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Posts posted by wildoates

  1. Is there anything stopping him transferring any assets he has into somebody elses name before you "win" ?

    According to the lawyer, he and the courts will look at what he owned at filing time. If he transfers any assets, the transfer can be reversed. I asked about that.

  2. Attended court today, the Mediator tried to get a settlement. The builder would not commit to any figures, just kept telling us we wanted to much, wanted more of a discount. The Mediator asked the builder over and over to give a number, he would not. So now on to court, went in front of the Judge to get a court date, she asked about a settlement, our lawyer told her that the builder would not discuss, that he just is wasting our time and the courts time on this, that court is what he wanted, The builders lawyer just nodded yes. So a date was set for February, but then moved til July. The builder's lawyer told wife and her lawyer he did not care if he loses, that they will just appeal to the next court, so it will be years before we get any money. Wife just looked at him and said she don't care, cause now she wants it all, no settlement, and will ask the court for intrest. They know they are going to lose, now it is just a game to delay as long as they can.

  3. Here at the village, the english teachers will approch my wife and myself with helping them. What the write is always wrong, and a lot to the materials they have are wrong. What is so funny is that the wife is going to open a english class, to help the village kids and people. Some of the teachers have approched her to help teach. Strange, they can't teach them in school, but can for a fee?? :)

  4. Big C,. what part of CA are you from?? All of the state I rode in required a helment. If you look at the US most states have some sort of helment laws see link http://www.usff.com/hldl/frames/50state.html

    It has to be enforced to make it work. Not just a 100 baht fine, and drive away, a fine, and bike stays put until you produce a helment. but that is the same with all traffic laws, Drunk, car/bike parks, no license, car.bike parks it all comes down to enforcement.

  5. attend court yesterday, and the judge wanted a Mediator to try and work things out. Now we were at the court a week ago for this and the Builder never showed, but now they want to try it on the court date?? Well he finally showed up at 2 PM instead of 1 PM. We sit in a room and he told his side of the story, the wife told hers, well it came out that he was mistaken so it was clear he was going to loose. The suit is for 768000 baht, and they asked how much will we settle for, wife said 600000 baht. Now he is in the dark as what the total is for. It seems that the papers for are only disclosed to the court on court day, and not to the other party. The Lawyer had to advise the Mediator of this, and the Builder wanted time to think (or find out where to get the money) so now with the two lawyers schedule we go back on December 3rd.

  6. I am not an American, and I am not anti-US, but when I read all this I cannot escape the feeling that somewhere along the road of history, the much praised freedom of the US has become a fable.

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    Somebody receives a pension from the US. The same somebody lives in Thailand permanently. Again the same somebody has to pay taxes is the US. And technically the same poor fellow has to pay Thai taxes on the amount brought into Thailand.

    The same poor sucker has to pay taxes on the amount of money he has to put in a Thai bank for getting his extensions?


    May I call this unfair, or in any case, a breech of freedom?

    You are wrong, I get a pension from the US, pay taxed in the US on my pension, but pay no Thai tax on the money I bring into a Thai bank. Only pay taxes on the instrest I earn here on that money in the bank.

  7. I agree, it did not show Thailand bad, apart for the Jetski, and thing like that happen in other countries, but when they get busted by the media, the government fixed it, not cencorship of the media to hide it. The media can not be forbidden to show corruption, either at jetske rental or government houses. this is how things get fixed. :)

  8. OK had to pump out the septic tanks for the 2nd time, it seems so much water under house filled them again, so had the septic truck pump out the water under house also, the little pump the builder had just was not making headway to fast. now all water is gone all the plumbing is working well, and no leaks anywhere. the only plumbing left is under the kitchen sink and they will do that when they replace the counter top and sink.

    They have fixed the ceilings in the 2 bathrooms and 2nd bedroow, and did a excellent job. Fixed the eve's and are now finishing painitng it again.

    The electrican came and fixed the lights that did not work, looked at the AC line and said it was too small (done by powerbuy), but the orginal electrican put 2 AC lines in but the guys from powerbuy said they could not find them, well the new guy found them alright, and re wired the AC. Hot machine under kitchen sink did not work, found out that it was installed with the water running the wrong way, so it now has to be replace/repaired.

    The builder was here yeaterday, looking at the work, wants to put a leech field off the septic tanks , to help them drain Going to have his concrete crew come out next to fix all the concrete around the house, then repaint the house.

    Again all is going well, very happy with the new builder and his crew.

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