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Posts posted by buddy

  1. I seriously doubt they will change the Russian world cup for any reason other than all out war especially with the issues FIFA are facing with the supposed Qatar world cup in 2022 which may well have to be changed due to 50 degree Celsius heat.

    Maybe they will build air conditioned stadiums to get around the problem.

    Also they start building stadiums, etc for these events as soon as they win it. They're already building in Qatar for 2022, this would open FIFA up to serious liability issues.

    Nick Clegg if he's lucky will be a regular MP by the time the Russian world cup comes around so perhaps he should keep his mouth shut as he will almost certainly have no say in whatever happens in four years time.

    Would you believe anything Nick Clegg says?

    Nick Clegg is a career politician who has never had a real job, a self serving EU loving man with no substance in debate except sound bites...he hasn't even got the decency to look the other man in the eye whilst debating with him.

  2. The OP doesn't understand business practice.

    Nothing to do with Islamificaiton and everything to do with rationalizing product lines.

    Halal food will be eaten by all Muslims and the vast majority of non Muslims

    Non Halal food will not be eaten by the vast majority of Muslims.

    Non Halal food either requires two product lines (double the supply costs) or acceptance of giving up the Muslim portion of the market.

    Halal food only lines risk losing the trade of people who object to Halal food on animal welfare grounds and bigots ( a significant proportion of the former will be the latter).

    OP. You are on the losing side of market forces.

    Halal procured meat is Religious cruelty, pure and simple as in that awful video (i have actually witnessed worse animal suffering due to Halal in the Middle East than the video).

    The world has moved on from the stone age and more humane methods exist for killing animals for food.

  3. I don't give a damn what they sell.

    I am more interested in the now 3 months of invoices they have failed to pay us for our products they have been stocking and have now cut off their credit line.

    Worst customer we have on the books.

    Haven't shopped at Tesco Lotus in 4 years. Agree with you, not a good retailer. But glad to see they stopped selling parrot fish.

    I suggest you both look at their terms and conditions of supply. You will find that a three or four month period is standard, depending on what you are supplying.

    And as for not being a good retailer, well, the rest of the business world disagrees.

    You may be suffering from tescolotusthailandica, a well known problem which affects the ability of their staff to realise that Tesco itself has very high standards, everywhere but here ...

    Tesco Lotus are very slow payers, end of!

    • Like 1
  4. Good morning All,

    Does anybody have any contact information regarding a manufacturer of lcd temperature strips in Thailand similar as in the attached pic (the strip is placed in your fridge or freezer for easy temperature display).

    I have tried the usual business directory's and online to no avail.

    This maybe a difficult challenge for you.

    I hope you can help.

    best regards,



  5. The number 1 reason why British Embassies around the World are considered a hinderance to supporting British business is that the trade agreements at Government level say they have to go through the European Union first.

    Pathetic that they can't stand up for their own country.

    • Like 1
  6. The issue here is the 460% import duty imposed on wine. And this was all because some Thai senator was paid a lot of money by the Thai wineries to introduce and insure passage of an "anti fareng wine bill" many years ago. It has since deprived the government of billions upon billions of dollars on duty revenue. If this bill was abolished (long, long overdue) Thailand would have a vibrant wine industry. At a reasonable duty of say 100%, the import duties would be incredible. They would be able to sell a lot of $100 bottles. Instead, we are left with swill, that I would never consider touching back in the States, for $25. The wines I see for $4 in LA, are $45 here in the restaurants. That is insanity. That is a broken system. That is pure churlishness, on the part of the government. Get rid of this policy. Grow up. Get real. You are protecting nobody. The Thai wineries are not a significant factor in the equation. Maybe Prayuth can have a look at this ridiculous wine policy.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Great post and absolutely correct!

    • Like 1
  7. I have lived in Thailand for about 17 years and have never so much as had a shouting match with anyone, despite drinking in bars a minimum of once a week, in every location in Thailand and SEA for that matter. At the same time I have a friend who has been here the same amount of time + a couple of years and has had dozens of confrontations (probably hundreds), fights, beatings etc with farangs, Thais, ladyboys and TGs, with bones broken dozens of stitches etc. The difference? He is an obnoxious <deleted> when hammered and I apparently am not. Read into that what you will. What's more I have seen this chap hundreds of times when tanked and he asks to get hit, yet when he sobers up he always claims that he did nothing wrong.

    Their are only 2 types of drunks that exist -

    1: A happy drunk.

    2: An angry drunk.

    You are the number 1 type and your friend is the number 2 type.

  8. I would say AVOID pharmacies in Jomtien. Generally overpriced sometimes shockingly so, and the small places often don't store meds properly anyway. Suggest Fascino and P and F pharmacy in Pattaya (multiple locations).

    I STRONGLY disagree!!! I go to the small Pharmacy next to Kiss restaurant in the Rompho Market. Best prices ANYWHERE... i.e. Anticil 7 baht - 1 0 baht everywhere else I checked. My blood pressure medicine 145 baht - everywhere else 450 baht. Antibiotics (Amoxicillian 850 mg) 80 baht - 350 to 500 baht elsewhere.

    I was so shocked by the Antibiotic price that I checked with one of the other pharmacists to make sure that the lady hadn't mischarged me too little. It was correct.

    Any name for the Pharmacy?

  9. I hope this is the first of very many such raids as the rich continue to rob the country blind. Everybody and anybody involved should be charged with tax evasion or being complicit in such acts and long prison sentences should be handed down to all concened.

    If you are going to do the job dear General; then please make a full and proper job of it.

    Pleeease Mr do gooder think a bit deeper!

    If like myself as a Westerner i have paid in tens of millions Baht worth of all sorts of taxes including VAT and get absolutely "NOTHING" back in benefits...and i mean not 1 Baht!

    However i do see on a daily basis my taxes being robbed by corrupt Government officials and corrupt politicians so where is the incentive to pay to thieves?

    Wouldn't you think Thai people will think the same?

    No doubt the confiscated amounts mentioned will be pilfered further up the Thai food chain.

    • Like 1
  10. Hi Everybody,

    Can anyone please tell me where i can buy 1/8th inch Bungee cord or Shock cord as it is sometimes known on a reel as on attached picture in the Pattaya or Jomtien area?

    I have tried Ocean Marina Chandlery shops and a boat accessories shop on Sukhumvit road but they only have larger diameter bungee sizes.

    Perhaps Sailors/boaters or Scuba Divers may know?

    Many thanks if any reply's.

    best regards,



  11. Up to the Scots to decide.

    If the rest of the U.K had a vote, i guess it would be a done deal.....

    Providing they cut the apron strings completely and the Royal Bank of Scotland pays back the 45 Billion pounds to the U.K taxpayer.

    The rational, intelligent Scot will ditch that self serving Salmond and vote No.


    • Like 2
  12. Ordinarily I would say its nonsense to even think its at risk.

    Then the word Cyprus pops in to my mind and I can't be 100% sure.

    I'm stil 99.999% sure though!

    Just look at the highly paid unelected EU Commissionaires eyes rolling…he doesn't give a flying &lt;deleted&gt; about him and his ilk stealing money from bank accounts in Cyprus.

    2 days before the official announcement 2 Billion Euros was withdrawn from Cypriot banks, so the EU bosses informed their rich mates what they were going to do before hand.

    If they stole my hard earned money i would still be hunting this EU cretin now.

    If the European Union can steal from peoples bank accounts don't be so sure it can't happen in Thailand.

  13. William Hague the British Foreign secretary is a career politician who has never had a real job like most of the political class including the British prime minister Cameron and "leaders" of the opposition, Milliband and Clegg whom all support the Anti-democratic (note not "un" democratic) European Union.

    So this man is in no position to lecture Thailand when he and his ilk have robbed the U.K of its own democracy by signing away British sovereignty to a foreign power without asking the British people first!

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