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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. Maverick was a lieutenant in 1986, now only a captain 36 years later, what a failure lol
  2. So opening a bank account on a tourist visa is simple, just get a residence certificate first like @Bruno123 says above (skip the rest of the thread) I believe this can also be used to get your bike license so baht well spent ???? What's needed:
  3. You can turn that off. I was charged monthly fees for sms even when phone Sim died until I turned it off on the bank app (or go to branch and they will turn off for you)
  4. I already provided the details of my 2 accounts opened on visa exempt (without needing insurance) earlier in the thread, in which you left a laughing emoji, hence I responded the same when you demanded me to give details again
  5. I have opened 2 bank accounts on visa exempt and was never required to buy insurance
  6. Just took a look and 9 of the top 10 news stories were about America (#9 was about nudists in Europe) I guess there's no news in any other country, oh wait, China has now signed security agreements with Solomon Islands and Somoa, targeting a 10 pacific Island pact No need to go to war anymore, just buy the pacific...
  7. A first time tourist would be smart enough to pay 40 baht for the deck chair for the entire day and buy a coconut for 40 baht and take as long as they like to drink it OP created his own "attention seeking" drama with his strange 100 baht deal
  8. Then leave already instead of polluting every thread with your doom and gloom outlook on life You, deckchair guy and bag guy would have a fantastic time together.....
  9. I was actually lucky I think as I've never had more than a visa exemption entry. I showed my passport and a copy of the chanote for my condo and they gave me a bank account immediately (Krungsi) I also got a TMB account before that showing nothing but passport, but that was 12 years ago
  10. True bars never became restaurants anyway, other than in name (there's no food). Also there has been no need to drink out of coffee mugs in 2022, so you must be referring to last year
  11. Another Thailand lie to the World. I arrived 14 Jan and bars have been open the whole time since. What pretend re-opening of bars are they talking of and threatening?
  12. OP didn't even mention visa exempt, they asked what is the best way. I pointed out non-imm O from home country was a good option as allowed easy bank account. Any opinion different to yours invokes a reaction I guess
  13. Ubonjoe included advice that you can get a 90 day non-imm O in your home country. That visa allows the opening of a bank account so no need to get an agent to do so (visit bank, show passport with visa, account granted)
  14. I don't understand why anyone would go to 'World News' forum to read what is basically hand picked news by AN staff (other than to allow people to post their opinion, rather than just read it) Even more so after seeing recent Thailand news articles that include 4 news threads on masks in 3 days (such a critical newsworthy item) and the totally incorrect news article about needing a Masters to navigate immigration rules No thanks, I'll stick to google for news not related to Thailand (would love the regional forums like Vietnam, Phillipines and Cambodia to be active but they're completely dead)
  15. Wow, 3rd AN headline news story in 2 days about Thailand possibly removing mandates for masks mid June Who knew mask wearing was such a critical story needing daily updates from officials lol Just announce masks are now optional and be fine with it
  16. So you've put out 16 posts in a row telling everyone they're wrong except you! You're missing the main point. It's not about countries having import duties. It's about the ridiculous low amount that Thailand can charge you tax on. 20,000 baht total personal belongings. About US$590 or £470. Most people would have more than that amount on them with their carry on luggage and what they wear through customs, so most people's suitcases are fair game. Tell me one country that will tax you on your used personal belongings if they are over a total value over 20,000 (any one of my suits costs more than)
  17. I'm the same. After 4 months wearing a mask in Thailand I came back to Aus 2 weeks ago. Such a huge quality of life improvement to be free to choose whether to wear a mask or not. I vowed not to go back to Thailand until mandatory masks outside are dropped. (to me the only people who should wear a mask are the ones that believe in it so they wear it properly and change it regularly...all other people there's no point)
  18. Lots of designer clothes and expensive jewellery? OP says one jacket claimed as used, one bag and the jewelry is ear rings, wedding ring, one bracelet and 2 necklaces, hardly "dripping" Who travels with such things, how about someone returning to see family and friends and wants to impress them by how successful they are. Otherwise why buy it in the first place? (Yes, she had a pair of Chanel shoes in their box for a gift, how expensive could they really be)
  19. It's not like all other countries. Australia has no import duty on personal items like jackets, shoes and bags. Dutiable items like jewellery are only if they are new and individual item is more than $950 (24,000 baht) [not the ridiculous 20,000 baht total for all items like Thailand]
  20. Looking at the Thai customs site this is such a ridiculous customs law with 20,000 baht in total for all personal items. My suitcase cost me 7,500 baht, my electric razor and toothbrush cost about 5000 baht. So that leaves me 7500 for about 2 pairs of jeans, a couple of shirts and a pair of shoes I guess I can't take my watch....
  21. For info, there is a customs bond store at Swampy. I used it once on a quick stopover when travelling to Bahrain as I had a new fax machine with me and refused to pay tax (yes ages ago). She could have left all her stuff there to avoid the customs duty Customs Bond Passengers with dutiable or controlled items which are not intended for use in Thailand must deposit them at the Customs Bond facility at the Airport Customs offices in which you arrive with the deposit duration of no more than 2 months. At the time of obtaining the bond, passengers are required to present the airline ticket to the third country and pay the related fees on the day of departure. Passengers can reclaim the items by informing the airline staff upon check-in. Customs bond fees: weight of the package fee per day (Baht) Not exceeding 20 kg., 40 Baht More than 20 kg., 80 Baht More than 40 kg., 150 Baht http://suvarnabhumi.thailandairportshub.com/en/category-view/suvarnabhumi-customs-services
  22. Yes, I suggest you wear shorts, thongs and wife beater singlet to escape suspicion ????
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