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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. Just open your window and enjoy the music. Or better still wander over and enjoy some good food and drink too as well as great shows.

    oh great post thanks! so destroy the peace and calm of everybody is ok is it? it's far worse this year and displays a 'I dont give a **** for anyone else attitude' from the Thai's - and before you say it - no I didn't come here because I love Thais :lol:

  2. Don't forget you can use a combination of cash in a Thai bank and an embassy letter for an amount smaller than 65,000 baht

    consulates have been known to be wrong

    Yes thanks... but I guess then I would have to do 'double' the work - get the letter from the bank and have proof AND go the Consulate route too... it's a relief, anyway as Jingthing has clarified, that I don't actually have to bring in the cash.

    So as a safeguard I'll keep 500,000 in cash just in case the Baht dips to below 44 - if that happens 1000s of Brits may have a problem, and I won't have enough from UK to make up the full 65,000.

    So, in essence, I will hedge my way forward but still change my strategy of keeping 800,000 as that is a waste if I have 65,000 coming into a UK bank account which can legally be used as 'proof' of income.

  3. Here's why it matters:

    Firstly if the 800,000 is required in a Thai Bank Account why should the 65,000 monthly amount not also be required? otherwise it penalises those that put in the 800,000

    Secondly I have the 800,000 method but want to change to the 65,000 method but DO NOT want to bring into Thailand the 65,000 a month as I'd prefer to leave it in my UK account

    Thirdly what does it prove that I have 65,000 a month in Sterling? surely the whole point is that I have it in Thailand?

    Fourthly the British Consulate mentioned this to me - hence I am trying to clarify

  4. The money doesn't have to come in on a bank account in Thailand.

    (Some immigration offices do want to see a Thai bank book with some money in it, say more than 20,000, to show you have money to spend).

    Many thanks - I came across this though which seems to suggest it should come into Thailand?

    e) be able to support yourself financially. It is necessary to show an income into a Thai bank account of minimum 65,000 baht per month by way of a pension, Investments, etc or a minimum of 800,000 baht in a bank account in Thailand or a mixture of the two..

    Whatever you think it "suggests" there is absolutely no requirement to transfer in these monies on an annual basis, whether using the pension method, the bank account method, or the combination. In other words, for example if using the pension method, the embassy letter proves that, if using the 800K bank method it could be the SAME 800K for many years as long as you can show it every time.

    Let's be clear... I ask this as the British Consulate here said it has to be a Thai Bank Account not in England (in my case):

    the 800,000 has to be in Thailand Bank Account right? it can be the SAME 800,000 but it has to be here? right?

    the 65,000 has to be a proven amount in your Embassy/Consulates letter - right? so does it have to be transferred INTO Thailand? this is where I was seeking clarification.

    The section I cut and pasted is from the Thai regulations which seem to back-up the British Consulates stance that I may be asked to prove the money actually left England and came here - otherwise what point is it? and surely I could have the 800,000 equivilant sitting in a UK Bank Account and not here in a Thai one?

  5. The money doesn't have to come in on a bank account in Thailand.

    (Some immigration offices do want to see a Thai bank book with some money in it, say more than 20,000, to show you have money to spend).

    Many thanks - I came across this though which seems to suggest it should come into Thailand?

    e) be able to support yourself financially. It is necessary to show an income into a Thai bank account of minimum 65,000 baht per month by way of a pension, Investments, etc or a minimum of 800,000 baht in a bank account in Thailand or a mixture of the two..

  6. does the 65,000 income route have to come into a Thai Bank account? or is it enough to get the Embassy leetr confirming you have the equivilant in Sterling?<BR><BR>example: 1500 pounds in Sterling is about 70,000 - is this enough? OR does it have to be shown in thai baht within Thaliland? i.e. a bank statement in Thailand shwoing the income in Baht?

  7. I'd think a small recovery to 53/54 should be on the cards - sterling has suffered beyond what would be expected - not so sure about the dollar though

    That would be nice but apetly's 71 would be much nicer.

    46 and 47 hurts.

    71 would be orgasmic - better than sex (but probably would not last as long) mid-50s is the best we can hope for alas... some even predict going lower than 40 which will really crucify those on a visa that requires an income from UK.

    One of them may be me but I am on a retirement visa at the moment and thinking of changing to a married one in July.

    Just as a precaution.

    I am on retirement with 800,000 and was hoping to release it by going the income route - but if it goes below 44 I can't do it. Bit worrying I must say.

  8. I'd think a small recovery to 53/54 should be on the cards - sterling has suffered beyond what would be expected - not so sure about the dollar though

    That would be nice but apetly's 71 would be much nicer.

    46 and 47 hurts.

    71 would be orgasmic - better than sex (but probably would not last as long) mid-50s is the best we can hope for alas... some even predict going lower than 40 which will really crucify those on a visa that requires an income from UK.

  9. Time for jdinasia to start thinking of a new username, methinks. Or have I broken TV rules regarding the pre-empting of moderator actions? :jap:


    An intelligent man always uses a caveat

    Hence the use of the words "may not be as ..." , nor was I critical of a particular ruling or member of the judiciary.

    In fact those of you that actually do break that rule fairly regularly might want to learn from my post :)

    His hypocrisy is astonishing.Fortunately since his tactics (baiting and goading members) were exposed long ago, few take him seriously.

    indeed... he takes himself seriously though B) my view is we can debate and argue and disagree but I have no time for anyone who tries to get a fellow farang poster into trouble - there is no need for it and it is well below the belt.

  10. Im not an expert. I do have a customer in the US who I supply silver jewelry to though. I looked into buying silver bars also. I can only tell you what I've learned from the silver jewelry factories here. Which is this; first of all the factories all buy silver in pellets and not just because it's easier to melt down. It's also purer. They say that if you buy a bar it must be mixed with something in the first place to have created that bar. Secondly they have all told me 'easy to buy, difficult to sell' this was referring to ANY form. Having said that, they buy from a shop called Chiangdao. (not sure about spelling). But I think it's somewhere at Wararot market. I can ask my wife for specific location if your interested.

    If I was going to invest a lot of money in silver ( Boy do I wish I had about 2 years ago!) I would probably just go through a commodities broker.

    Liquidity & storage issues solved. After all is it really the silver you want, or the profit?

    Hope this helps somewhat.

    I guess I'm thinking about the silver pricing which, some say, will shoot up as there is a shortage - but who knows? I think I'll buy some gold instead it seems a lot simpler! thanks

  11. yes but my question was - i can walk into a myriad of gold shops and buy bars over the counter at the spot price - is there an equivalant for silver here?

    I am sorry you are mistaken about buying gold bars at spot price. You may be thinking of Thai gold 96% which is not the same as 99.99 pure which is what spot price is quoting. So paying spot on Thai gold is paying a 4% premium

    That aside....I am sure you can get silver bars no problem in Chiang Mai

    Someone will chime in with a few shops

    From previous posts........

    Most Silver shops are concentrated around Wualai rd., driving along the moat (on the "outside") passed Chiang Mai gate take a left at the next traffic lights.

    Sorry if I caused any confusion

    http://ausiris.co.th/en/index.php this company offer spot price for 99.99%?

  12. I understand there is a premium in buying coins - I just want to buy some bars - much like people buy gold bars

    There is a premium in all things bars or coins

    The price you see as Spot price is just the price paper backed metals trade for.

    The reality is not the same as physical holdings.

    Of course you can get bars with no premium if you buy a COMEX contract & then take physical delivery.

    But you need to buy 1000 ounces mini contract or 5000 ounces full contract at a time for silver

    Gold is 33.2 ounces per mini contract or 99.6 ounces per full contract for gold

    But .......

    They have the option to settle in currency when you buy a contract.

    As I said when buying from dealers other than COMEX the bars do fetch a lower premium than coins but it is not zero

    When we talk about coins we are not talking about msc graded coins but standard minted types like

    eagles, maples, or even basic rounds made by many mints like sunshine mint

    So even on a bar expect to pay at least $1.20 USD or more per ounce premium

    Coins will be $2 usd per ounce & some charge $3

    Same for gold meaning a slightly lower premium for bars than coins.

    Gold averages $30 usd per ounce premium for bars & $40-$60 premium per ounce for coins

    yes but my question was - i can walk into a myriad of gold shops and buy bars over the counter at the spot price - is there an equivalant for silver here?

  13. I would think it the only commodity that will ensure your future. In 2000 Baht weight was 6,800 and now triple that - so in 10 years that is a better bet than real estate and certainly far more liquid! smile.gif

    there must be a correction at some point? property corrected - shares corrected - surely it can't keep climbing ad infinitum?

    Gold doesn't have to climb. Fiat currencies simply need to fall. And yes, all fiat currencies can fall to their intrinsic value of zero. In fact, I *GUARANTEE* it will happen. It has happened to every single fiat currency throughout history, and nothing has changed recently that gives me any confidence this period of world history is any different. Economists always try and claim that "it's different this time," whenever they want to ignore reality. It is never true.

    Can't tell you when the final collapse in value of any specific currency will occur (and thus, an infinite price of gold in that currency), only that it will happen. Not at all inconceivable that it could happen for some major currencies (such as USD and EUR) sometime in this decade. After all, we are entering a phase of global decline after more than 2 centuries of expansion. The decline will likely last a couple of centuries as well. Fiat currencies work great on the way up. They all collapse on the way down. Every single one of them.

    There will be many small corrections in gold, but they will all be transient. In the end, gold is rising because people understand that the rules of the economy are changing. There will be no more economic growth in our lifetimes, or that of our children or grandchildren. Certain geographical regions might expand, but only at the expense of other localities that decline by even more.

    So, to answer your question, it can continue to climb ad infinitum, but only because you are viewing it from the wrong perspective.

    excellent post - got it - thanks

  14. Who cares - case closed!

    While in both cases I would have preferred to see an actual verdict. I agree with asiawatcher on this,

    Would the reds have been happier if the PTI-Polene case had been dismissed on the grounds of failure to make a prima facie case? (insufficient evidence to proceed) I don't think so.

    Would the reds have been happier had the courts said that the signage case didn't affect the outcome of the elections and thus was a moot point? Again, I don't think so.

    Rule of law is vital for a democracy to be functional. Rule of law has been applied.

    case closed.

    yes vital - so let's see it developed here - Rule of Law is also applied in Zimbabwe - depends how the law has been developed can't just say 'rule of law' if the law is immature.

    You can say that if you have a reasonable and mature law, but those who try to use it wrongfully are painfully immature.

    This reflects this case. Those who's job was to interpret the rules, decided that there was insufficient evidense to further the case.

    But rather than go out and FIND enough evidence, an immature political actor,

    decided to force action from those who decided there was not sufficient prima facia evidense to put forward a case, through intimidation and abuse.

    For their immaturely they got a proper comeuppance, the case was thrown out for being prematurely forwarded. If anyone is to blame it is Arissaman and his crew. We have seen action taken against parties and MPs and ministers, but in all cases, they took their time and got convictions. Arissaman can't think that far ahead of his actions.

    'Those who's job was' well said indeed... I'll say no more - there seems to be many on this board who put on their 'rose coloured' specs when they arrived and never took them off - I try to take a balanced view and have many reservations about the development of law here - including lack of precedance etc. but I expect to be attacked by the 'everything here is perfect' brigade - I'm used to it

  15. I think what ChiangMaiFun is trying to say is "unless something goes as I want, there is no rule of law".

    No-matter if that means opposing both guilty verdicts and non-guilty verdicts...all depending on who the charged person is.

    so you must believe that Thailand has a mature and developed system of law? naive at best - brainwashed at worse

  16. Was the failure premeditated or incompetence?

    Whatever the case neither the judiciary or the Dems came out smelling of roses.

    Who cares - case closed!

    While in both cases I would have preferred to see an actual verdict. I agree with asiawatcher on this,

    Would the reds have been happier if the PTI-Polene case had been dismissed on the grounds of failure to make a prima facie case? (insufficient evidence to proceed) I don't think so.

    Would the reds have been happier had the courts said that the signage case didn't affect the outcome of the elections and thus was a moot point? Again, I don't think so.

    Rule of law is vital for a democracy to be functional. Rule of law has been applied.

    case closed.

    yes vital - so let's see it developed here - Rule of Law is also applied in Zimbabwe - depends how the law has been developed can't just say 'rule of law' if the law is immature.

  17. I would think it the only commodity that will ensure your future. In 2000 Baht weight was 6,800 and now triple that - so in 10 years that is a better bet than real estate and certainly far more liquid! smile.gif

    there must be a correction at some point? property corrected - shares corrected - surely it can't keep climbing ad infinitum?

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