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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. The tent has nothing to do with getting a retirement extension, so you didn't avoid anything other than lining up in the wrong spot lol
  2. What's getting a retirement visa in Koh Samui got to do with Pattaya?
  3. Yep, I defended the safety record of the B737-800 earlier in the thread. Was just answering a question on the Max
  4. The site linked above says over 100,000 flu deaths in Thailand in last 2 years compared to 25,000 covid
  5. Lol my post was in response to this post which implied many of the 100k listed flu deaths in Thailand were actually covid. Why aren't you asking him to back his claim up...
  6. Or how many others listed as died of covid because they died of other causes but also tested positive for covid within 28 days of death (what a ridiculous rule). I still remember reading about the guy who ran his motorcycle into a tree and died, listed as covid death because he tested positive lol
  7. Except only 107 Malaysians knew to apply for a Thai Pass first "THOU SHALL NOT PASS. That’s the message some northern-bound Malaysian travelers received when they attempted to drive their cars into Thailand on yesterday morning, only to find they’d forgotten the most important thing: you STILL need to register for Thailand Pass In advance." https://thethaiger.com/travel/travel-news/breaking-malaysian-travelers-bewildered-by-thailand-pass-as-southern-land-border-reopens
  8. I went and had a look for you guys and I can confirm there were no vaccinations being done on the 2nd floor
  9. So how do you explain Flu & Pneumonia being 3rd on the list with 100k deaths compared to covid 25k. Surely the same restrictions you are so happy with should have reduced the Flu deaths as well?
  10. On the site you quote above, deaths with covid over the last 2 years is right between deaths from HIV and Suicide...and yet economy destroyed for these numbers
  11. I was there 0930 last Wednesday and 1330 on Thursday. I only had to go to the tent outside to get final stamp but both times there was no-one in the queue to enter the building
  12. Never has been required in the 3 months I've been here, except for only a couple of nightclubs that people just avoid
  13. "I expect international travel will get easier going forward but I fear pre-flight Covid testing will be something we have to deal with for a long time yet" Maybe not, pre-flight testing is not required for Thailand, Cambodia or UK and Australia has cancelled the pre-flight test from 17 April
  14. Actually it was a significant engineering design error. In simple terms, they fitted new larger engines to the existing airframe and to avoid hitting the ground they had to move the engines forward and higher on the wing. This changed the critical flight characteristics of the aircraft so new software (infamous MCAS) had to be added to make it handle like the existing 737 (nose would pitch up suddenly so software drove the nose down). Unfortunately this software was controlled by only one sensor, so when it failed, nose pitched down. All critical aircraft systems have multiple redundancy, so if one fails you have at least two back-ups. Boeing decided one sensor for MCAS was enough....
  15. My thaipass was quick using Hotmail address and I don't have Firefox (just samsung internet on phone). I took a phone pic of all documents (rather than scanning in JPEG) and all uploaded easily.
  16. I have noticed that Pattaya bars seem a bit quiet this week. Is it that people have left, or like me, are they staying home more in their aircon condo to avoid the heat? I usually leave this time of year as March/April is just too hot and humid for me so easy to understand why this is considered low season
  17. It appears whoever runs the Land arrival section of Thai Pass just hasn't been efficient as the Air section. TAT news site definitely says it applies to both and list the following Land borders from 1 April By land – Via border checkpoints in Nong Khai, Udon Thani, Songkhla, and Satun (new).
  18. China's Aviation Authority has promised a prelinary report within 30 days of the crash (so by 20 April). https://www.cgtn.com/special/Live-updates-Passenger-plane-crashes-in-south-China-rescue-underway.html
  19. Visa exempt get a very easy 30 day extension. Just need to fill in the TM7 extension request, copy of passport page, entry stamp, TM6 and a photo + 1900 baht. You will also need a TM30 if not staying in a hotel (who by law must file a TM30). After that you can get a 60 day covid extension or a 60 day visit wife extension
  20. Thailand Pass finally updated to say departure PCR not required from 1 April. That should be enough proof for any airline that didn't get the message
  21. Normal documents needed same as general extension (TM7 extension form, copies of passport page, entry stamp, TM6, TM30 and Photo) + affadavit + form to acknowledge penalties for overstay (all forms provided at immigration)
  22. Pleasant surprise from Jomtien today. I read on here the first covid extension was from the date of application, while following extensions would apply from date of expiry. However, I applied on 3 March and picked up my final stamp today granted until 13 May (so full 60 days from my 14 March exempt extension date). Nice extra 2 weeks I didn't think I'd get ????
  23. Nice assumption. 40 years experience in aviation says it could be pilot suicide, could also be bulkhead failure, mid air collision, bomb, what's the point of speculating. Surprised CVR was discovered 6 days ago and yet no news yet what it says. If pilot suicide, this would be on the CVR as 2 other pilots in cockpit
  24. Owner said it was the old Wombat Bar site but said it was empty for 10 years before he got it Even better story opening a 10 year closed bar and making it busy ????
  25. Bah, his terminal velocity theory has no relevance to this crash, but if he did do decent research he should have at least calculated it with the proper terminal velocity formula ????
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