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Posts posted by buddy

  1. This question does come up occasionally, I never record the results so have to do the test every time, it only takes a few minutes (usually takes longer to find the power meter) smile.png

    I edited my post slightly after following your link, my fan is pretty close to the one you linked to.

    What brand and type of power meter do you use?

  2. Now her's a thought how about not giving any overseas aid and looking after people in Britain better ?

    How about not sending British workers taxes overseas so other people in foreign lands don't benefit because they never paid in??

    How about giving it to pensioners living abroad who paid in all their lives , now theres a thought .

    Nah because what political grandstanding can be gained with that...continue sending BILLIONS to the EU will guarantee you a lucrative job and access to vast EU personal wealth...ironically paid by your contributions of coarse.

  3. Anyone who votes to stay in must have been brainwashed by the EU propaganda machine and don't see the obvious flaws in EU security, border integrity and policies on agriculture and fishing - to name only a few of the more obvious failures. The EU might need UK, but UK certainly does not need to be held back by the EU with it's farcically ponderous governmental systems and blatant waste of budgets.

    The more you understand how the EU works it will horrify you.




  4. Nong.

    I thought, and it looks wrongly, that there would be two 'official' campaigns decided by the Electoral Commission. The official campaign is yet to start as I understand it.

    These two campaign bodies I thought, again, would have strict financial constraints to ensure fairness.

    Wonder if the cost of this postal blitz by HMG is within that?.

    Its not a fair fight already as David Cameron's pro-EU government has spent £10 Million pounds of taxpayers money plus the £7 million allowed thats £17 Million for the voting in campaign against £7 million for Brexit...the f*ckers.


  5. FYI,

    The European Union and the US Government are negotiating (IN SECRET) a deal amongst other things that is going to privatise the British National Health Service (NHS) through the back door, the name of the agreement is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

    If any Brit values the NHS or uses it now on trips back to the U.K the only way to thwart this EU TTIP deal is for Britain to vote to leave the EU (Brexit).


    Information on TTIP here -



  6. 12 Million reasons why British politicians except for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) politicians are pro-EU...to gain access to lucrative EU jobs with obscene EU salaries and pensions.

    Vast personal wealth provided by the EU is the pro-EU politicians objective.



  7. For the readers that may not be aware how undemocratic the European Union is please read the following -



    Britain has no voice in the EU.

    Currently Britain has a measly 9% of the voting rights in the EU and British MEP's constantly get outvoted time and time again, the measly 9% voting rights we do have now will soon to be further whittled down to a near non existent 3% of EU voting rights when Turkey joins the European Union....however the EU will still demand its never ceasing payments from Britain for tens of BILLIONS of pounds every year to fill the bottomless EU money pit.


    If Britain stays in the EU it will be renamed "EU Region 7" and reduced to an EU cash cow with no voice to be milked by the EU at every opportunity.

    That is Britain's future if it stays in the undemocratic, sovereignty stealing, poverty spreading expansionist EU Empire.



  8. Ant and Dec are two small Geordies who appear on tv as presenters, to the best of my knowledge they cannot sing, dance or do magic although they do appear to smile a lot. For this they sem to be paid an enormous amount of money, amazing! What the General Pubic sees in them is beyond me but they will have their ear when the time comes, just dont ask them what they think of EU, they will probably think is a new band.

    For those waiting on pensions then I think the amount, which has recently been reduced due to the exchange rate should be aware there is likely to be more turmoil coming up to the vote on 23rd June, I expect the £ to go down in the days leading up to and it may well continue afterwards as well. Its not good news either way. If the vote is to stay in, then the Euro and the £ will start to rise again, so if its your pension that worries you and whats in the bank you should vote to stay in.

    Whatever the outcome, its not likely that we will see too many of the results in our lifetimes, so if you going to vote for out, then the world you wish for will take time to be become clear if it will appear at all, you would be voting for future generations who you think will be better off outside the EU, a vote for the country rather a vote for your pocket.

    No one knows what the future holds, in either camps, events appear that change directions and no one saw them coming, if we could predict the future we would all be rich.

    Its a gamble either way, if we leave are we sure we can strike up the trade deals that will ensure our success, will London remain the global centre it is today, will be be better off outside the EU with our own democracy, laws, borders and security?

    If we stay in what will the EU have in store for us now we shown doubt in their master plans? Will we be treated differently and if so how differently? What direction will the EU now go in, the one we think we voted for a different one, one we were not made aware of.

    I look at Turkey, next to Syria, holding the EU to ransom to get into the EU, only about 10% of the country is actually in Europe and yet they are muscling there way in, another 75 million people who could be heading for the UK and we would be powerless to stop them ( not likely I grant you). Istanbul would then be Europes largest city.

    I look at the EU members and wonder how is it right that everyone has an equal vote, Malta, Lithuania and Estonia have the same voting rights as the UK and Germany etc when they cash input is nil or thereabouts, here is where its difficult to make decisions so the un-elected EU beaurocrats get away with what they want taking it in the direction they want rather than what the peoples want.

    We are the 3rd biggest trading nation in the world its what we have done for years, we will not suddenly stop trading but we might be able to do it better on our own with some EU folk doing it for us in their own way and their own time.

    We would still be in the UN and on the security council and regain our seat on the WTO, still be members of the G8 G20 and NATO, does not sound to bad to me.

    There is always a lot of talk about our trade with the EU, it would be in both sides interests to strike a deal, a lot of jobs depend on it on both sides, but, we must also remember that 90% of British companies do not deal with the EU as well but still have to adhere to their directives and laws.

    The USA sells far more to the EU than we do, they dont pay anything into the coffers for the privilege either, they have their own deal

    Security would still be linked up whether we are in or out, the notion put about by some that all co operation would cease is simply not true, its in all our interests to keep in touch and updated as to whats going on.

    Having said all that I am for out and I doubt anybody is going to show me something that is going to change my mind, similarly there will be many out there who feel its right to stay in and nothing I say or show you will change your mind, that I understand, you see when ti comes down to it we have a "gut" feeling about everything and which way it draws us, we have had several decades to stiffen that position as well..

    Now I look with interest on the bookies odds and on the popularity of the Government and Cameron for the latest numbers now that the show is on the road, theres a long way to go and the gun has yet to fired officially yet!

    Good post Nong38.

    Yes you are correct Britain shall still in all those intergovernmental bodies as you mentioned....please read this prize winning publication on Brexit - The IEA Brexit Prize: A Blueprint for Britain - Openness not ...


    Then ask yourself in the skullduggery dirty world of politics why did the British Prime Minister David Cameron silence the prize winning author?

    British Diplomat Silenced After Winning E.U. Exit Prize - Hit ...


  9. There does seem to be some dirty dealing going on here, it appears that what was first in the budget about welfare cuts was going to be looked at again and finally dropped, all after the budget, does not seem like a planned budget to me, surely they could see that its not right to hit the disadvantaged to pay for the better off to have a tax cut, it hard to justify.

    Osborne may have blown his leadership aspirations with this cock up, no doubt many will be wheeled in to prop up Ossie and point at IDS in the same way as the IN /OUT debate has seen "stars" telling us to do what they would do.

    The BBC has been taken to task for bias interviewing of prop Euro voices, more than twice as much time given to the remain group as to the leave, what a surprise, good job we can make up our minds.

    22 MILLION reasons why the BBC is pro-EU.

    The BBC is a paid agent of the EU and therefore has no credibility and cannot be trusted on any EU issues to have unbiased reporting.



  10. Whilst current incumbents are happy to endorse the view that we are better in the EU security wise it is interesting that former incumbents take a different view. Sir Richard Dearlove former head of MI6 said the EU were of little consequence where security was concerned. Michael Hayden former CIA head said that the Eu was not a natural contributor to National Security. Both Sir Richard and Michael Hayden thought that the UKs security would be better served outside of the EU.

    It seems that on the continent only the French have a large intel service all the rest are small compared to ours and the US. It also worth noting that we ( UK ) only share our highest security items with our "EYES" partners, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, you will notice that non of these are in the EU. I wonder if the reason we do not share, or are more choosy what we share, with our EU chums, maybe they are a bit leaky or maybe they dont know what or how to use it.

    When it comes to security the EU offers us very little.

    How can Britain be safer in the EU when millions of immigrants are flooding into Britain unchecked eh!...its not rocket science especially after the slaughter in Brussels recently.

    Look at the map of Turkey, EU Turkey will stretch Europe's borders all the way to SYRIA, IRAN and IRAQ.

    Britain safer in the EU, work it out yourself?



  11. Hi All,

    To my pleasant surprise my Thai lady has lately taken an interest in reading books and i wish to encourage her because it is a refreshing change from Thai TV soap operas stuffing her head with nonsense.

    We have tried a couple of English language 2nd hand book shops that we thought may have a Thai language section but to no avail.

    So my question is do you or your Thai partners know if any Thai 2nd hand book stores exist in Pattaya and if yes where they are located?

    Many thanks if any replies.

  12. jadee, on 26 Dec 2015 - 11:04, said:

    The case for the UK leaving seems appealing at first but it's deeply flawed. I'm not sure whether voters who say they want to leave realize the implications. Yes, the UK frequently contributes more to the EU than it gets out (10bn Euros more in 2013) but if the UK left the EU and still wanted to remain in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) like Switzerland and Norway, it would still have to pay.

    It's a big assumption that voters would be okay with paying for EFTA membership if they had no say over the rules. Trade with the EU would certainly drop but membership dues wouldn't, would that be okay with the electorate? There are so many questions that economists need to attempt to answer. Far more information is needed if Britons are to make an informed choice. It's scary that the vote is so soon and so little is known or understood.

    jadee a few points for you to consider.

    1. Where were the economists is 2008 ? Economists are part of the problem not part of the solution.

    2. The UK is a net importer. Any arguments regarding trade is a red herring. If the UK was a net exporter those arguments would have some leverage.

    3. The EU as a trading block is in decline. Some will say that decline is terminal. That may be true or it may not. It is time to sort out our own trade agreements without interference.

    4. If the UK's current membership fees are 12 Billion, do you really think that equates to a free trade agreement.

    I made this point yesterday on another thread. A Governments responsibility is to the people who elect them, not business's. This is what the EU has morphed into, a club for big business. The actual, real, everyday people get next to nothing as part of the EU.

    Just my humble observations, which I am sure will not be agreeable with everyone. I am more than happy to be educated to the contrary.

    Spot on Sgt Rock.

    Please read this - http://www.iea.org.uk/publications/research/the-iea-brexit-prize-a-blueprint-for-britain-openness-not-isolation

  13. When I want an idea of the likely result of an election, referendum, contest etc I've always found that the betting is an excellent yardstick. At the moment Betfair is suggesting a 65-75% turnout (which surprises me as most of us don't know what's best) and staying IN is a strong 4-9 favourite, with more than £2m already gambled!

    Unfortunately you are probably correct. The younger generation will vote to remain in, as they have been indoctrinated into thinking there is no alternative. Added to parts of the electorate who do not understand the implications of this referendum and cannot comprehend how the EU will evolve over the next few years.

    It will be interesting to see how the British will think,when in a further short period of time, they come to realise how they've been deceived once again.

    The EU was founded on lies.

    How do you think a trading block named the EEC morphed into a political union renamed the EU that achieved foreign rule over Britain without the British populations consent?

    Unfortunately you maybe right about about Britain younger generation as the EU has infiltrated the British establishment to the point where they now have classroom 'European studies" which promotes the EU and EU Monnet professors litter British Universities pushing the EU propaganda.




    Just like Religion, get em when they are young!


  14. The U.K. Has now agreed to give £500 million to Turkey in an agreement to manage the economic migration crisis, this is the same amount successive governments have been unable to find to cover the cost of unfreezing taxpayers pensions. In addition Cameron wants to give Turkey and it's 75,000,000 access to the tax payed NHS,while at the same time denying Ex-pats who Have paid into the system,unless these ex-pats are prepared to pay the full cost of treatment plus 50%. Does't it make you proud to be British.

    Would be intersting to know ,

    what are the stats, for UK tax payers , committing suicide , God bless you both. RIP.

    Social Security scroungers , and economical refugees , UK is the place 2B.

    Ant and Dec , the way forward .wai2.gif

    Nearly 120 BILLION pounds IN ONLY 5 YEARS went overseas to the EU.

    No auditors have signed of the EU accounts for 20 consecutive years because the EU is so corrupt.



  15. On the bright side for all of us, whichever side is supported, the campagn has not even begun in real terms. My Electoral Office, in a reply to a query on my postal vote, informed me there will be a 17 day 'lead in' to the referendum.

    I assume, this is when the campaing becomes 'official' with TV programmes, debates, (adds?) etc will really begin. After all, the 'leave' side campaing group has not yet been formally endorsed by the EC, as there are at least two. I assume this will then give them equal access to TV, radio, money etc as the 'remain' side.

    I do notice now the rush to get the immigrant fllood issue resolved and off the front pages of the newspapers. Sheer con-incidence I'm sure.

    Looking forward to the end of May when the campaign really gets going!. It really is a problem for me. The selfish part worries about future exchange rates etc, but equally I must consider the best interests of my home country.

    By the way, I've lived abroad too long obviously. I have no idea who Ant and Dec are. I know who David Backham is, as my daughter swoons over him.

    This is the EU.

    If Britain stays in it will have the designation "EU Region 7" applied to it by the unelected, unaccountable, can't vote out EU overlords in Brussels...bye, bye old blighty!


  16. The case for the UK leaving seems appealing at first but it's deeply flawed. I'm not sure whether voters who say they want to leave realize the implications. Yes, the UK frequently contributes more to the EU than it gets out (10bn Euros more in 2013) but if the UK left the EU and still wanted to remain in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) like Switzerland and Norway, it would still have to pay.

    It's a big assumption that voters would be okay with paying for EFTA membership if they had no say over the rules. Trade with the EU would certainly drop but membership dues wouldn't, would that be okay with the electorate? There are so many questions that economists need to attempt to answer. Far more information is needed if Britons are to make an informed choice. It's scary that the vote is so soon and so little is known or understood.

    Britain will prosper outside of the EU straight jacket.

    Please read this prize winning publication - http://www.iea.org.uk/publications/research/the-iea-brexit-prize-a-blueprint-for-britain-openness-not-isolation

    After you have read the publication ask yourself why the Pro-EU British Prime Minister silenced the author of the publication ?


  17. Only bigots want to leave the EU

    You're not European are you, your attitude sounds like it. Ok I am a bigot then i want to leave, just to get The things back my grandfather fought for,in the first world war . Freedom of speech, democracy , things like, that not a dictatorship.

  18. One fact is 100% certain.Voting to "stay in " is not voting for the status quo. More Federalism, Economic integration and massive migration will come in the future. The NO campaign needs to emphasise this. Because the EU monster is growing every year!

    All those are true plus continued EU Human rights abuses on top of that the EU tries very very hard to hide -

    Please read this - http://capx.co/how-the-eu-starves-africa-into-submission/

  19. Boris Johnson to campaign to leave the EU!

    Bumbling idiots like Boris, George Galloway and Farage, not to mention the downright scary Gove, are not likely to do much to attract undecideds!

    These EU corporate puppets want people to vote to stay in the EU so that should be enough reason to vote OUT!


  20. Financial Times have a thread with all the polls for IN or OUT of the EU, their poll of polls currently stands at 45% In and 40% out.

    Polls are not to be taken seriously as they are easily manipulated by interested parties...the polls were miles out at the last British general election.

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