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  1. Probably and oversight by an office junior.
  2. Maybe So, buy a condo and receive a 30% tax bill the folowing year. Not going to help the housing market.
  3. If you transfered money to buy proerty, would this be taxed?
  4. But the author did not include a picture?
  5. Was the vendor in the road or on the pavement?
  6. A neighbour used to poison the street dogs and he claimed that getting them to eat rat poison was difficult. The next problem was that they needed to eat a several portions to kill them.
  7. I thought they were already illegal for everybody?
  8. Alternatively, you could just buy a 500ml bottle of saline for about 45bt.
  9. This. Hashi salt for nasal rinse Hashi
  10. Salt packets are available from any pharamcy.
  11. Do you have any evidence?
  12. This is what i use: https://shopee.co.th/!!!PERMATEX-น้ำยาทาเกลียวท่อ-PIPE-JOINT-COMPOUND-ขนาด-51H(118ml)-และ-51D(473ml)-ราคาดี!!!-i.69124774.6815834323?sp_atk=28cecb48-da0f-48a9-bb96-d2fd6bb2ed84&xptdk=28cecb48-da0f-48a9-bb96-d2fd6bb2ed84
  13. However, they failed to mention what these increased penalties would be!
  14. If you are transiting through Saudi Arabia, i would suggest that you go through Jedah Airport.

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