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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. OP didn't say embassy visited the apartment, just the police multiple times. I would think Embassy staff also not allowed in condo unless asked by the family to help out
  2. I thought police only had access to a condo if the person died there, or if death was suspicious... Did he have a Will, if so the Executor should be the only one allowed access to his assets...maybe tell his embassy what is going on? Edit: I just did my Thai Will last week and my Executor is definitely in charge of all my Thai assets immediatly upon my passing
  3. OP ask yourself when you have a 3 day public holiday in your home country would your banks be open? What could possibly need you to go to the bank during the 3 day songkran holidays that you couldn't do Monday or Tuesday or next week?
  4. Why are they linking cases from Songkran with requirements for vaccinated visitors? Makes no sense and I can see it now, "Thailand domestic covid cases soar to 50,000 per day after songkrsn so tourists required to now do 5 days quarantine on arrival" Madness!
  5. But TAT just said Monday that 444,000 had entered Thailand in the first 3 months of 2022 and that 341,000 are expected in the 2nd 3 months Now they expect 1 million to enter in one week 11-17 April ????
  6. With Thai Airways getting rid of the A380, B747, A340 and A330, the fleet has been streamlined to only 3 aircraft types. It now has 20 of the latest A350 (12) and B787 (8) and 23 B777's, of which there are 6 of the older B777-200 (with 2 of them parked). I can see these 6 200's leaving the fleet to further simplify and modernise the fleet https://www.airfleets.net/flottecie/Thai Airways.htm
  7. Speaking to locals, noone gives a <deleted>
  8. aussiexpat

    Will Advice

    Just had a simple Will done by Magna Carta for 5000 baht. Very easy, just provided copy of condo papers and bank book along with Thai ID or Passport for executor and beneficiaries along with their email, address and phone number. Takes about 2 weeks to get 3 signed copies in Thai and English (they keep one in their fireproof safe)
  9. Well I understand Russia was the biggest visitor in first quarter so they had to adjust for that
  10. Your answer is in the OP, 444,000 came in first 3 months and they project 341,000 in the 2nd Quarter. So that's 785,000 in first 6 months which leaves 7,215,000 to come in the last half of the year lol
  11. Meanwhile, the Wombat & Kiwi Bar on corner of Soi 9 Jomtien has 99 baht roast beef dinners from 12pm tomorrow, also 65 baht ice cold beers... @Leaver why don't you drop by to see for yourself https://fb.watch/chkDuNYnyR/
  12. 1. Because I love Pattaya and you are all doom and gloom about everything (much rather be me) 2. Obviously because Wombat & Kiwi Bar owner found a hidden gem and made a successful bar and apartment in your so called doom and gloom environment where nothing has a chance Just off the top of my head ????
  13. Lol that I have business interests in Pattaya The 4 story apartment place next door is also empty for over 10 years. It is not fit to live in unless someone spends lots of money to refurbish. You do know Jomtien Beach goes for like 10km right so I'm pretty sure there are many hidden gems along there
  14. Typical response from the self proclaimed Pattaya Bar guru that has never run a bar anywhere in the World lol The place was a 4 storey apartment rental building, they put a roof and wall in the front 25 metre courtyard and a bar was born, no extra rent for the courtyard ????
  15. This thread is hilarious, a thread on street food where posters talk like they're in a Michelin star restuarant lol Meanwhile I had a great 80 baht Chicken Kebab last night from Turkish Kebab on soi Buakhao (near treetown) ????
  16. It took me 26 months to come back here under the T&G one night quarantine and 2 PCRs purely because I had to check on my empty condo Leaving in a couple of weeks and won't be back until entry is same as pre-covid (although happy to do pre-departure test), surely that can't take another 26 months?
  17. Insurance cost depends where you are departing from but I just checked again and yep, it's gone up to 2640 baht so a 32% increase since January (cost me 2000 for $50k cover)
  18. If Thailand does away with PCR on arrival this means no more pre-paid Hotel, PCR test and airport transport to upload to Thai Pass, so at least a step in the right direction This only leaves the Vax certificate and insurance. Unfortunately the insurance is still a scam. When it was $100k cover, it cost 2000 baht for 30 days, it then dropped to $50k cover but still cost 2000 baht. When it dropped to $20k, it actually went up for me to 2140 baht for the 30 days. What's the point of dropping it to $10k if the fee remains the same. ..
  19. So you think Thai leased 3 Airbus aircraft called A300-ER which are not new lol It's 3 Boeing B777-300-ER which are in fact brand new planes delivered from Seattle. Also, your reference to aircraft being stored outdoors in desert locations is correct, however Thai Airways didn't do that, they left them outdoors at Bangkok airport
  20. You asked the same question 5 days apart. Did you not read any of the responses in between lol
  21. Why is it interesting? Pic shows registration HS-TTA. The aircraft registration code for Thailand is HS so the registration number is as expected (maybe you're mixing it up with the TG flight code?)
  22. The leases for the three brand new B777 were arranged in 2018 and finalized in 2020. So business as usual complying with contractual agreements. These are the first B777 with first class seating, so chasing those 8 quality tourists ???? https://www.airfinancejournal.com/articles/3581522/exclusive-boc-aviation-agrees-777-300er-leases
  23. B777-300ER with GE engines is a fantastic aircraft to lease... however it does raise a serious concern about the maintenance of their current inactive fleet if they need to lease these 3 planes before using their own Edit: if there are problems with their current parked fleet, this is actually a good thing that they choose to lease serviceable aircraft instead
  24. I'm thinking the OP's mate must have a death wish. I've ridden bikes since I was 8 years old with my first "big bike" a 750 at 17 and currently have a 1200 at 56, so I seem to have the much needed self preservation skills However, in 14 years of coming to Thailand I've rented a 150cc scooter once for a week. Thinking of a retired gent riding a big bike in Thailand when he needs lessons on how to change gears is mind boggling....
  25. "...after the Thai government eased preventive measures for international arrival on April 1st, the average number of visitors in Thailand had reached 11,623 people per day which increased by 65.97 percent from March where the number was only at 7,003 visitors per day" Or more likely because a 5th night hotel quarantine with PCR was required and this increase is just the timely affect of removing that hoop?
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