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Posts posted by kasi

  1. Last year, I wanted to bring in a 1991 Mazda Miata, and I was told that the duty would be around B3 million - that's more than a new Miaia costs in the Kingdom.

    Wow! you can buy a new mercedes in thailand for that kind baht.

    A bit more than than 30% of the value I'd say.

    A buddy in Patong wanted to bring his old Triumph motorcycle in and was told it would cost him a million. Kind of insane.

  2. :o  And I thought jet planes ran on Jet Fuel ( kerosine ).

    FYI: Diesel, Jet A, Kerosene and heating oil are pretty much the same except for the way they are handled.

    Up in rural Alaska they are all stored in the same tank.

    Spilt fuel is not usually a dangerous situation. Though aborting flights due to hydraulic failures and shutting down engines aircraft in flight or operating an aircraft w/o TCAS (traffic alert collision avoidance system) might raise an knowing eyebrow or two! My guess is that the company might have some maintenance issues with operating older aircraft like a 747-300. I doubt very many are still being used as passenger haulers.

  3. Going to Phuket or Pattaya for 3 weeks . Is Phuket up and running whit the bars , disco's and the girls now ? Or will i be alone slamming shoters and trowing girls around ? Know from friends Pattaya is doing good now even its low seasion. Have the Tsu and the last earthquake pulled the brakes on the party scene down there ?

    What is the best places and where. Havent been there in 1,5 years. Patong Beach still jamming ?

    Thanks for updates

    Bangla rd is humming along. Lots of hungry girls ready to eat you alive! :o

    That said you still can't beat Pattaya. Good news is it's a cheap and short plane ride to Pattaya from Phuket.

  4. I've been reading that same-sex marriages (civil partnerships) can take place in the UK as of from the 21st December.

    Ok a bit about me... I'm a 31 year old gay girl, from the UK and i've been living in Thailand five and a half years.  I've been with my current girlfriend 2 years, she's a computer teacher in the same school as me.

    My question is, is it possible for the two of us to get married and live together in the UK OR am I living in some sort of fantasy land??

    I'm guessing the latter, but hey you never know.

    On the off chance that there is a slight possibility of the above, would anyone be able to tell me the long and tedious process that I would need to take.

    Thanking you guys in advance.


    There a Gay forum[ just for questions like this. Live long and prosper.

  5. do i know you Mcfester?? haha maybe ur a scotish Hole...beat it

    You really do have a problem with race, maybe a inferiority complex.

    I'll enlighten the rest of the forum with your PM you just sent me:

    Yeah you sounds like a white ass white ass shit hole to me ...so you think u have got what it takes...Tell me where ur at and let's start a war at ma turf...

    And we'll she who got better connection ?? deal ??

    What an ass!

    Yep He sent me a similar PM too. He's just another loser with a chip on his shoulder. Easy and fun to ignore them and let them wallow in their self induced misery.

  6. You guys are COLD. Here we have a young guy who has fallen in love with a Thai lass and simply wants to live here with her. I'll have you know that I had that same problem MANY times. I never did figure out an answer but it happened so many times over the years that I was finally able to retire and live here.

    Yep welcome to the real world. It took me 25 years to get it together to come back to Thailand and be able to stay. I fell in love with Thailand when I was 22 years old.

    Sure it's a tough world out there my girlfriend had to leave school at 12 years old and peddle food on the street to support her family. My buddies lady friend wasn't allowed to go to school. The only thing she can do is work in a gogo.

    Yea life is tough for for the poor young dutchman in love with thaigirl! :o

  7. On the way out of bkk was a famale officer and on the way back was a male officer ...well yeah i have read old topics on this forum ...and i can say that alot of people are having problem here in bangkok being fooled by the locals....and yeah if im on the same shoe as the guy that have problems in the exchange booth ill be doing the same like what he did  Most foreighner here just wanna have a good time living in bkk with their gals..and dont care about what other do to them...from where i came from we have pride in ourself...

    in other words you respect me and ill respect you....Thai people got to change their system...they must follows the multi racial system... Just look at Singapore, Malaysia these countries have alot of races living in their country and they still manage to be among the best in the world in certain areas....yeah in singapore and malaysia way back ago there was a multi racial war among themself but the goverments manage to tacle this problem away

    But still i dont give a damm what happen just feels sad that Thailand to me are still in the 3rd world

    Thanx all for all the reply

    Wonderful attitude! No surprise you are treated badly. News flash bozo: this is Thailand and it up to you to be polite and behave. When you do so guess what!!!! People here treat you nicely.

    Where are you from anyway? Maybe you should stay home if you don't like how things are done in Thailand. Stay in Malaysia or Singapore! One less arrogant farang whose has bad breath and bad attitude. Before you leave though be sure to leave your girlfriend plenty of money so she can love you from afar.


  8. A educational visa will work as well, with no requirement to have four Thai employees, per each foreigner sponsored for such an extension or the minimum salary for your nationality.


    I just spent several minutes reviewing you site and have failed to find any info re. education visa.

    BTW a few months ago a I tried calling your agency for visa information and got the run around with a thai lady who could barely speak english. She finally referred me to to a lawyer in Phuket ( where I live) who never answers his/her phone.

    I hope your services have improved. But giving us a link for info that is not there is again a tedious waste of my time. Thank you very much!

    I will give you the benefit of the doubt but in general I think people like you will not improve their "karmic" situation in the next life!

  9. Why you make fun aboud this?

    It is not fun if someboddy ask for advice

    are you agtee aboud this?

    Henny suddenly your english has gotten better. That's good.

    Now you should know by now it is tough to make a living in Thailand without any outstanding skills which you could market. If you are looking for advice on how to make a living on a a forum full of wise cracking wise guys you may be lacking certain parts of the inherent prerequisite wisdom needed for a foreigner to survive in thailand.

    I suggest you play it safe stay in Holland fixing trucks or busses or whatever it is you do learn a little more english and stick with the middle eastern hashish you have been smoking. Thai ganga seems a little too strong for you.

  10. My fiance and I are travelling to Thailand for our honey moon. Id love to visit Phuket and was particularly interested in the Duangjitt Resort in Patong.

    Does anyone know if that resort is a good idea right now? They ARE open to reservations but id rather not be in a construction site (if thats what its like at the moment)

    Otherwise, know of any other similar resorts with nice bungalows n a pool?

    And one more thing, is it possible to go to the Phi Phi islands? Or are they really badly damamged and not worth going to yet?

    Please help  :D


    Since no one going to reply, i would like to go little prasit.

    Book a place in Kata (also near to karon), it's realy a nice

    place, with mostly family & higher class tourist and far from

    all prostitution (Some these Thai girls are so aggresive, that

    might rob away your husband heart, yes they are Robbers).

    Also less traffic, cheaper, and more intersting people.

    However you can visit patong whenever you wish to, it's not

    far away. Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, with apology to TV

    forum memebers.

    P.s. i don't have info about Duangjitt Resort .

    Kata beach is nice. Patong is noisy. The heart robbers are everywhere though. If you go during songkran (april 13-15) take your raincoat and keep anything you want to keep dry in dry bags because you will get wet! (just like a river rafting trip except it goes on for three days. :o

  11. Give Seaworld Dive Team in Patong a call at 076 341 595, ask for Magali or Sacha, they can sort out everything you need.

    Dive asia is the biggest best equipped outfit in Phuket. They have their own pool and training center in Kata. Their instructors are first class as are their boats and boat crews. Their prices are on a par with everyone else except I think they deliver better service and have better equipment.

    I've done all my certificates with them and am now preparing to take the dive master course.

  12. From what I've heard thailand has a problem with poachers and I have yet to hear of any kind of game management other than what you find in the bars.

    Apparently this forum is populated by a quite a few "tree huggers" hence the rather negative reaction to your question.

    If you're a fisherman there is some interesting action out there to be had

    For the premier hunting adventures South Africa and Alaska are the places to go.

  13. The saturday BBQ at Don's restaurant in Nai Harn is a must do. A late night walk along the Chalong pier is pleasant. When the tide is in you can often see large fish feeding under the spotlights. And if you like pizza, ravioli and such the little italian place in Rawai is superb.

    There is a new lookout tower that is worth a visit on the hill off the road toward the deep sea port. A little challenging to find but on a clear day the view is spectacular. Usually you will have the place to yourself since no one goes there yet.

    And everyone should check the Green Man Pub in Chalong at least once. The owner is usually there after 6 pm .He is a charming an gregarious fellow who makes a mean martini!

  14. If you to soi san sabai and rat-u- thit at 2 am the place is teeming with people.

    Most bar that are open are much quieter than usual. Many of the girls have gone home or headed to Bangkok for a couple of months. Several girls I know say they wont be back for a couple of months. There are still plenty of girls as the only customers around are the locals and a few die hard tourists.

    it's actually kind of nice and laid back.

    Enjoy it while it lasts. It will be be back to normal real soon.

  15. That Parlai restaurant was my favorite too.

    The Parlai people have another nice restaurant in Chalong half way between the circle and the pier on the left facing the pier. Same great oysters & everything except the "homoks" and the view.

  16. Kata, karon, Nai harn are all pretty much cleaned up. No problem swimming at all.

    90% of the businesses on Banga are back up and running.

    The beaches are terrific right now as your will have them largely all to yourself. But don't wait too long as people are staring to realize this is a good time to visit. Traffic is light and your business will undoubtedly be very appreciated.

  17. I will hit hard at hypocrisy where I find it, in this instance scumbag farangs -whether barowners or sextourists- weeping crocodile tears for the "local economy" when their motives are very different

    Hypocrisy is the operational word here. Boris I'm glad you won't have to research the meaning.(or will you?)

    cheers :o

    BTW: Guys this is what a quote should look like!

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