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Posts posted by buddy

  1. Hi All,

    A quick question regarding a retirement visa.

    If you let your retirement visa expire without renewing it how long are you legally allowed to stay in Thailand after the expiry date?


    For example if the retirement visa expiry date is 20th January is it 7 days after the expiry date making it the 27th the last day of stay in Thailand?


    Much appreciated of your knowledge. 

    • Confused 1
  2. Hi All,


    Re: A Nootropic Supplement called Noopept?


    I am enquiring if you have knowledge if a Nootropics supplement called "Noopept" is legal to bring into to Thailand for personal use?

     Noopept is legal in the UK, US and as far as I am aware is not banned in any country world-wide and is used to improve cognitive functions, better focus, enhanced memory is an anti-stress & anti-anxiety substance.


    I use Noopept in the powdered form for particularly high stressful workloads situations.


    I have researched online including Thai government websites/Thai/FDA/ and the Thai narcotics substances acts including the 1979 Narcotics Act 2522 and the 1975 Psychotropic Substances Act 2518.


    Nootropics are not mentioned in either Act, and the question is are they therefore perfectly legal for personal use in Thailand?


    Can any of you guys can clarify this issue or have had experience of Noopept in Thailand I would be grateful if you can share your experience and knowledge.


    Best regards,


  3. On 12/28/2018 at 11:02 AM, sungod said:

    Cant help thinking a Loony Left Labour government will be far more damaging to the economy than Brexit ????


    How people continue to vote for a failed ideology called Socialism again and again in modern Britain is bizarre.


    Socialism has failed time and time again, the latest victims being the Venezuelan people, yet millions of British people still think the Labour party is the party of the working class Lol.


    Oh but Venezuela failed because it wasn't the right sort of Socialism or its the US's fault the Lefty Libtards will scream out, never Socialisms fault. 


    I can only think its not Socialism that Labour supporters vote for but they vote against the Tories and hatred of the rich.


    Politicians on both sides of the house have not served the peoples decision to leave the European Union in a respectable fashion, they are an international disgrace. 

    • Like 2
  4. Hi Everyone,


    I was wondering how much it costs you for those that have businesses in Thailand for the official immigration fees and accountants fees for extending your work permit and Thai one year multiple entry visa? 


    Basically i just provide my passport and existing work permit and my accountant does all the rest as a one stop shop, however she just hit me with a demand for 82,000 Baht.


    What do you guys pay for the same? 

  5. You are right that there will pain for UK expats who have the pensions or funds arriving here on a monthly basis and some tightening of belts will be required for some time in the future.

    We did discuss this earlier and a number of people in this position thought it was a price worth paying in the short term, however long the short term is deemed to be for a better stronger position in the future, however long we deem that to be.

    So why are you so assured that "Great" Britain will be stronger? Weak Pound will help exporters. Independent trade agreements will be negotiated from a position of weakness. Personally in two minds over being British and wanting the best for the Nation or watching Britain go down the tubes like history tells us most, if not all, empire building

    Hnations seem to manage.

    The EU is in the weak position, they never in their wildest dreams thought we would leave, un like you I have confidence in the UK to prosper in the future There were going to risks whatever the result, both would be speculative, in my view the greater risk for our democracy was to stay in. We are and always have been a trading nation, we wont suddenly stop that and to stop trading with the EU would simply not happen, they need to trade with us as much as we need to trade with them, we will make a deal, to do otherwise would the EU cutting off its nose to spite its face.

    Dont forget that London is the worlds number one financial centre, that is not going to change.

    I am optimistic for the future in the mid to long term, it may be a rough for the near future, I always expected that to be the case.

    The markets got it wrong, the bookies got it wrong and a few posts back I told how the bookies could appear to be right and the referendum result could be different.

    It is up to everyone now to adapt to the result.

    HSBC pulling 2,000 jobs out of London, and that's just for starters. Your argument is flawed

    No they haven't done that!...your doom and gloom is not justified.

  6. Well.......the turkeys voted for Christmas, they're going to get what they deserve.

    Yes...we will get our sovereignty and democracy back from unelected Eurocrats.

    The European Commission is appointed by elected Heads of State. All EU law has to be passed by the elected MEPs.

    Is the House of Lords elected. Is the British Civil Service elected?

    YOU said it!

    The European Commission is "APPOINTED"...this is the equivalent of appointing the MP's populating the Houses of Parliament who make all the laws but we cannot get rid of them every 5 years.

    The EU Commission has the "sole right" to make laws in the EU and the European Joke of a travelling circus "Parliament" is just a rubber stamp body with no powers to make laws like a real parliament...big difference!


  7. Dont forget that London is the worlds number one financial centre, that is not going to change.

    But it is already changing, friend.
    Do you think the financial moguls will make any gift to Britain just to ridicule?
    Do you think they will ease the pain to encourage other countries reject their plan in the same way?
    No, of course.
    This vote was brave but it will cost dearly British. This, I am absolutely certain

    Your speculating.

  8. I really hope we stay - yes I believe the economic forecasts that say Britain will be worse off it we leave. I also believe the Norwegian PM when she says 'Britain won't like it' outside the EU.

    I watched Michael Gove give his performance on BBC TV the other night, saying how Europe is run by an 'elite' who don't care about working people. This is the same Gove (along with Boris) who attended Rupert Murdoch's wedding... Frankly I would rather put my kids' futures in the hands of some Eurocrats than in the hands of those two chancers...

    Their is very little economic benefit to staying in the EU, Britain would be better out trading freely with the rest of the world not shackled by a 1950's style customs union.

    Here an economics Professor outlines the cost benefits whiles being cross examined by a House of Commons select committee -

  9. The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who now have control over you or a sovereign parliament that can be changed

    The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats inThe only real question is The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats in

    The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who now have control over Britain or a sovereign Parliament that can be changed? The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats inh

  10. To all those who are voting or support to remain in the EU.

    Please view the attached meme and put yourself in the position of asking the unelected EU commissioners who are the de facto EU government those questions?

    If they were truthful an EU Commissioners answers to the 5 questions would be as follows ?

    Question 1.

    What power do you have?


    I have unlimited power.

    Question 2.

    Where did you get that power from?


    I was not democratically elected, I was given this power by being appointed by the EU.

    Question 3.

    In whose interest do you exercise this power?


    The EU interests are above any other individual nation state.

    Question 4.

    To whom are you accountable?


    I am not accountable to anyone.

    Question 5.

    How can we get rid of you?


    You cannot get rid of me.

    How can you support this eh...its a step back wards.

    So you dreamed up some answers to support your own position on the matter.


    No i did not dream them up...those are the only truthful answers an EU commissioner could possibly answer because its the truth.

    Perhaps you could answer the 5 questions differently but truthfully eh?

  11. To all those who are voting or support to remain in the EU.

    Please view the attached meme and put yourself in the position of asking the unelected EU commissioners who are the de facto EU government those questions?

    If they were truthful an EU Commissioners answers to the 5 questions would be as follows ?

    Question 1.

    What power do you have?


    I have unlimited power.

    Question 2.

    Where did you get that power from?


    I was not democratically elected, I was given this power by being appointed by the EU.

    Question 3.

    In whose interest do you exercise this power?


    The EU interests are above any other individual nation state.

    Question 4.

    To whom are you accountable?


    I am not accountable to anyone.

    Question 5.

    How can we get rid of you?


    You cannot get rid of me.

    How can you support this eh...its a step back wards.


  12. I shall be travelling to Edinburgh tomorrow in order, amongst other things, to cast my vote - I shall be voting to remain.

    I've lived, worked and studied in the EU, experienced first hand the benefits membership of Europe brings and yes I absolutely accept there are negatives to membership and people who loose out on the EU project, but my sincere view is that it the British mainstream political parties (specifically the Labour party) that have let these people down, not the EU.

    The Brexit campaign makes much of Britain's borders being open to uncontrolled immigration from Europe, while on the next hand they tell us a Britain free of the EU could go out into the world and trade, unfettered by EU bureaucracy.

    And yet Brexit dismisses the very solid fact that British industry, commerce, people have unfettered access to the EU, can trade, travel, live without restriction throughout the EU.

    What on earth prevents Britain, its industry, commerce or people making the best of EU membership while also going out into the rest of the world?

    I challenge Brexit supporters to give me a coherent answer to that question, you have until Thursday to get me to change my mind.

    Hi Guesthouse,

    I doubt anybody can change your mind form the way you are posting, however there really is no economic case for staying in the EU and i have previously posted comments on this issue if you'd like to go through them.

    Britain's trade is dwindling with the EU year on year and increasing year on year with the rest of the world so the EU is becoming less and less important every year.



    What is more important is the right to control our own destiny not just be the EU Cash machine with no voice.


  13. Despite what Cameron has said to the contrary, it seems to me if the vote is to "Leave", Cameron then needs to resign as do the likes of the Chancellor and other 'Remain' ministers.

    Anyone else agree?

    Cameron has said he will remain whatever the outcome and carry out the wishes of the people, perhaps he is not actually 100% for remain then, He has said that in is in and out is out and has not mentioned it being ratified in Parliament. Can you imagine what would happen if there was an OUT vote and then the MPs overturned the peoples decision? I think before that was even suggested they would have think very carefully, the result could be anarchy and I do mean, real trouble on the streets.

    As far as the EU coming up with a new offer after a couple of years, well they might well do that but I still dont see it being enough. To get what we really want which is to end this Political Union and the relinquishment of the people who are controlling the EU although never being elected would probably need treaties to be scrapped and re drawn and I cannot see them wanting to do that, its to high a price for them, if I were in their position I would not offer it and herein lies the crux of things, the direction the EU wants to go and the way the UK wants to go ( I think ) are a gulf apart. Both sides should accept it and see where they go from here, with goodwill an accommodation would be found. We are not anti-European what we are anti in the way EU its being run and the goals its aiming for.

    They show no sign of putting their own house in order, 20 years of accounts unable to be signed off, doing what they want with complete disregard for the ordinary people, allowing un elected civil servants to run the show and then asking Member ministers to sign it off along with EU Parliament with redress to amendments, the sheer volume of regulation and directives, 122,000 since we joined is staggering, how did we live before this? Well we were the 5th biggest economy in the world when we joined and we are still the 5th biggest now, we did live then, the EEC, what we joined has changed into a completely different animal as far as we are concerned, I am sure now that the politicians of the time knew exactly what was going on but kept it hidden, that is was always the end game to change into the EU or United States of Europe where countries would just be assimilated into the collective just told the best bits, today with internet and social media its not so easy to hide alternative views and now we have found out, who has the guts to try and put things right?

    A good post...vote leave is the only way to put things right, having an unelected foreign power rule the UK with EU interests and not the UK's interest at the top of the agenda will only make things worse for the UK.

    The UK already has an Orwellian EU designation - "EU region 7", so vote remain if you wish the UK to be subsumed into an undemocratic, sovereignty stealing, poverty spreading expansionist superstate.

  14. I have watched the various videos - including Paxman's. For me it is a case of voting for the least worst option - and that is Remain.

    The Brexit'ers never tire of reminding us that the UK is the World's fifth largest economy. After more than 40 years in the EU surely that indicates that membership hasn't been particularly detrimental to economic growth. Maybe we would do better outside, but the current position is good enough for me and I don't want to jeopardise it.

    Membership has been detrimental to economic growth and we would have been far better off without being hamstrung with EU petty interfering regulation burdening British business..remember curved Bananas?

    This is no economic case for staying in the EU, FACT!




  15. Voting to remain for very clear economic reasons .. also see good reasons to leave.. just that the mindset of the leavers is a bit twisted and narrow minded at times.

    Try another reason for leaving as the economic case fans flat on its face?

  16. ... but the current position is good enough for me and I don't want to jeopardise it.

    Very short sighted but you're welcome to your vote. My wife and I are voting out.

    Out of the dozens of UK residents that I've spoken to over the last three months, only two have indicated a remain vote.

    June the 24th will either be a celebration of the revitalising of Great Britain or a commiseration on the death of a once great country.


  17. Voting to remain for very clear economic reasons Quote . { for ex pats }?.

    GBP - THB . today at a two week high . No doubt, due to recent events in the UK . Sad but true .

    BRITEXIT is now, very unlikely . IMO .coffee1.gif

    Don't be so defeatist!

  18. Voting to remain for very clear economic reasons .. also see good reasons to leave.. just that the mindset of the leavers is a bit twisted and narrow minded at times.

    Their is no economic case to remain in the EU.

    Britain exports with the EU are diminishing every year and our exports to the rest of the world is increasing your on year.


    PLUS do you know that you cannot trust the EU import figures for Britain as the EU employs accounting trickery by counting our products that are in transit through an EU port as an import when in fact our products are being shipped to other countries around the world...it is called the "Rotterdam effect".

    EU sleight of hand yet again.!

  19. I really hope we stay - yes I believe the economic forecasts that say Britain will be worse off it we leave. I also believe the Norwegian PM when she says 'Britain won't like it' outside the EU.

    I watched Michael Gove give his performance on BBC TV the other night, saying how Europe is run by an 'elite' who don't care about working people. This is the same Gove (along with Boris) who attended Rupert Murdoch's wedding... Frankly I would rather put my kids' futures in the hands of some Eurocrats than in the hands of those two chancers...

    Do you mean those economic forecasts that are produced by the LSE, the very same LSE that receives millions in funding from the EU?... or the economic forecast of the CBI and others who also received nearly a million pounds of funding from the EU?


    Isn't it better to listen to a man with economic knowledge put under scrutiny than EU vested interests?

    Here Professor Minford puts the case to a House of Commons select committee -

    You are doing the exact opposite of what you wish for your children by voting to remain in the EU...they will have no democratic say and they will live under unelected foreign rulers that they cannot get rid of if they don't like them, unlike in the UK we have the opportunity to vote them out of power every 5 years if we don't like them.



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