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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. 10 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    There are certainly situations where there would be no assessable income e.g. people whose income source is specified in a DTA as not assessable in Thailand (US citizens with  only Social Security and or government pensions; UK citizens  with only governmenf pebsion etc)


    People living entirely on savings would have no assessable income unless they received interest on their savings (but of course most do)


    For the second part of your question correct as of now but  if law is changed as proposed then remitted otlr not, interest income would be assessable. 


    Thanks.I am coming to the view that the for the current tax year and perhaps the next one, I will not be filing returns because the situation is obviously evolving and best practice (complying with Thai requirements and minimizing the cost to myself) may not be clear for some time.I will be able to live off pre-2024 savings for some years and like many have already remitted enough to last me through 2024.I will remit further funds (pre 2024) to last me through 2025.I appreciate not all will be in a position to do this but many of us will.


    Thereafter if needs be I will file returns if necessary and pay whatever tax is due.My caution is determined by a feeling that this is very much an emerging story and understandably we on this forum have been trying to impose clarity on a set of issues which are very much work in progress.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    there is a requirement to file a tax return


    Is there in a situation where there is no assessable income? For example if an expatriate resident only remitted savings acquired before 31.12.2023 and retained current income in an overseas account.Then there would be no need to file a return, right?


    Of course a situation where Thailand taxed global income, and abandoned the remittance method would put us in a different situation.

  3. Medconsult will get the high intensity flu vaccine if you need it over the regular version but they will have to order it in - so allow a few days.Good place to have vaccinations - friendly staff and free of the tedious bureaucracy that can sometimes afflict the large private hospitals.

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  4. 1 hour ago, JimboB4 said:

    his is what I thought but so misleading articles on this site about so many different subjects (typically cannabis these days) in this case misleading information trying to imply that this applies to everyone and all income even though it actually does not under the law. 


    On the subject of misleading articles, the site that you reference is in my view deeply suspect and I don't think any astute person would touch it with a barge pole.It's a trap for gullible farang, a bottom feeder.If you need proper advice talk to a qualified Thai tax expert and if that's too challenging talk to one of the well known companies (Mazar, Peat Marwick etc).To be clear I don't think this site, amateurish though it is, is necessarily a scam. But a careful reading of the background provided on this forum provides as much as you need at this stage.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    The implication is that any Thai business that receives payment via foreign credit cards doesn't have to declare those payments, since an audit can't flag them.


    Great news for hotels and restaurants.


    Of course they would have to declare those payments and account for them.


    My point was that holders of those foreign credit cards, most of which would presumably be visitors, would not be investigated to see if there was some chance their Thai tax affairs were not complete.

    • Confused 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Mike Lister said:

    I never suggested that individual transactions were being monitored, only that the capability exists.


    A foreign credit/debit card transaction has a large footprint. The merchant has a record, the merchants bank has a record for settlement purposes, Visa/Mastercard has a copy and the central bank gets a copy.


    Actually you did imply it.Capability exists for a huge range of actions but one should focus on the credible ones.



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  7. 30 minutes ago, SomNaNa555 said:

    You obviously know little to nothing about the history and reality of the situation. 


    Another ignorant post.I have no brief for the Israeli Government and definitely not for Netanyahu.The huge demonstrations against it show  the opposition to current policy by large sections of the Israeli population.I simply pointed out your tainted sources.Your "hundreds of Jewish friends" - if they exist - would make the same point.

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  8. 3 hours ago, SomNaNa555 said:


    Learn about the history rather than simply believing the myths.


    I have studied the history intensely though I have no connection with Israel, am not Jewish and unfortunately have (as far as I know) no Jewish friends.


    You simply show your ignorance and partisan ship.You invoke Norman Finkeklstein and John Mearsheimer, two distinguished academics but both tarred by irrational positions on Israel and Jewish people.(Yes, I know Finkelstein is himself Jewish)


    For am informed position on Finkelstein, see a Guardian review from several years ago.



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  9. 1 hour ago, Robert Paulson said:

    you didn’t notice it because you were parroting pharma talking points


    Even the goofy language of these conspiracy theorists remains unchanged.These are the people that swore by the useless horse medicine Ivermection.


    Having said that there are some real questions about the Covid time,notably the whole question of lockdown's efficacy.

    • Agree 1
  10. I remember that a couple of years ago when I purchased an Ipad at Apple Central World, I was provided with gratis screen protection applied by a machine, and quite devoid of the dreaded air bubbles.


    I now have a new 13 inch Ipad which I will be gifting to my son.Is there somewhere in Bangkok that will apply protection professionally for me for a fee?

  11. 1 hour ago, Seppius said:

    Can you list your literary achievements?


    You make your post ridiculous by this child like observation.


    A little self awareness would also have alerted you to the reality that the literary prizes quoted, with which you are oddly familiar, are not exactly mainstream.


    If you seek a genuinely talented Bangkok based novelist try John Burdett.And then there is Lawrence Osborne who towers over all.

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  12. 34 minutes ago, Seppius said:

    A Killing Smile- Christopher Moore    


    This special editions cover is made from the original Thermea seating booths


    Poor old Christopher Moore.Laughably pretentious but can't actually write very well, clunky and tedious. I've never managed to finish one of his novels.He doesn't even have the trashy appeal of Stephen "sock puppet" Leather.

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  13. 13 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Sure it is a 'get around' if you want to call it that - but I prefer to call it a 'loophole' - same as the previous one they changed that allowed income earned overseas to be remitted 12+ months later and not incur income taxes.


    I think this is correct.While I understand the arguments that have been made on this point, I would go out on a limb with this prediction.In a couple of years time it will seem absurd that anyone seriously maintained that expenses incurred on a foreign credit card and settled in the same foreign country should be regarded as assessable Thai income and entered on an expatriate's Thai tax return.This slightly absurd aspect should remind us that sometimes common sense needs to be applied though I don't suppose it will be.Once matters settle down - and I am speaking of the whole subject now - and we have the hard evidence available on RD's position (both de jure and de facto) in 2025, my hunch is much of what is being assumed now may have to be revised.This is not to deprecate the valuable work being done now and its prudent to prepare for all scenarios.

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