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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. They're on track for 400,000 in April with the planes they have. Even if there was no increase that would be 3.2 million in next 8 months and 4 million total for year. Finding another 1.5 million seats over 8 months would not be hard once they ramp up for high season
  2. I think they're pretty much spot on with 5.5 million (much better than TATS 8-12 million) There were 444,000 in first 3 months and 336,000 during April 1-25, so this should make 845,000 total by end of April. So they only need to keep the current 400,000 per month for next 5 months, and then 900,000 a month during Oct-Dec high season, easy ????
  3. This guy should stay away from interviews. Good news just released about scrapping the one day quarantine and arrival PCR and he has to go ruin it by spreading false rumours about needing a booster shot soon to get in
  4. @SoilSpoilI think you're over thinking it. Children under 18 are exempt from vaccination which means they follow the same process as vaccinated (so no PCR) I can't see that they would increase the child requirements when they've cut all the other rules
  5. This site has all the vaccinated requirements and it says your kids are fully exempt (so no PCR test required) https://www.tatnews.org/2022/04/covid-19-vaccine-guide-for-travellers-to-thailand/
  6. So they want 2 shots plus a booster for entry. Why would anyone be forced to have a booster when a totally unvaccinated person can enter Thailand with just a negative PCR test within 72 hours of flight (no quarantine) Takes away all the worry about length of time since shots as well so I'll just say I'm unvaccinated
  7. Don't forget that is Thai time, so that would be 10 am on 28th April on US West Coast for example
  8. So a fully vaccinated arriving 30 April has to do one day quarantine with a PCR test, while an unvaccinated arriving 1 May only has to do a PCR test before departure. Sounds logical ???? I definitely dont need that booster shot now, if they change the definition of fully vaccinated I'll just do the PCR test entry
  9. I'm interested in how the unvaccinated path is supposed to work. To avoid quarantine you need to do PCR within 72 hours of flight, then apply for the Thai Pass and upload the negative result. This likely gives less than 48 hours to get the TP approval, with lots of stress as your flight time approaches
  10. Please tell us all your successful business ownership/management history to back up your constant posts how much smarter you are than than the average Pattaya business owner
  11. Please stop exgaterating the Op pain, it was 4 baht for a bag, not 5 baht as you claim ????
  12. Leaver is the self proclaimed business expert for any business he has never done, it must be amazing in his head how successful a business manager he should be lol
  13. Do you have one page you can upload where your insurance policy specifically states start date of coverage for covid greater than US$10k, then yes, it should be accepted In other words, Thailand makes sure as much as possible you have to buy their scam covid insurance to meet the above
  14. I thought most of the Thai pass approvals are supposed to be automated...either way marketing an insurance policy that is only valid for 16 days of the 30 days policy is ridiculous. Proves its just a fee to enter rather than a meaningful policy Note: if having to do a PCR within 72 hours to activate the policy, that makes the 650 baht insurance policy about 3,650 baht after you pay for the PCR test
  15. Yes, I stressed that I only got under consideration for 28 days instead of 30, stressed that they said must come back 31 March only, but came back 28 March becaise didn't want to be overstay, accepted it 3 days early though no problem...
  16. Good point, but I don't know why anyone would do that as they would have had to pay for 5 days quarantine to get the TP. Doubt it would be refunded the day of arrival?
  17. @Des1 you should have the same as me. I went to imm on 3 March while current expiry was 14 March. They gave under consideration stamp until 31 March. I went in on 28 March and got the full 60 days from my original 14 March expiry, so until 13 May.
  18. For People saying book T&G for 30 April and then get a refund, wouldn't a TP issued under the rules of 30 April stay under those rules? That is how it has worked up to now (I know you can use TP +/- 7 days) I think this is different to a TP previously issued for 1 May where they now fall under the new rules so can get a refund
  19. These are not the old rules. From 1 May an unvaccinated traveller has 2 options: (1) do a PCR test within 72 hours of flight, upload the result to a TP application, or (2) do 5 days quarantine on arrival So option 1 depends on a very rapid Thai Pass approval to get it before departure eg. PCR test at -72 hrs, apply TP with PCR result at -48 hours, hopefully TP approval at -24 hours
  20. Actually, they may be planning a much faster turn around time for TP approval. On the TP application they state unvaccinated can avoid quarantine if they have a negative PCR 72 hours before flight and they must upload this test result to the TP application. That implies very quick approval doesn't it?
  21. There is some hope by Thai Pass allowing May applications from 00:01 on 29 April. That's 3 days to get the approval for late 1 May flight (7 days for 4 May) Also Thai Pass no longer requires the hotel involvement so one less step involved in the approval process. Should now just be 3 pages to upload (passport, insurance, vaccination) This is why I've told all my friends to only ever travel to Thailand mid month to avoid the constant 1st of month rule changes
  22. This is getting ridiculous now, another made up scenario. So if you only had 8,999 baht you'd do the same thing for one baht, or probably expect the cashier to pay it for you The purchase price is 9004 baht for alcohol and carry bag, if uou don't have 9004 baht with you, put something back like you would everywhere else in the world
  23. Or you could just pay the 4 baht for the sale of a plastic bag to safely carry your 9000 baht alcohol, problem solved
  24. Anyone know what the deal is with Action street on soi Bukhao. I live right behind it and they've just started blasting their incredibly loud music again even though zero customers This has been ongoing since they opened about 2015 I think but when I look out the window I have never seen any customers there How do these <deleted> open air bars survive 7 years with no customers ever?
  25. What's the point of making something up that hasn't been reported and is unlikely to happen. You, Richard and the OP should get together, it sounds like you're all on the same page living 3 years in the past before policies limiting plastic bags became a thing around the world
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