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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. I agree with the above - it's more like 'stupid woman'. Khaosod is trying not only to inflame the situation, but back-pedalling and trying to justify its words. They could do with a decent translator and English speaker on their staff.

    On who's staff?

    I think "stupid f bitch" is the closest translation.

    You are correct.It's the closest English equivalent."Stupid woman" does not covey the gutter language involved.

    Interestingly the other paper is now using the correct English version

  2. He He........Fantastic............something tells me a few people who paid for his time will not like this at all..............


    Both Blair and the Thai government have confirmed he was not paid.I believe them.In any event his involvement was never a propaganda stunt for one side and his natural sympathy surely lie with the Democrats, especially the likes of Abhisit and Korn.

    So these silly posts about paymasters being displeased about the British Embassy meeting with fellow Oxonians are complete stupidity.

    Oh dear, I think Jayboy's feeling a bit flustered this morning, the man who is so quick to disparage others for lack of intelligence has made 2 grammatical errors in the above post.

    First poster to correctly point them out wins a signed photo of Tony, Apisit and Korn enjoying themselves at the British Embassy.

    Just noticed this comment.

    I make spelling and grammatical mistakes from time to time like most of us.I don't however make the ignorant assumption (quite common among those who lack anaytical capability) that lack of grammatical or spelling accuracy has anything to do with intelligence one way or the other.


    The fact that whenever there is a general election the Thai People elect a government that is consistent with the views she represents ?



    How do you know what the people that elected the government think of her?


    The people that voted for PTP voted for them for various reasons.  Are you suggesting that they all voted for PTP because of her?  


    Even if they all did, that still wouldn't be the majority of the people.

    I suppose because when a nation votes in a government it can be assumed it has confidence in its leader.Obviously the PTP won its mandate for a variety of reasons.Yes, you are correct that a majority of the people didn't vote for her government - but its very rare in any democracy that this is the case.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Not too bad. Much of that OP reflects many attitudes toward her.

    For 'many attitudes' please read' the miserable old men who frequent this website/sit in your local farang bar' as they have nothing better to do than moan and complain.

    Sadly your description of 'many' is nowhere near everyone else's description of 'majority.' wai2.gif

    How do you know what the majority's attitude is towards her?

    The fact that whenever there is a general election the Thai People elect a government that is consistent with the views she represents ?

  5. Please correct me if I'm wrong but abhisit didn't actually mention her name in the sentence where this word was mentioned,, from where I see it everyone is putting 2 + 2 together and getting 5 ,,, possibly the lady isn't doing herself any favours and thus guiding everyone to come up with 4,,,, does that make sense?

    No, it doesn't make much sense I'm afraid.

    Abhisit's abusive language is not that new and for some time he has been using gutter language to street protests etc and an altogether different tone in other quarters (conforming to the brand image of officer and gentleman).Unfortunately for him in the age of social media these two personas cannot really be kept apart.

    Actually it seems rather a foolish strategy as a man of his intelligence and eloquence could be quite devastating without descending to crude insults, particularly in the Thai culture where wit and repartee in politics are held in high regard.He doesn't need to have a split personality, though I suppose this reflects the muddle at the top of the Democrat Party.

    • Like 1

    Whoops !Interesting comment on Pprune


     A Thai Airways official, Smud Poom-on, said that blurring the logo after an accident was a recommendation from Star Alliance known as the "crisis communication rule", meant to protect the image of both the airline and other members of Star Alliance.

    Well it has not worked as most newspapers are now using this event as part of the story and Thai Airways features in all the headlines.



    Indeed it hasn't.The Times (UK) has a frontpage story about the incident, specifically regarding the blacking out of the TG logo.It says "How not to handle a corporate crsis:lesson number one".


    Sorry can't link because of paywall.


    Incidentally the moronic TG spokesman  who put this idiocy down to Star Alliance policy is either a liar or devoid of all commonsense.Star Alliance members include serious airlines like SQ,ANZ, Lufthansa and United - none of which would makle fools of themselves (crappy landing apart) in this all too typical and revealing Thai Inter way

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Turns out the Thai Airways spokesman was lying through his teeth. The Star Alliance has now confirmed there is no such policy.

  7. Whoops !Interesting comment on Pprune
    A Thai Airways official, Smud Poom-on, said that blurring the logo after an accident was a recommendation from Star Alliance known as the "crisis communication rule", meant to protect the image of both the airline and other members of Star Alliance.

    Well it has not worked as most newspapers are now using this event as part of the story and Thai Airways features in all the headlines.

    Indeed it hasn't.The Times (UK) has a frontpage story about the incident, specifically regarding the blacking out of the TG logo.It says "How not to handle a corporate crsis:lesson number one".

    Sorry can't link because of paywall.

    Incidentally the moronic TG spokesman who put this idiocy down to Star Alliance policy is either a liar or devoid of all commonsense.Star Alliance members include serious airlines like SQ,ANZ, Lufthansa and United - none of which would makle fools of themselves (crappy landing apart) in this all too typical and revealing Thai Inter way

    • Like 2
  8. Some interesting contributions on the pink ID card but although it has been issued to a few farang PR holders it's clearly not designed for that purpose whatever the law says.

    I don't have any problems in keeping all my relevant documents in one place (eg for opening a bank a/c and am not sure why this is thought to be so arduous.

    Anyway I'm glad that one or two have snagged a card and found it to be useful.And for the PR oldsters with plenty of time on their hands it's probably an interesting assignment.But frankly to me it seems a pointless waste of time.

  9. I read the transcript of Tonys speech

    Great! Just what I'm looking for. A Thai friend has asked me to track down a video and a transcript of his speech. I can't find either on-line. The best I could find was a one minute YouTube video. Could you let us know where to find this transcript? Or, even better, post a copy of it here? And if you can share the video too that would be brilliant.

    It's printed in full in today's edition of the other paper.

  10. Yes, that figure was quoted on Thai news channel this AM. Plus his and his entourage's accomodation costs.

    One has to laugh at this stupidity.The original Daily Mail article quoted local sources,now discredited.Now local sources are quoting the Daily Mail.

  11. Wow jayboy is back with insults again and rabid hatred of Abhisit and the Dems.

    I read the transcript of Tonys speech and did not see much in it other than being polite to his hosts and saying Thailand must sort its own problems.

    The speeches of the other overseas guests were however a bit different, very diplomatic but critical of the way PT are going about things.

    From what I read Tony asked for the meeting with the Dem leaders.

    Could it be that he left the forum thinking he had only heard one side of the story and wondering what the real reason was that opposition parties had refused to attend?

    As to your last paragraph that is perfectly possible.He met both Abhisit and Korn at the Embassy on his last visit and I'm sure he was interested in obtaining a first hand briefing on their reservations.On their last meeting they got on very well ( they are all public school boys and graduates of St John's College Oxford).

    As to your opening paragraph you should learn to distinguish between what you describe as rabid hatred and legitimate criticism.I have never seen a reasoned analysis from you and I suggest you work on this rather than looking for "insults".

    • Like 1
  12. amazing Abhisit look like a dwarf near Blair.

    well when you Blair's legacy, no wonderPosted Image

    The other paper in an editorial today endorses Blair's very useful contribution and criticises Abhisit for staying away.Interestingly and providing no succour for the government the foreign dignitaries including Blair set no store on an amnesty.

    I agree that Abhisit comes out of this looking like a tosser.

    The other paper also said that amnesty is still on for PT. Abhisit was therefor right to stay away. He had predicted this from the start.

    Irrelevant.Attendance by the opposition wouldn't have implied endorsement of PTP amnesty policy.Indeed it would have given the Democrats an excellent opportunity to explain their objections.

    The other paper was right to criticise.Abhisit behaved like a petulant child.

  13. amazing Abhisit look like a dwarf near Blair.

    well when you Blair's legacy, no wonderPosted Image

    The other paper in an editorial today endorses Blair's very useful contribution and criticises Abhisit for staying away.Interestingly and providing no succour for the government the foreign dignitaries including Blair set no store on an amnesty.

    I agree that Abhisit comes out of this looking like a tosser.

  14. He He........Fantastic............something tells me a few people who paid for his time will not like this at all..............


    Both Blair and the Thai government have confirmed he was not paid.I believe them.In any event his involvement was never a propaganda stunt for one side and his natural sympathy surely lie with the Democrats, especially the likes of Abhisit and Korn.

    So these silly posts about paymasters being displeased about the British Embassy meeting with fellow Oxonians are complete stupidity.

    Do you mind? Blair is distrusted as he is a proven liar. That's what happens when you are a proven liar, nobody believes a word you say in future.

    This family has past form too, his wife charged an Australian children's charity over £100,000 for a series of speeches, speeches made while accompanying TB on a tour of Oz.

    This article also discusses how she tried to wangle her way out of paying stamp duty


    If the contention is that TB has paid every single penny out of his own pocket for this trip, I just don't believe it. That's his legacy now........distrust from the British public.

    A self inflicted wound.

    Nobody denies Blair hasn't made millions since leaving politics but there's no evidence at all he was paid a fee for his Bangkok speech.I'm sure expenses were reimbursed as is normal.

    As with so many other people there's enough evidence to make a hostile case against Blair.Why make stuff up or just retail gossip?

  15. He He........Fantastic............something tells me a few people who paid for his time will not like this at all..............


    Both Blair and the Thai government have confirmed he was not paid.I believe them.In any event his involvement was never a propaganda stunt for one side and his natural sympathy surely lie with the Democrats, especially the likes of Abhisit and Korn.

    So these silly posts about paymasters being displeased about the British Embassy meeting with fellow Oxonians are complete stupidity.

    • Like 2
  16. Quotes from the article-' The formula turns out to be deceptively simple: provide decent, clean governance' -surely this is a joke, the rice mortgage scheme, the 70,000 baht clocks in Parliament- Yingluck has done nothing about corruption.

    'She has avoided challenging the Constitution' Pheau Thai are doing their best to change parts of it right now.

    'she has kept corruption, a perennial problem in Thailand, to a minimum. And she has ensured that her brother, whom the aristocracy still fears and loathes, remains in exile'- complete nonsense regarding the former and for the latter Pheua Thai are doing everything to whitewash his crimes.

    This author has no idea!

    Some of the facts in the article are wrong and some of the judgements are askew but it captures a central truth that extremists can't bear hearing - that for a novice Yingluck has done very well, somehow keeping the copuntry in one piece despite the huge political pressures.But it's paper thin as the article concedes

    Ask yourself a question and try to put political prejudices to one side.Who in the circumstances could have done a better job?

    (P.S If your answer is Abhisit, Suthep or Korn that really suugests you are as adrift from reality as Mr Tepperman apparently is).

    Fawn, fawn, fawn...........

    Her policies are deliberately tearing the country in 2 - not keeping the country in 1 piece

    If you read anything from this pack of lies it should be that the clown who wrote it was either paid to lie or is immensely stupid

    This kind of simpleminded ( accusing the author of being paid to lie etc) post simply proves my point.It's not the authors mistakes that bother the usual suspects:it's the conclusions.

  17. I am slightly concerned that with all your normal rhetoric on Thaksin (comparing him to Hitler amongst others) you call this piece disgusting journalism, purely i presume because his opinion on issues, does not reflect yours. There is a certain irony in there.

    Irony ??? Not really.

    "ianf" has as much right to consider the story disgusting journalism as I have to consider your comment as a load of bulldust. And if he wants to insult Hitler in his spare time, that's up to him. Most of us don't have a problem with that. Or are you pissed off because ianf's opinion does not reflect yours ?

    Forum members have the right to say anything subject to forum rules and moderators' discretion.

    However that is very distant from being the same as suggesting that one person's opinion is as good (or as informed, articulate, amusing etc) as another's.The reference to the NYT piece as "disgusting journalism" isn't forbidden but it instantly identifies the poster as someone of limited comprehension and insight.Such a person is unable to provide coolly analytical responses to views with which they disagree - hence the use of terms like "disgusting journalism" or "load of bullshit."

    It wasn't a particularly great piece in the NYT and it contained some errors of fact but its conclusions were very reasonable and few fair minded intelligent people would dispute them.The problem for the usual suspects that it's virtually impossible for them to find reports in the international media that support their reactionary views.Even canny right wing regional figures like Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore makes many of the same points as the NYT piece.

    • Like 2
  18. Good on the NY Times for correcting however it still doesn't get away from the fact that they allowed the article to be published in the first place.

    Someone on the editorial team is needing a metaphorical slap. Articles like that have a way of taking on a life of their own.

    Don't be a dope.The New York Times stands by the article after having made some corrections of fact.


    What the slightly inane comments so far on this thread reflect is that the objectors don't so much have a problem with the incorrect facts but rather with the article's conclusions (which weren't really affected by the original errors).

    • Like 1
  19. UK has decided by consulting it representatives -- now let's see if France and the USA are equally prepared to act democratically......

    Democratically is electing leaders not following public opinion on every decision once in office.

    You can not pick which bits of democracy you like and which you don't wink.png

    UK government didn't slavishly follow public opinion - they allowed the previously elected representatives of the people to vote freely. Something that is too often missing in the democracy of whips and lobbyists.

    Exactly.And also while Jingthing's general principle is correct, what happened in London yesterday was in constitutional terms an example of the legislature checking the executive.I'm not sure I personally agree with the decision but felt quite proud that the British parliament served the people.

    On a side note, I wonder how damaging for Cameron was Blair's endorsement for bombing.I rather like Blair but the reality is his brand is toxic.He should, fairly or unfairly, abandon all politics and devote his life to charity etc ( a message for Thaksin and Abhisit too?)

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  20. I have to admit that I wasn't here in Thailand in the 70s. Vocational students from the 70s would now be well into their 60s and it is a false argument - as usual - to imply that modern day vocational students are 'Red Guars' or any other historical label.

    AS usual, Nick Nostitz & his arrogant think-alike try to make anything the anti-Thaksin people do seem undemocratic with the ''they are as violent as the reds' BS thrown in.

    I doubt that either of the above really know what percentage of current vocational students are violent and what percentage are not. But, no matter, the oracles have spoken and their opinions outweigh hard evidence.

    Personally, just about anything is justified in bringing down the Shin clan - as distinct from the PTP which was a real political party - under a different name - before it became a cult. Old Chavalit was a doddery fool but, under him, there was a semblance of consensus & collective decision making.

    It's a sort of a 'man bites dog' tale to hear of red shirts being attacked - if they really were.

    Nobody is suggesting that a geriatric version is active of the vocational students who formed a significant part of the 1970's fascist Red Gaurs - though some of the people who supported them and financed them still are.

    The point is that the more aware, of whatever persuasion, have natural concerns at the politicisation of vocational students given their murderous record in the past.

    Your statement that "just about anything is justified in bringing down the Shin clan" is a disgusting amoral position to take.Does this include murdering people whose opinions you disagree with like the Red Gaurs? I would also remind you that the current PM elected by the Thai people is a member of the Shin Clan.

    The way to deal with Thaksin is through the ballot box not thuggish intimidation.That means in practice the Democrats following the programme that Siripon has posted about.I wish it well because one party democracy is unhealthy.

    The current Democrat leadership including Abhisit and Korn is tainted.I genuinely feel sad about this.Suthep is...well Suthep.

    One decent imaginative Democrat in play - Alongkorn Polabutr, the Deputy leader.He could win back the country but people like Khunying Kalaya would never allow him the opportunity.

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  21. Very briefly, there isn't much if any ideological content among vocational students - and thus they can be manipulated by any group of unscrupulous politicians ready to exploit or threaten the "old ultra violence."

    I assume you are referring to PT and their red 'helpers' fair enough, a good description.

    Still don't believe that all vocational students are out to commit violence.

    More bigoted nonsense.Of course not all vocational students are right wing thugs.But some of them are including those who yesterday injured two old redshirt women yesterday.Of course you don't remember the Red Guars let alone understand their significance - but those who do will be concerned.

  22. Back to your usual insults I see jayboy, cant help yourself can you?

    You might like to explain A What's so ignorant about saying that all vocational students are not out to create violence and B what's bigoted about it

    And you quote Clockwork Orange, I presume as some sort of reference to what Thai vocational students are like.

    "Clockwork Orange" describes their culture of violence quite well.

    For vocational school students it is almost impossible to escape this culture, as the peer pressure and force to join is enormous, including the need for a protection network as simply carrying the sign of a school makes one a target of a rival school. Many of the incidents do not make it into the news as they are just too regulary taking place. That ranges from large scale violence of big groups of students up to shoot outs on bussed between students from rival schools (and yes - i am talking *on* buses, some years ago my wife had to escape such a shoot out while riding a public bus).

    Anyhow, just trying to give some brief context here, not trying to sway from the topic.

    Very briefly, there isn't much if any ideological content among vocational students - and thus they can be manipulated by any group of unscrupulous politicians ready to exploit or threaten the "old ultra violence."

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