it was the same side is beyond any neutral person's imagination - maybe Kennedy was shot by the his own guards right?

  5. Hi Ray.

    I see by one of your previous posts that now you consider yourself a trader rather than a value investor...congrats on your decision. I would like to do both, as I am a value investor and a member of Thai Stocks, the same as you. I enjoy Paul's advice, but I am retired with time on my hands and would like to do a bit more with stocks. What information/websites or advice do I need to get started? I have followed the same path as you (reading the same investment books, joining TS,etc.) and would like to expand my knowledge of investing in stocks in Thailand.

    I know that Thaivisa will not allow members to post their e-mail addresses so, how can I contact you?



    Are you based in Bangkok? I started investing in thai stocks in January this year- was hoping to meet a few like minded people here- pity that Ray is in the country side!:)

    how, exactly, are you investing? you have a broker down in BKK? I'm looking for one in CNX

  6. That was not my point... violence is violence on any side and murdering someone being interviewed by a journalist is MURDER and extreme violence on behalf of the state


    Do you have any evidence he wasn't ordered shot by Thaksin or one of the many unelected Red Shirt leaders who needed him out of the way?

    Without evidence, making a claim that the Army "MURDERED" him could be construed as libellous.

    on the balance of probability it wasn't Thaksin (who was on the same side) the bullet was Army issue and it wasn't Santa Claus right? use your brain

  7. This is nothing new except to those who are either unaware of it or attempt to explain it away.

    'violence of sae dang?' you mean the guy who was shot in the head by the Army? oh... right... so that's NOT violence mai?

    edit: spl

    As you seem unaware of the multiple bombers, snipers, and M79 Grenade shooters tied to him, can we put you down for being in the first category above, then?


    That was not my point... violence is violence on any side and murdering someone being interviewed by a journalist is MURDER and extreme violence on behalf of the state

  8. well it's true Abhisit isn't the only one - I guess what I'm trying to convey (badly as usual) is that the elected government were 'banned' and hence the government changed hands right? so THAT was the time to hold an election and get a mandate not set-up another rag-tag one.

    The newly formed PTP were in government following the disbanding of the PPP. A new PM had to be elected. They could have called an election, but chose not to. They went to a vote for PM instead (as they did when Somchai was elected PM), but they had lost the support of their coalition partners, which led to Abhisit being elected PM.

    yes and the people who voted for the 'coalition partners'? what about them? did they get a chance to say 'it's ok to switch'? no... anyway what's done is done - bring on the election and I will support whoever wins (fairly).

    Did they get a chance to say it's OK to side with the PPP in the first place?

    Hmmmm :unsure: well... I don't know for sure but i believe the allegiances were clear before the election - but in all honesty I can't say for sure

  9. haha yes I was hoping you didn't spot that! :bah: and he's wearing a 'red star' on his cap which is indicative of 'Communist' but he doesn't represent anyone I know who sympathises with the cause behind the red movement.

    No, he just speaks for them...

    hey people let's get perspective - this guy leads a small faction - don't get over excited that you have 'discovered the 'secret' that the reds really ARE communists'

    Nobody that's been familiar with their exploits over the years is getting excited. :) This is nothing new except to those who are either unaware of it or attempt to explain it away.

    The communists of Surachai, the anti-monarchists of Jakrapob, the violence of Sae Daeng, Red Shirt Bomber Squad, Arisaman, etc.... just how many extremist "factions" are allowed before a "peaceful democracy movement" gets discredited and found to be repulsive?


    'violence of sae dang?' you mean the guy who was shot in the head by the Army? oh... right... so that's NOT violence mai?

    edit: spl

  10. well it's true Abhisit isn't the only one - I guess what I'm trying to convey (badly as usual) is that the elected government were 'banned' and hence the government changed hands right? so THAT was the time to hold an election and get a mandate not set-up another rag-tag one.

    The newly formed PTP were in government following the disbanding of the PPP. A new PM had to be elected. They could have called an election, but chose not to. They went to a vote for PM instead (as they did when Somchai was elected PM), but they had lost the support of their coalition partners, which led to Abhisit being elected PM.

    yes and the people who voted for the 'coalition partners'? what about them? did they get a chance to say 'it's ok to switch'? no... anyway what's done is done - bring on the election and I will support whoever wins (fairly).

  11. Jeeze Koncept is cheap stuff and poor quality - get the frame from Baan Tawai and the matress from Airport Plaza

    Agreed on the cheap stuff.

    But it is very difficult to find a good, comfortable mattress :)

    I have many friends who own condos for rent and sell - we all buy Koncept for the condos that rent out at 5,000 plus and Baan Tawai for condos 10,000 plus - they are what they are... they are ok but cannot compare with a teak wood gorgeous thing from Baan Tawai with a quality mattress (mine cost 26,000) from airport plaza etc.

    You cannot expect to get a decent bed AND mattress for 8,600! not if you value your back

  12. haha yes I was hoping you didn't spot that! :bah: and he's wearing a 'red star' on his cap which is indicative of 'Communist' but he doesn't represent anyone I know who sympathises with the cause behind the red movement.

    No, he just speaks for them...

    hey people let's get perspective - this guy leads a small faction - don't get over excited that you have 'discovered the 'secret' that the reds really ARE communists'

  13. The people didn't vote for a single Red Shirt leader either, right? Strangely ironic, for a revolutionary group furious that a coalition of elected MPs formed a government, as prescribed by the constitution. Strangely peculiar as well, considering that they were fighting and dying for something...which was rejected by their unelected leadership when they were finally offered it by a government desperate to avoid more bloodshed.

    Out of interest, who would the UDD vote into leadership positions, if they were trusted with a vote by those who finance their activities? No, you cannot phone a friend.

    And why doesn't their phone-a-friend trust them with that vote? Would it simply be too expensive / redundant?

    'revolutionary group'? where did that come from? just because they are called 'red' doesn't mean they are Communist - they were called 'neo-Stalinist' in another thread and that was laughable too - they would not know who Stalin was if he was drinking in the bar next to them - they would just think 'wierd farang with too much growth on his lip'

    In the newly updated thread to this one... in which the 60,000 attendance goal has plummeted to just 10,000 (which also makes this older thread redundant, btw):

    Red Shirt Leader Surachai Danwattananusorn said yesterday,

    "Red Siam aims for a peaceful revolution

    haha yes I was hoping you didn't spot that! :bah: and he's wearing a 'red star' on his cap which is indicative of 'Communist' but he doesn't represent anyone I know who sympathises with the cause behind the red movement.

  14. I have no Interest in Thai politics but I sense a large number of thai citizens are unhappy with the present government since they were appointed not elected which is not the democratic way. I was not happy when the supreme court appointed GW Bush to be my President so I understand there frustration. I also want to say peaceful demonstration are good but you do not get the results your after I suspect if the election was to be held the red shirts would win with 70 % of the votes which tell me that elite ruling class fear the loss of power. I also want to ad shooting & killing unarmed demonstrators is not good policy it just ad more anger & fear & when people are tired of being afraid they become a super fighting force & nothing will stop them. I suspect the red shirts are hungry & with the economics of Thailand being loss of tourism & exports due to very strong Baht it the working poor that get hurt the most. / this is only my opinion

    No interest in Thai politics ... and no knowledge of Thai politics.

    and as long as you say that sort of thing to people the frustrations will continue - I accept the governement is 'legal' but the people didn't vote for it

    Care to explain how all the seats in the house were filled then.

    And what PM was ever elected by the people. Why are you trying to make it sound like Abhist is the only one to ever be elected by the ministers? You know better than that.:(

    well it's true Abhisit isn't the only one - I guess what I'm trying to convey (badly as usual) is that the elected government were 'banned' and hence the government changed hands right? so THAT was the time to hold an election and get a mandate not set-up another rag-tag one.

  15. I accept the governement is 'legal' but the people didn't vote for it

    The people didn't vote for a PPP government either.

    The people didn't vote for a single Red Shirt leader either, right? Strangely ironic, for a revolutionary group furious that a coalition of elected MPs formed a government, as prescribed by the constitution. Strangely peculiar as well, considering that they were fighting and dying for something...which was rejected by their unelected leadership when they were finally offered it by a government desperate to avoid more bloodshed.

    Out of interest, who would the UDD vote into leadership positions, if they were trusted with a vote by those who finance their activities? No, you cannot phone a friend.

    And why doesn't their phone-a-friend trust them with that vote? Would it simply be too expensive / redundant?

    'revolutionary group'? where did that come from? just because they are called 'red' doesn't mean they are Communist - they were called 'neo-Stalinist' in another thread and that was laughable too - they would not know who Stalin was if he was drinking in the bar next to them - they would just think 'wierd farang with too much growth on his lip'

  16. I have no Interest in Thai politics but I sense a large number of thai citizens are unhappy with the present government since they were appointed not elected which is not the democratic way. I was not happy when the supreme court appointed GW Bush to be my President so I understand there frustration. I also want to say peaceful demonstration are good but you do not get the results your after I suspect if the election was to be held the red shirts would win with 70 % of the votes which tell me that elite ruling class fear the loss of power. I also want to ad shooting & killing unarmed demonstrators is not good policy it just ad more anger & fear & when people are tired of being afraid they become a super fighting force & nothing will stop them. I suspect the red shirts are hungry & with the economics of Thailand being loss of tourism & exports due to very strong Baht it the working poor that get hurt the most. / this is only my opinion

    No interest in Thai politics ... and no knowledge of Thai politics.

    and as long as you say that sort of thing to people the frustrations will continue - I accept the governement is 'legal' but the people didn't vote for it

    The people didn't vote for a PPP government either.

    well... that's true too... but personally I hate it when people vote for MP's thinking they are 'allied' to one side and then the MP's jump ship - they didn't vote for that and it stinks! (although technically legal).

  17. I have no Interest in Thai politics but I sense a large number of thai citizens are unhappy with the present government since they were appointed not elected which is not the democratic way. I was not happy when the supreme court appointed GW Bush to be my President so I understand there frustration. I also want to say peaceful demonstration are good but you do not get the results your after I suspect if the election was to be held the red shirts would win with 70 % of the votes which tell me that elite ruling class fear the loss of power. I also want to ad shooting & killing unarmed demonstrators is not good policy it just ad more anger & fear & when people are tired of being afraid they become a super fighting force & nothing will stop them. I suspect the red shirts are hungry & with the economics of Thailand being loss of tourism & exports due to very strong Baht it the working poor that get hurt the most. / this is only my opinion

    No interest in Thai politics ... and no knowledge of Thai politics.

    and as long as you say that sort of thing to people the frustrations will continue - I accept the governement is 'legal' but the people didn't vote for it

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