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Posts posted by DisainaM

  1. what happend,

    a drunken man, standing in front of a "meeting point"-shop, where a group of young teenagers are sitting with nearly no drinks.

    This drunken man had a problem with a man with a black T-shirt.

    The man with the black T-shirt went away, but the british family came into the street,

    the son was wearing a black T-shirt too, and blocked the drunken man with is left arm,

    and was knocked down, (from the back. !)

    After a dispute, part of the teenage-(gang ?) gave support to the drunken man,

    and was starting to beat the british family, as well as their supporters.

    what is the important point of this case ???


    we know from hua hin message boards from many problems between teenage gangs and expats and tourists,

    but this time,

    we have a video,

    you can`t say, its bullsh**, that the british family is part of the agression,

    a mother is trying to support her son, and is loosing her teeth.

  2. I think, the news of AP is not correct,

    as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia have overlapping sea areas.

    it should be like this ...

    as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and CHINA have overlapping sea areas.

    lets see it, as it is,

    they were opperating illegaly in Chinese see areas.

    Lets wait, till china will comment this news,

    and is willing, to send ships in this part of their sea areas.

  3. main problem,

    if you are on a boat,

    and a thai marine boat is coming, and is giving you some advise,

    could you understand that english ???

    we know the problem from international airports,

    that they have problems of understanding the thai-english accent.

    In this moments, you shouldn`t do a quick turn with your boat,

    cause the young guy at the AK 47 is very nervous.

    We have to understand his feelings, when he put the trigger.

  4. ok, a thai lukkrüng could have all the genetic marks, of all the people on this planet,

    so, this doesn`t help.

    it`s also unclear, if the dementi of the second and third bomb at the shrine,

    was true or not.

    If the target was the destruction of the erawan shrine as a symbol of thailand,

    I can understand, that general prayut thinks about redshirt and Thaksin.

    But Thaksin would never destroy the erawan shrine.

    The next question is, do we have a bomb with poor quality, Made in Thailand, with cheap materials ?

    So, the typical foreign terrorist attack, would use for example "drone bombs", flying to "hard targets", to proof their lack of security.

  5. that's remotely activated probably by telephone?

    this could be a question,

    should smart targets for bombings be protected by jammers.

    A jammer is blocking the cellphone signal, its impossible, to activate a cellphone bomb,

    so, for protecting the tourist areas in bkk,

    should they create a new quality mark, --- in this shopping center, you are save, cause you are "under the dome" of a jammer protection,

    (no calls and no messages on your cellphone) - "bad mode"-protection.

  6. based on the fact, that his hair is too long,

    you can say, it might not be a thai lukkrüng, cause thailand is too hot,

    to wear hair like this.

    The main question is about the starter of the bomb,

    was it activated by a cellphone or was it prepared, to explode exactly on time.

    It exploded on the "code-time" 18.55.56 seconds, (as you see , 4.04 minutes to 19.00 / 7pm)

    so you have the 4.04 the symbol for a "dead link" ( website ...404 ... death link)


    When this was timed explosion, there was a person, sitting on the park bank, to keep the place free, till the man with the bomb is arriving,

    cause every second was timed,

    typical for secret service actions, but why should the burmese secret service or the cambodian secret service launch such a terrorist attack ???

    But with a cellphone-activation, it could be a one-man-job.


    A few words, concerning the press management,

    in thailand, you can`t be the messenger for bad news,

    if you talk too much bullshit to the people, they will get angry.

    They ended up with the samui bombing, that the mastermind is a very influence policial person,

    and it`s just a question of time, to nail him, - this was at the beginning of june.

    Now, the did an open discussion with the press, without saying,

    --- its too early, to give information ---

    (not presenting internal information, to dissrupt the sucess of the investigation),

    so, you might think, this is not a very professional management.

    (pls look tv ...Blue Bloods ??? right time for making jokes ??? management ???)

  7. Let's recap:

    1) The main suspect is a foreigner

    2) He had help, maybe Thais

    3) It was well organized

    Which leads us to conclude

    4) The motivation is internal affairs

    Well, I for one am totally convinced by this iron clad reasoning.

    ad 1, yes, a western farang with a middle east touch, without saying jew.

    ad 2. perhaps, but based on the work of profieler,

    they see a man, hiding his arm tatoos very professional,

    wearing a t shirt with political symbolic colors yellow and red.

    The fact, that he covers his tatoos shows us, that he is using his t shirt for the message,


  8. well,

    to close the story,

    based on the fact, that to this time, the warranty was already finished,

    I decided, to go again to the xxx computer group in tukkom,

    because I needed some documentation, that I made my first warranty claim inside of the warranty period.

    The trip to rayong, without this documentation wouldn be quiete effective, so I tried my my best in the tukkum again.

    Well, the situation developed very emotionaly, starting from - no, we will not give you anything -, to ...

    After this meeting, I drove directly to the tourist police.

    The woman made a phone call and spoke with the owner of the shop,

    and after some time, she told me, that I should go again to the shop,

    that everything will be done.

    So, after a day, I drove again to the tukkom, they took the 2 cams, made a new warranty claim document,

    gave me every documentation, I ask for, (dates of the first warranty claim, taking back the defect products pp.)

    and they told me, that the cams will be send to the headquarter to BKK.

    After 3 month without a message, I went again to the tukkom, and they told me,

    my cams are in bkk, I should speak with the responsible person in bkk, the case is out of their hands.

    So, in july, I made my trip to bkk, an drove to the headquater of the xxx computer group, at the backside of Don Muang airport.

    The contact was very friendly, after waiting about 30 minutes, they gave me 2 new cams sealed, both with a sticker, with my name, and a better (upgradet) product, than my old one,

    (now, with H.264 instead of only mpeg stream).

    So, in the end, - everything is ok.

  9. ok, as you mentioned,

    saras is not a new place,

    and it`s a 100% pure vegetarian indian restaurant

    pp. my expirience


    for a paneer butter massalla, and a vegetarian byriani and a plate of plane rice, and a diet coke,

    I`m charged 625 Baht

    but if you like the free parking of your car in the garage of the royal garden,

    the whole package justify a higher price, cause they will also pay a higher rent.

    So, IMO, you can*t just compare the prices of the dishes in every new restaurant,

    you have to see the full package, parking, quality of toiletts, service.

  10. concerning a surveillance cam,

    this subject is causing a lot of headage.

    There are indoor and outdoor systems, if you use them 24h, many cams will work fine in europe,

    but under tropical temperature, the cam is having an overheating problem,

    and you will start with the experience, that tukkom is as good, as you can be shure, not to end up into a warranty scam.

    In the best case, you only had to change the power connector from time to time.

    Speaking about a basic cam,

    I had some good experience with d-link cams,

    - but you need a seller, that will easy exchange your defect cams,

    (main problem in Thailand !!!) and

    - as long, as you don`t have at least 1.5 MB Internet UPLOAD (!),

    forget about cellphone apps, and online monitoring in HD,

    you will need a home storage system, on a webcam-simcard,

    or on an operating pc.

    Don`t take one of the old models with mjpeg stream, only H.264 is ok.

  11. electric problems,

    what is the worst about this,

    when thai electricians working for you, for a fair price,

    but their main profit is, by changing your thick electric cabeles to thin cables, just for the copper profit.

    The effect, - the multipoint heater with 9 kwh, that requires a 10mm2 copper cable connection,

    is now working with 2,5 mm2 copper cables, the cable fire is programmed.

    Stibel Eltron, the producer of multipoint heater in Ayuttaya is saying,

    they sell so many multipoint heater with 9kwh, because every bathtube owner needs a type, more than 7,5 kwh,

    othewise you wait 1 hour, till you got a bath with hot water.

    But many thai electricians don`t understand, why a multipoint heater needs a 10mm2 copper cable,

    and so, many homes are being transformed into firetraps.

    Based on this experience in Thailand, Stibel Eltron started to deliver boilers to Homepro and all the other dealer,

    cause thai electricians not ready for installing 10mm2 cables, or - to keep them in their clients home (!)-.

  12. had problems with my aircons, Homepro send a serviceman for samsung aircon,

    he changed the controller board of my aircons and told me, he had to do the job with many tvs in Pattaya.

    Too much new households in the neighborhood, but electric infrastructure is not updated,

    after heavy rain storms, overvoltages waves are destroying the electric (controller boards),

    especially, when your Earth is out of order.

    General,you should use expensive electrics only behind a ups.

  13. It's possible that the D-Link repair centre actually did the things that you describe, and not XXX at all. XXX are unlikely to even attempt to make repairs themselves, though they might swap a power supply.

    Swapping out faulty units for factory reconditioned ones is extremely common practice with many manufacturers, including some of the best.

    If you cant enter the setup menu on either of the cams, are you sure that you are following the instructions precisely?

    If so I would just return them direct to the D-Link service centre: http://www.dlink.co.th/support/center.asp

    I don`t think, that the cams ever shown up at the d-link center,

    because of the repair report, that was placed on the package of each box,

    is linked with the company label.

    ok, I don`t understand thai that, but I don`t think, they had been at d-link center,

    because the seal of every cam is unbroken, so they never opend the case, to try a repair.

    (to tribute the post from crossy, I blocked the name of the company on the picture,

    as well, as my name with telephone no.)

    Image removed due to visibility of dealer ID (sorry)

    When I made the warranty claim, the XXX Computer Group told me, the could only accept the product, if I have the original package, ok, I thought, how luckey I am, because I had it.

    The package on the left was the one, where they put another cam with a different serial number inside,

    covering the MAC no. with a new sticker.


    and yes, I did following the instructions precisely.

    If I would contact the d-link center direct, now, I have only 1 cam the the right package and bill, cause the serial of the second cam didn`t match to the bill nor the package.

  14. I bought several d-Link IP Cams at XXX,

    with 2 of them I had a warranty claim.

    I gave the 2 cams at Pattaya tuckom XXX branch for warranty repair, they told me, they will send them to Bangkok.

    After a couple of month, they gave me 2 IP Cams of the same model,

    they told me, both of them had a change of the power supply,

    the first cam was actually my ip cam, with a differrent power supply, that was working,

    but the ip cam had the same defect, as before.

    The second cam was a used cam of another person,

    the serial MAC number of the back of the cam, was covered by a new sticker "22338/SOPPI 2011",

    so, the XXX shop pretended, that this should be my ip cam,

    but at home, at the setup, I could verfiy the different MAC number,

    and the fact, that this ip cam was also defect.

    The fact, that the are pretending, to give back my camera,

    but manipulating the cam, that the customer is not rejecting the cam at the counter, because it has a different Serial number,

    this is, what I would call warranty fraud,

    beside of the fact, that both cams are defect (impossible to enter the setup).

  15. Could there be some kind of Pattaya resident parking permit?

    Would require a brain. You could also propose a traffic plan/traffic concept whistling.gif

    I am waiting for the day of total gridlock when cars will be left on the streets and people have to be evacuated walking wink.png

    Complete madness.

    what is the concept, if you have a big fire at Central ?

    There is only one way, stop all the cars from bkk, don`t let them enter the sukumvit,

    they should be directed to leave the highway, to a big parking area, where shuttle-busses are bringing the drivers into town.

    • Like 1
  16. Cut ties to Bangkok ?

    More than 70 percent of Pattaya’s visitors are foreign, but Thais make up a growing number of tourists and now account for almost 30 percent of all visitors, he said. - See more at: http://www.pattayamail.com/localnews/cut-ties-with-bangkok-tours-mayor-tells-travel-agents-44145#sthash.MKMrcBIP.GCTl9IV5.dpuf

    Thai Tourist don`t book expensive tour packages,

    but thai "tourist" cars from Bkk are causing a much bigger traffic jam in Pattaya,

    and it`s all about the traffic jam,

    that makes the selling of tour packages a hard job.

    So, what is the concept for Pattaya tourism,

    when the Sukumvit / Central Road construction is starting,

    and causing much more traffic jams,

    selling a tour package to stand in a Pattaya traffic jam for hours ???

  17. If the German guy knew he was playing with the girlfriend or even ex of a policeman he was naive to think he wouldnt hear from the cop again . Almost a death warrant.

    My 'King" he was no policeman. whistling.gif

    mixing the news

    this was the shooting of the policeman,


    but in these 24h, much more happend,

    another thai woman was killed in Phuket, because dating (another german?)

    Hotel staff said they had heard the couple arguing a couple of months earlier, and investigators believe, from what the staff heard, that Ms Yuwadee may have told Mr Prasit she wanted to break off the relationship to leave her free to go out with “a foreigner”.


  18. 4 years ago, I got a very usefull water timer from DIG Model 9001EZ at HomePro for 2.350 Baht,


    Now, I have to replace them, but HomePro only present the high end model from DIG, with digital screen,

    for 3.600 Baht, but not the basic model.

    After checking the china models of water timer, they only work for 12 month, then the battery contacts are corroded,

    but the main problem,

    if they got out of function, they are not closing the water system, so, if you are out, for a couple of weeks, the water is running 24 hours.

    So I`m looking again, for the basic DIG Model 9001EZ water timer.

    (DIG changed the name into Galcon, but they produce the same models)

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