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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. If the Democrat Party indeed is not aiming at "creating violence", and therefore "not responsible for it", i wonder then what they are doing in alliance with the group at Lumpini Park. Yesterday several hundred vocational students, representatives from many colleges, joined the Lumpini Park rally - the exact same gangs which are regularly getting into the news for their fights with rival schools. Given the propensity for extreme violence under these groups reaching back decades, no political group that purposely reaches out to them to attract them to their political cause can absolve itself of responsibility in case violence will break out.

    Not so keen on your theory that all vocational students are violent, perhaps there are a vast majority who are keen to study and get somewhere in the world.

    Could be that they even keep up with the news and can see where PT is taking this country they will be spending their lives in and don't like what they see?

    And possibly they believe they have a stake in what will happen in this country and would like to see it free of the present corruption, lies, threats and intimidation.

    But hay, its obvious none of them were lucky enough to go to a red school or they would know the real truth.

    It's pointless for Nick Nostitz or indeed anyone who has any knowledge of Thai history (or indeed general culture - Clockwork Orange etc) to argue with this kind of astonishingly ignorant yet bigoted post.Some of us who were here in the 1970's know about the background of the red gaurs and village scouts (and who encouraged and financed them).

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  2. The ultimate goal shouldn't be to "bring down the Thaksin regime." The ultimate goal should be to deliver benefits and service to the Thai people in a more fair and practical way.

    I think the headline is misleading, it's only in reference to the current struggle with Pheua Thai and its attempt to whitewash Thaksin's wrongdoing.

    The Democrat party are fully aware of the need for them to propose positive proposals for the future of Thailand. They're working on them at the moment, expect to see their vision before tooo long.

    I'm pleased to hear it.But I simply can't believe that Khunying Kalaya (personally someone I have a lot of respect for) can play any part in that future unless she completely changes her tone

  3. The Democrats have to decide what kind of party they are.The recent display of yobbery in parliament didn't serve their interests well, and probably reflects the divisions between those who wish to oppose the government by conventional means and those who want to take the battle on to the streets.Even Abhisit in public meetings now has abandoned his civilised Etonian demeanour and spews out a cruder line.All of which doesn't help their future prospects.I'm a foreigner, reasonably well off and well educated - all my natural sympathies are with the old style Democrats, a conservative by temperament.I introduce the personal note because I believe there are many Thais in my position who feel profoundly uncomfortable with the way the Democrats have tied themselves up with reactionary forces.

    As to Siripon's post.In most countries, even the most developed, there's little interest in parliamentary debate.We need to be careful however in jumping to the conclusion that the mass of the people are not fit to decide.I think the key objective is to raise the standards of MPs and Senators.An aggressive stance in parliament is I think OK but it's a matter of judgement for the leadership when it goes too far.Last week it did.

    The New York Times has an interesting and relevant take


  4. I could not add anything more. In my opinion, this article says everything about the state of the democrat party.

    There are some very capable and good people within the democrats. It just seems that their obsession about Thaksin alienates their judgement. They do not make politics anymore. They just play dirty games and spread rumors. The behavior they show to the public is really immature. They are irrational. Their strategy is doomed.

    There will be a day the Dems will have to come back to the real world.

    'Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does' was the slogan of Pheua Thai in the last election- now that's what I call an obsession, they know full well that the northern and Issan grass roots still love Thaksin and that without him Pheau Thai are doomed.

    So all their MPs continue to kowtow down to him, pushing through legislation to turn the Senate into a rubber stamp of Parliament, rolling back democratic checks and balances.

    The Democrats had to do what they did in Parliament last week. They have to show the dormant Thai public the authoritarian, dictatorial beast that Thaksin and Pheau Thai are.

    The Democrats have a decent case (particularly given the Speaker's curtailing of debate) to make but their shenanigans iin parliament weakened their position.Your post indicates the self defeating mindset that is gradually strangling them.They did not "do what thew had to do":they behaved like unruly children.The reference to the "dormant Thai public' is also revealing.When there is such a contempt for the Thai public (of which the North and North East are key constituents) there is very little hope the Democrats can make a come back under their present leadership.

  5. GOD, what an awful pack of lies and halftruths! Even coming from a seasoned and probably highly paid beltway PR hack, this is hard to swallow! And that a paper like the NYT would print such unadulterated schlock is almost beyond comprehension.

    Posted Image

    Here are the author's biographical details

    Jonathan Tepperman was appointed Managing Editor of Foreign Affairs in January 2011. He previously worked at Foreign Affairs from 1998-2006 before moving to Newsweek International, where he was Deputy Editor in charge of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Middle East coverage, and then to Eurasia Group, where he was Managing Editor and a director. He has written for a range of publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune, The New Republic, The American Prospect, and others. He has law degrees from Oxford and New York University.

    Perhaps the usual reactionary suspects have a similar glittering academic and professional record.That is a matter on which I could not possibly comment.

    The main criticism of Mr Tepperman's article is that it does not sufficiently describe the hatred, gereed and selfishness of the unelected feudal and military elites with which Khun Yingluck has had to contend.

    As one of the usual reactionary suspects, I am happy to report that I am not completely devoid of academic and professional credentials of my own.

    While greed and selfishness run deep in her own family, Ms. Yingluck does a commendable job in arranging herself with some of the other constiuencies in that category, such as the military for example. She does this, by appointing herself to be their direct boss and allowing them to buy lots of expensive toys with excellent informal revenue opportunities. In this regard at least, she is no less skilled than some of her predecessors.

    There are plenty of greedy and selfish families in the Sino Thai business world.As to Yingluck you seem to be saying she has entered into some form of pact with the Thai military.All Thai prime ministers have to do that but the current one, unlike the former one, does not owe her position to the military - nor does she have blood on her hands.

  6. Try reading the article

    I'm guessing Pimay1 wanted some actual facts. You're suggesting reading a fairy story to see if fairies exist. (Metaphor).

    Your guess is correct. I simply wanted a list of things (facts) Yingluck has done to hold the country together. But it looks as if I'm not going to get them from jayboy.

    It's actually, with respect, a particularly stupid question not only because the writer's view is clearly set out in the article but also because Yingluck's success is not due to a list of doing things but ratherr keeping competing factions more or less content.However the masterly inaction approach only goes so far and it's certainly paper thin ie could end at any moment.However if you are so convinced that she has failed perhaps you would like to suggest a few names who would have done better.Two or three will do nicely.

  7. Quotes from the article-' The formula turns out to be deceptively simple: provide decent, clean governance' -surely this is a joke, the rice mortgage scheme, the 70,000 baht clocks in Parliament- Yingluck has done nothing about corruption.

    'She has avoided challenging the Constitution' Pheau Thai are doing their best to change parts of it right now.

    'she has kept corruption, a perennial problem in Thailand, to a minimum. And she has ensured that her brother, whom the aristocracy still fears and loathes, remains in exile'- complete nonsense regarding the former and for the latter Pheua Thai are doing everything to whitewash his crimes.

    This author has no idea!

    Some of the facts in the article are wrong and some of the judgements are askew but it captures a central truth that extremists can't bear hearing - that for a novice Yingluck has done very well, somehow keeping the copuntry in one piece despite the huge political pressures.But it's paper thin as the article concedes

    Ask yourself a question and try to put political prejudices to one side.Who in the circumstances could have done a better job?

    (P.S If your answer is Abhisit, Suthep or Korn that really suugests you are as adrift from reality as Mr Tepperman apparently is).

  8. GOD, what a an awful pack of lies and halftruths! Even coming from a seasoned and probably highly paid beltway PR hack, this is hard to swallow! And that a paper like the NYT would print such unadulterated schlock is almost beyond comprehension.


    Here are the author's biographical details

    Jonathan Tepperman was appointed Managing Editor of Foreign Affairs in January 2011. He previously worked at Foreign Affairs from 1998-2006 before moving to Newsweek International, where he was Deputy Editor in charge of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Middle East coverage, and then to Eurasia Group, where he was Managing Editor and a director. He has written for a range of publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune, The New Republic, The American Prospect, and others. He has law degrees from Oxford and New York University.

    Perhaps the usual reactionary suspects have a similar glittering academic and professional record.That is a matter on which I could not possibly comment.

    The main criticism of Mr Tepperman's article is that it does not sufficiently describe the hatred, gereed and selfishness of the unelected feudal and military elites with which Khun Yingluck has had to contend.

  9. How the usual suspects rant and splutter.The New York Times op-ed isn't penned by a retired sex tourist of limited education but by a first tier foreign policy expert.Actually he does portray too optimistic a picture but there's one basic truth in it, namely PM Yingluck has held the country together very well despite the hatred of the old elite and the unruliness of red mobs.

    Can you please list the things Yingluck has done to hold the country together?

    Try reading the article

  10. How the usual suspects rant and splutter.The New York Times op-ed isn't penned by a retired sex tourist of limited education but by a first tier foreign policy expert.Actually he does portray too optimistic a picture but there's one basic truth in it, namely PM Yingluck has held the country together very well despite the hatred of the old elite and the unruliness of red mobs.

  11. Here is a useful summary of the pros and cons of the argument from The Independent



    "Case for: Bullying

    David Miranda is not a journalist. What Glenn Greenwald is doing is not terrorism, and nothing he has published - or authorities at Heathrow have seized - could conceivably aid terrorism. So what do we have here? A pretext to detain a foreign national? Pah. The Home Office has been embarrassed by revelations that it shares data concerning UK citizens with the NSA in America - at a level previously beyond democratic oversight - and it is now cravenly trying to put the rabbit back in the hat. We have a right to know how far state snooping extends. This is a foul and worrying clampdown on necessary reporting.

    Case against: Security

    If the information held by the Guardian could not - in any way - be damaging to the UK, why do you think UK authorities demanded the destruction of hard drives on Guardian premises? They don't go around doing that kind of thing for fun. David Miranda, we can therefore assume, was carrying highly sensitive and potentially damaging information to Glenn Greenwald. The authorities have every right to intervene. And the excuse that Miranda isn't a journalist? That's just a perfect set-up. Send in a man who can feasibly claim to be a pawn - when in fact his ticket was paid for by the paper."

  12. Does The UK have a constitution?

    Do they have a Patriot Act?



    We have an 'unwritten' constitution rolleyes.gif

    It's true it's often said that Britain has an "unwritten constitution." This is a misleading platitude.Much of the British constitution is to be found in written documents or statutes such as Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Act of Settlement and the Parliament Acts.

    It has evolved over the years, the product of historical development rather than deliberate design like for example the US Constitution (itself the remarkable creation of mainly British country gentlemen and businessmen - though I daresay this truth is not expressed quite this way in the US!)

  13. Apparently the UK newspaper The Guardian was pressured to destroy all their harddisks with Snowden data on them, and the life partner of their lead journalist for the case was held by UK spooks for 9 hours without charge and without suspicion under terrorism charges.

    Ah, the UK, little lapdog of the USA, would do everything for their master.

    Anyone saying this is not worrying must be blind. A country whose police force considers journalism to be terrorism has serious problems as a democracy.

    The US probably figured that since Putin has forbidden Snowden to reveal more stuff while Snowden is under asylum in Russia, that they could try to prevent publication of the remaining data.

    Note to journalists: publish everything you got at once, unless you want to be ordered to destroy your evidence.

    That's one view.Here's another:


    A more complex story than at first appeared.But whatever the interpretation it's becoming very clear now Greenwald has been lying through his teeth.

    The linked article contains a lot of bullshit.

    For example, this excerpt:

    He fled to Hong Kong and it became apparent that he had aimed not just to gain intelligence on the NSA, but to expose American – and British – spy programmes, putting our agents at risk around the world, and aiding some of the world’s most repressive regimes. With the interview Snowden did with the South China Morning Post, he exposed US intel in China. He then dumped his entire stash of files with the anti-American Wikileaks and Julian Assange, who has previously stated "so what?" (I paraphrase) if US intel assets are killed from leaks.

    I really don't see how exposing unlawful data access by NSA puts the lives of agents at risk.

    Quite on the contrary, it could save some lives, for example if terrorists were suspecting some people to be moles, now they have serious doubts on whether the Us gained the information through human intelligence or if the info was acquired by signals intelligence.

    The whole article is manipulative and was probably commissioned.

    I doubt whether you have access to US or British intelligence so your frankly rather whimsical speculation isn't that credible.

    I see you believe the article was commissioned.Hmm, that's one to remember next time I read an opinion that differs from mine.

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  14. What the heck is happening in the UK? First Miranda, and now they are destroying Guardians hard drives.


    Shame you seem to have relied on a link that is factually incorrect.

    The move to destroy the Guardian files containing this material has been under negotiation for some time.

    From the BBC

    (Guardian editor) Mr Rusbridger said that after two months of meetings and the threat of court action, two security experts from GCHQ, the UK's eavesdropping centre, came to the Guardian's offices to oversee the destruction of computer hard-drives.

    (My emphasis)

    This, and other information there for those who care to look, indicates that the authorities have suspected for some time that Greenwald has been receiving sensitive information from Snowden which if made public could put at risk both the UK's and the USA's intelligence operations and operatives against international terrorism at risk and that Miranda has been acting as a courier of this information.

    Freedom of the press is important, but so is the responsibility of the press. Publishing information which not only obstructs anti terrorism operations but also puts the lives of those conducting those operations at risk is not responsible.

    To take an example from history; had a newspaper discovered and published the details of the Normandy landings in 1944; would that of been responsible? Would those now placing the freedom of the press above all other considerations have felt the same then?

    "But that was a war against a great evil," they may say. So is the war against terrorism!

    Interestingly the Guardian was under no legal requirement to destroy the hard drives.There was no court order or any binding rquirement of that kind.It could have refused but decided to go along with the security agencies' (no doubt firmly expressed) request.No doubt The Guardian will provide an explanation in due course

    P.S Just heard that the Editor Mr Rusbridger has done just that. Unless the newspaper destroyed the hard drives the matter would go to law and the British concept of prior restraint would apply.Rusbridger understandably wanted to avoid this.He pointed out there were copies of all the files in the US and Brazil.OK I understand now.

  15. I don't suppose it matters that that encrypted files believed to originate from Snowden were reported to have been found on the Brazilian toyboy, does it?

    He was long suspected of being a courier conduit. This is man is involved right up to his plucked eyebrows.

    Involved in what? Terrorism or suspected terrorism? He was paid by, therefore employed by, the Guardian. In effect, a journalist.

    Greenwald is employed by the Guardian. Miranda isn't. He's Greenwald's partner.

    No this was a Guardian lie - Mirinda was being paid by the newspaper.Another lie was that he was not provided with a lawyer - he was, but refused one.

    All my sympathies were initially with Greenwald/Snowden because press freedom is hugely important. The British Government/police have to explain the incident fully.And yet there is much on the other side that needs to be spelled out too.I don't believe all the Guardian has to say and Greenwald's reaction was strangely petulant and evasive.Watch this space - the story's not over by a long shot.

  16. This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

    If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

    So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

    Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

    Sunday Bloody Sunday was a song critical of murders that took place during a peaceful demonstration. Bono has condemned all sides responsible for the violence commited during "the troubles". It is by no means pro IRA. He would be no fan of the red stormtroopers or the army. Would probably be critical of both. Probably why he hasn't been invited. Mind you so would Emma Thompson, not sure why PT invited her.

    Rubbish and being pro or anti IRA is irrelevant.It is inconceivable that Bono (or Sting) would take the side of the army shooting civilians.No human rights organisation has to date - why should they particularly given their record?

    And actually the Bloody Sunday demonstration wasn't completely peaceful in the sense that it took place at a time of escalating IRA violence.Martin McGuiness has confirmed he had snipers in the area ready to pick off British soldiers.However from all I've read there was no actual IRA violence on that day.So the soldiers concerned were panicky and undisciplined - just like Thailand in 2010.

  17. Is there something odd about TG's pricing policy and has this contributed to its financial difficulties? Compared with the usual BKK-Lon carriers TG's first class (good service but dated seats/technology) seems significantly cheaper than BA/QF and business class more expensive.I don't understand why one would travel expensively on TG business class when cheaper and better business class travel available.I don't fly economy so no comparitive knowledge.

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