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  1. My wife was talking to one guy and when she asked to see the car registration book he immediately replied "It is sold". Another guy was trying to sell me his car even though the car registration showed it was still owned by the finace company. He said not to worry and he needed a 6,500 deposit to hold the car.
  2. Already sent in Thai. All questions I ask are pertinent to the sale and not found in the initial advert. I think that they only want to talk on the phone as there will be no permanent records of the conversation. I quick search of the Thai chatrooms confirms this, but this is a poor business model.
  3. I have contacted several car dealers using their LINE ID and it mostly goes like this. I send a screenshot of the car and ask if it is still for sale. The message is read and an a reply is quickly sent. I ask a follow up question like, "Has this can ever had an accident?" or " Do you have the service book?". The message is read but no reply is given. How do they expect to sell a car with this level of poor service?
  4. I have looked at many complaints of high fuel consumption, but 14 is not too bad.
  5. Bob is a manifestation of "the evil that men do". (Twin Peaks Quote)
  6. And what fuel economy are you getting? Km/l
  7. I'm looking at the 2020 facelift model for about 300k. However, most reviews are negative saying that they are sluggish and have a lot of electrical gremlins. The 8 speed cvt is also a point of complaint. What is the warranty on MG now is it 4 or 5 years?
  8. @KhunLA @steve187 How are these ZS models holding up?
  9. Do men play volleyball? 😜
  10. As per the title. I have been negotiating with a private seller to buy his car. As i am not in the country at the moment, It was agreed that i would leave a small deposit and collect it next month. However, he has now sent me a copy of the registration book showing the owner is a finance comapany. He said that he will give me signed transfer documents and that i must do a transfer with the finance company. As the car is in another province, it seems like this could be troublesome and have me running around. Has anybody done this before?
  11. Is this after you submitted the webform?
  12. I have just checked and i also have a "Banned" message. My balance has now vanished!
  13. Could be just wrong Did you read the post correctly? How could " then go and see a dermatologist" be wrong? It is the best course of action to help the OP's daughter.
  14. No, Chachoengsao, about 2 and 1/2 hours away. Maybe the local hospital has a Dermatology department or try this Goole search -แพทย์ผิวหนัง สัตหีบ (Dermatologist Sattahip) https://www.google.com/search?q=แพทย์ผิวหนัง++สัตหีบ&sca_esv=c39225120f7c3a88&rlz=1C1CHBF_enSA877SA877&sxsrf=AHTn8zqCAwANSJ5pZJhMl-OPF61f_1epkQ%3A1737876366531&ei=juOVZ8OYIIvzi-gPu-nzmQ0&ved=0ahUKEwjDl_b77ZKLAxWL-QIHHbv0PNMQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=แพทย์ผิวหนัง++สัตหีบ&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiOOC5geC4nuC4l-C4ouC5jOC4nOC4tOC4p-C4q-C4meC4seC4hyAg4Liq4Lix4LiV4Lir4Li14LiaSOkvULIDWOMOcAN4AZABAJgB6QGgAcUDqgEDMi0yuAEDyAEA-AEB-AECmAICoALyAcICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgQQIxgnwgIHEAAYgAQYE5gDAIgGAZAGBJIHBTEuMC4xoAfGCQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  15. Google the medication below, then go and see a dermatologist (แพทย์ผิวหนัง) Do not go to a fancy clinic or they will drain your wallet. The medications below cost less than 1000bt for 3 months supply at my local dermatologist. Isotretonoin+Azithromycin+Topical Clindamycin To avoid side effects, use a lower dose of Isotrtonoin 10mg daily as it is hard on the liver. My daughter has medium/severe face only acne and is taking 10mg every other day. After 2 months, it is much better.

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