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Posts posted by marin

  1. 6 minutes ago, h90 said:

    I doubt there is a massive collapse of the support of the old order Monarchy and Religion. People want reforms but I doubt they want to permanent change the order to something nihilistic western style. But I might be wrong, maybe they want that.
    The senate as guard dog is a silly solution. A good constitution that can be changed only with a big support would be the right solution

    They want the military out of politics. Its that simple. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, h90 said:

    In my opinion...the incompetent military sits there fat and happy do nothing and steals a 10% of everything. Which is kind of OK for me.
    Because they others steal more and make problems....Prayuth time was silent.... no red shirts no yellow shirts no blood on the street. No war against drugs with many bystander dead. No big corruption cases, no manic 3 word dictator rants on TV. Just boring normal life. (and it would have been so easy to repair a few problems when he was still dictator the first couple of years. Doing some reforms that are needed....but no nothing). I guess not long and the circus from hell with whatever color TShirts will soon begin again

    In the context of debate. In my opinion as you also said, you should look up the Thai term "Salim" as you personify the word. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, probably more so with the new government coming in, but that is how you would be viewed by progressive Thai's and myself for your political stance. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, PeachCH said:

    In Thailand Thai people are electing. Falangs have nothing to say or to speculate. Discussions here absolutely superfluous. 


    BS. Some of us call the place home. We have money invested here. No we can't vote but we can express our opinion and revel in the fact that Prayuth, the military and the family clans that have dominated Thai politics for countless decades have finally been put in their place.



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  4. 4 minutes ago, Tiber said:

    10 different languages... That will be 10 different members of staff 

    Whoever is on call maybe. I say its a good job that there are enough insurance types keeping these private hospitals alive 

    Enough of you. You have never been to BKK hospital its quite obvious. Yet you go on and on on and on with nothing. 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Tiber said:

    Your experience of over priced hospitals is at odds with mine, very few, if any, we're anywhere near conversant in english, fact no English, the late kings message to his subjects to learn English went unheeded to the point of going native, to hell with it

    You said Bangkok Hospital, you mimicked a Thai doctor speaking English poorly in your post. Bangkok hospital is a leading International hospital in all SEA. They speak over 10 languages there, in fact they may well have more international patients than Thai. One reason might well be the prices, but a good insurance company will cover all. There are at least 4 other hospitals here in BKK that provide right at the same level of service. 


    I am sorry if you have not had the same experience but going by your posts I dont believe you ever were in Bangkok hospital as even the doormen speak English well. Its a damn good job for all employed there.  

    • Thanks 2
  6. 1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:

    As far as I know only Thai Lion Air, two or three flights per week.

    And far from a "premium" experience.


    I believe Viet Jet and Air Asia also serve this route.

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