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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. Really? I'll have a lok thanks... but how can it help a prolapsed disc in kneck and degenerative discs in lower back? the pain in my right hip and down the leg is hel_l sometimes - I'll go take a look though - thanks again (currently on drugs).

    The book will definitely helps a good % (not 100%) of those with lower back spine / disk problems that affect the nerves to the legs (sciatica a result). It helped me tremendousely and I do the exercises religiously. However, in the past my google searches were not as helpful / productive in explaining the "Why" and "How did this happen" - perhaps there is more now. The web sites do explain the exercises, however, reading only the exercise explanations may result in people giving up to quickly if there is not instant relief. Perhaps hard to get the book but it's an ideal reference bookshelf item for one to turn to if after improvement you get lazy, stop the exercises, and the pain reoccurs. My book shows 7th edition published Jan 1997 ISBN 0-9597746-6-1. I will return to CM end November and if you want to meet Nimmanhamin area I can give you my book to make copies (prob cost you about 65-75 Baht / copy). You could make several & pass them out to your friends.

    much appreciated - trying to get it through Amazon etc. if failure I may come back to you if I may? thanks again

  2. Hello ChiangMaiFun,

    Very few things worse than painful backs and the many radiating pains as well. Been there - done that ! My sympathies.

    I have had reservations about using chiropractors ( some bad experiences )and physiotherapists because some manipulations are contra-indicated by your condition - but having said that, my wife has been getting intense pains recently ( back, hips, shoulder and neck ... you name it !) and has resorted to the services of a physiotherapist at the Siripat Hospital. She says that the therapist is the best thing ever. Her experienced hands "feel" and "know" what's under there causing the pains and she treats accordingly. Early days yet - but she feels this is the best thing since sliced bread ! The therapist has advised my wife to avoid ( absolutely ) certain exercises and postures which would only exacerbate the problem and pains and has given her alternate ones. Prior to her visits to the physiotherapist, my wife went to a masseuse - good, but simply, just not in the same class.

    Assessment at Siripat hospital = 60 baht. Treatment, usually between 60 mins - 90 mins including deep-heat, ultrasound, masssage and exercise

    = 280 baht.

    You might consider this. Good luck and hope you get to feel easier soon.


    wow sounds great! could I press for a little more info? (sorry to intrude) was it on 13th floor? any specific name? thanks again

  3. I tend to agree that the domestic situation must be the main reason, and by a considerable factor.The human rights aspect was however mentioned in the press reports, but again I agree this is hardly likely to have been a major consideration.

    Still there are some odd aspects to the local perception of the deaths earlier this year.Almost no discussion, investigations going nowhere and within seconds of me mentioning it, posts made about red propaganda.In many countries governments would stand or fall following an investigation of civilian deaths on this scale.In Thailand zip, nothing, zero.

    And before someone mentions the drug war killings, doesn't the complete absence of follow up and accountability prove my point?

    The only mystery is in your head. A group of terrorists tried to take over the government unwilling to negotiate. Put thousands of honest citizens out of work. Indiscriminate bombing invasion of hospitals. Illegally seized a portion of down town Bangkok and when they like little babies couldn't get there way they tried to burn it down. How do you see a mystery in the death of some of them in the freeing up of down town Bangkok.

    Nonsense - get your facts right - anyway roll on elections coz they will be voted in!

    I agree (somewhat). The government did "negotiate" and offered them elections that would of been and gone by now.

    Why did they refuse?

    I agree it was a foolish mistake to refuse - and before all the 'yellow fellows' start shouting 'because Khun T told them too' I don't think it's that simple. They made huge errors of judgement, in my view, which were more to do with 'pride' etc.

    The red thing is more to do with paradigm shift and a broad 'enlightenment' which will take many decades to flow out.

  4. Nonsense - get your facts right - anyway roll on elections coz they will be voted in!

    The upcoming by-elections will be interesting. The recent by-elections, and the current coalition, seems to indicate that the PTP don't have a chance of winning an election.

    By-elections are rarely an indication - and depends where they are. Anyway we will not really know until IT happens - which the current government are trying to stall as long as possible. I am not particularly in favour of a 'red' government but I am against the rich, elitist 'yellows' - if you see what I mean. So I'm caught in the middle (not that it matters what we farangs think).

    Anyway what most people CAN agree on is that 'supressing and censoring' cannot be the sign of a healthy democracy - whatever colour you may sympathise with.

  5. which from press reports this morning seem to be part of the reason David Cameron has cancelled his Christmas visit.

    I don't believe that for a moment. They never would have booked it in the first place if that was the case. That's just the excuse to make the part about being totally insensitive to the domestic situation less of an issue.

    I tend to agree that the domestic situation must be the main reason, and by a considerable factor.The human rights aspect was however mentioned in the press reports, but again I agree this is hardly likely to have been a major consideration.

    Still there are some odd aspects to the local perception of the deaths earlier this year.Almost no discussion, investigations going nowhere and within seconds of me mentioning it, posts made about red propaganda.In many countries governments would stand or fall following an investigation of civilian deaths on this scale.In Thailand zip, nothing, zero.

    And before someone mentions the drug war killings, doesn't the complete absence of follow up and accountability prove my point?

    The only mystery is in your head. A group of terrorists tried to take over the government unwilling to negotiate. Put thousands of honest citizens out of work. Indiscriminate bombing invasion of hospitals. Illegally seized a portion of down town Bangkok and when they like little babies couldn't get there way they tried to burn it down. How do you see a mystery in the death of some of them in the freeing up of down town Bangkok.

    Nonsense - get your facts right - anyway roll on elections coz they will be voted in!

  6. Always use condoms and/or other contraceptives, problem solved. But then that would seem to approve pre-marital and teen sex - which is not acceptable. That's the real problem :rolleyes:

    The problem is an underdeveloped culture - in many areas 'we have no prostitution', 'we don't have abortion' bla bla bla

    It's the hypocritical bit I find the most distasteful - I love it here but Thais just can't stand the truth - bury it... 'mai pen rai' they ignore all the problems and don't want to know their kids are having sex at teenage years up - same as ignoring sexual abuse of kids, gay issues and all the rest - it doesn't exist!

  7. I think the problem is lack of law to have fathers responsible for the child.

    Almost every girl i speak with who is a single mother, all have the same story either

    1. He said if you love me, you have my baby

    2. When i got pregnant, he left. or left once baby was born

    Perhaps if fathers were held responsible for the child financially then the boys will not be demanding for the baby and will think twice before wanting to have 1.

    Last comment spot on! they have no such financial responsibility here - it's so backward! how many girls do I meet with a baby? 100s and 100s - Thai guys have no sense of responsibility whatsoever because they are taught 'mai pen rai' at an early age - roughly translated 'I don't care'

  8. I got no beef with gays, each to his own. But I wonder is being gay a symptom of a mental disease or is it a lifestyle choice? I know it's not the same arguement, but look at ladyboys and ask the same question.

    Me, I am straight....always have and always will be....I hope! :D

    Why do you hope to be always straight? You don't know what you are missing! (scnr)

    But thanks for your question. Asking questions is the only way to learn. No, being gay is neither a symptom of a mental desease nor a lifestyle choice. Some men like women, others like men. It just is that way. It's not a desease, it's nothing bad, but it's also not a choice. A gay man is gay, a straight man is straight, but most people are not that extreme. Straight men with gay experiences and gay men with straight experiences are not unusual. Men who like men and women equally are called bisexual.

    I think we discussed this in another thread just a few days ago, you must have missed that.

    There are alot more gays and toms in Thailand that's for sure! and before the gays on here shout 'the others are hiding in Western counteries' I don't go for that - there is something about Thailand that produces a lot more - for some reason gilrs in school or Uni are considered 'fashionable' if they have a 'tom'. Most pretty girls go that route because they have a 'broken heart' by some Thai boy - ask some... I have - so it can be about 'choice' - but not always I suspect.

  9. It ought to be pointed out that men (or women) holding hands is not an indication that they're necessarily gay. There are many countries where holding hands is an indication of friendship between two straight people.

    yes of course but they dont kiss each other on the lips or hug each other and one has short cropped hair and looks at all other people as 'threats' to her/his gf!

    Is that how you behave when out and about with your partner?

    certainley not - sorry I miss your point?

  10. It ought to be pointed out that men (or women) holding hands is not an indication that they're necessarily gay. There are many countries where holding hands is an indication of friendship between two straight people.

    yes of course but they dont kiss each other on the lips or hug each other and one has short cropped hair and looks at all other people as 'threats' to her/his gf!

  11. Homophobia is the fear of same sex relationships.

    "Acceptance" of certain KINDS of same sex behaviour or transvestitism/transsexualism is NOT evidence of equitable treatment of these people as a whole.

    It is a mistake often made by westerners who see ladyboys working in banks etc and "Toms and Dees" holding hands that it is acceptable in Thailand to be gay and that one is therefore not discriminated against.

    Lesbianism (homosexual relationship between women) is usually quite acceptable in most western countries too. In fact it was the PREJUDICE of the Victorians that prevented it from becoming included in anti-homosexual legislation when lit was introduced under Queen Victoria

    Not sure I agree - in Western counteries legal redress is more institutionalised and accepted but not the blatant more 'public' displays you get here. So Thais are much more tolorant of kids walking hand-in-hand at Central - where they would not be tolorated (so much) in Western shopping malls but they dont have the legislative framework here to tackle discrimination - but this is not just the case for same sex lovers but for nearly every aspect of life here. Ageism - for instance or heightism or sex discrimination etc.

  12. In Thailand I have always found the tolerance of GLT's as being superficial. They are often considered a joke; they exist because it allows other groups to be higher upper in the hierarchy.

    Isn't this - at best - true of almost every country on earth? In many places, there is no kind of tolerance at all.

    Equal rights will take time, but isn't Thailand far ahead of most places when it comes to accepting homosexuality? Don't they deserve some credit for that?

    Not sure about 'credit' as I don't think it's an institutional thing but cultural? Institutionally maybe they are behind (forgive pun) but Ulysses is right in that they are more 'accepted' here - go look at Central where you see schoolgirl Toms and their 'Girl Friends' parading along and kissing and of course ladyboys wherever you go wearing lipstick and wierd things like that - try doing that in 'farang land'!

    So in that sense it's much more accepted here.

  13. Sent them an email asking about a specialism and no reply... maybe an off-day!

    Maybe they don't know what a specialism is. I sure didn't.

    DERIVATIVESspecialism |-ˌlizəm| noun

    But really, email often goes unanswered in the Kingdom, doesn't it?

    no,no,no you missed the point - I asked them for 'A' specialism that I wanted (i.e. Urology, Surgery etc.)

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