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Posts posted by marin

  1. 9 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    No it was not. Read previous posts. Max 0.02% THC only (or it could be 0.2 or 0.0002% depending on what you read).

    Oh, the old splitting hairs technique. Well I dont go with that as there are thousands of shops selling the stuff at much higher levels than that. Read again what I wrote. 


    51 minutes ago, marin said:

    but I personally believe it will remain legal but more highly licensed.

    Not going to get into it with you, but......

  2. 6 minutes ago, Beeonlotus said:

    In 2021, Thailand lightened many of the drug laws, including removing all mandated prison sentences for possession.  I'm curious: has this policy change had any effect on other areas of government?  For example, if I was convicted of possession of cocaine five years ago, would this be viewed more leniently when applying for work permit/visa?  Also, have there been any changes in cases of expats facing lighter repercussions for possession charges?  I've heard some stories of people being banned for 20 years for being caught with a gram of marijuana.

    In June of last year marijuana was legalized. That is all that really happened. Now that is in flux, but I personally believe it will remain legal but more highly licensed. Other than that I have no idea what you are talking about. If you have been busted for coke, that remains just the same on your record here. Police checks for employment are conducted for the most part. 

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  3. 44 minutes ago, Reginald Prewster said:

    currently I am working in Taiwan who has the best health care system in the world, but when you come to the hospitals they are permanently overcrowded and looking old.

    I got told the doctors are top but queuing for hours turns me off.

    Reg, do you realize your first paragraph is not only wrong but contradicts itself. As said wait for Sheryl she will give you the best advice about the doctors and the hospitals..

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  4. 2 hours ago, mania said:

    I believe it was Dr Pritikin that did autopsy/tests 19-21 year old dead American Soldiers during the Vietnam war & found a large amount had their main arteries occluded by large numbers due to our cheeseburger diets & what else we were raised on in those years ????


    gonna call BS on that. Not during a war that occurred 50+ years ago.

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  5. 4 hours ago, HuskerDo2 said:

    California had a far lower amount of water in their reservoirs after a 2 decade drought yet it was resolved in a few short months after heavy rains and now they have more water than possibly ever. No need to worry. Things seems to eventually work out with Mother Nature.

    You neglect to mention how much agriculture had to be curtailed due to lack of water. "The water wars" where farmers and residents fought over who could have the water. Yes its over, yes its good now, but there were a lot of bad years. I can't see the Thai's rationing water the way California had to. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, moogradod said:

    no idea how big the road is there) still remains intact should not one way streets prevent that. We will reseve a bigger chunk of time for that all - since our experiences with parking in Bangkok in general are not the best.

    The roads leading in are big at least 3 lanes wide with a center meridian. I have never had a problem parking on the street at all. The whole building and government complex is huge, no other way to put it. Photo of the front of the building to give you and idea. 


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  7. 38 minutes ago, petermik said:

    Exactly...treat them as mushrooms kept in the dark and fed on rubbish....they don,t want the masses learning and asking awkward questions ????

    Bingo. This is another reason the dinosaurs are so upset, the youth are waking up. My wife studied world geography and history in school 40 years ago. When I told her those subjects are no longer taught she did not believe me and went on a crusade to prove me wrong. She later said "sorry" you were right for perhaps the second time in my life. Indeed they were phased out with more emphasis put on Sangcome, the subject where Buddhism and regard for the Royalty is taught.  

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