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Everything posted by Rhys

  1. ...Just get a low end new bike.. better off in the long run, you start the riding and service history...
  2. Seems the Americans have to wait for Trump to pull his what the heck and walk away... I would not be surprised he wins the election... Justice system No teino huevos.
  3. Have them take on the Thai racers and let the games begin.. give them a special drag road.. safe from all concern..
  4. Bought another can of chain lube and cleaner...at Honda
  5. Well as they say, try that in the little mo ban... see how far you fall... Riverboat style..
  6. Away from the west coast of the USA...
  7. Dude, is the old peckerwood still strong lean and hard? More reason to stay put...do your over the hill, strut the poontang walk with a young pro and be happy. Go find your needs satisfaction and be happy.. however, who will be there when you have a health problem? Who will be your best nong?
  8. Oiled the chain again.
  9. Ngahh, missed it mate.. they will only enhance the upcoming spectacle... Trump did try to bring the family in, Jared, his wife... they will all be part of the media consumption.
  10. The Senatorial morality switching device..
  11. It will be a bit of a spectacle when the sons of Trump and Biden are run through the mud..
  12. Mulder and Scully back in action...
  13. It all depends where you work and the Thai coworker you must tolerate..
  14. Use the Passive aggressive approach they are using on you... Just leave .. all the best.. such BS
  15. They are still in the backroom lighting up and tokeen.. the fat ones..
  16. Spend less... since buying a home and settling down... no more out and about...
  17. Surprising... he did not play ball, and then just call the game off. The objective was to get in first, then play with the rest of the gamesmanship of Thai Politics... Sad but true.. strong and wrong rather that weak and right.. Always forward mate.
  18. I wonder if they will target those senators of just make a general nuisance for the sake of their own agenda?
  19. Quite sad.. Safety in the workplace issues now highlighted.
  20. This is quite sad.. that one their own is not being taken care of in the finest tradition... Supervisor must have an EGO.
  21. Yet messed up, did not cut it off and stick it in the ex-boyfriends mouth. In the finest tradition of Jungle Law..
  22. Thanks for the report and insights. Did any night time accidents occur...? That is so frustrating and worrying not to say embarrassing. However the cause too predictable... had fluids before sleeping.. then the dreams.. RX, NPO at 10pm no issues. Do you have Kidney stones or Chronic Kidney Disease as well? Anyway, good to hear your health is better and you have a handle on this. No midnight ladies. Cheers mates
  23. Such gamesmanship and delays... for an obvious result.. get in and get out...may repeat as necessary.
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