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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. So happy for the Wine supertax... ...haven't had a wine in 45 days now ????
  2. Ukraine just announced foreigners welcome to come and help fight Russia https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-establishing-foreign-legion-volunteers-abroad-president-2022-02-27/
  3. I just got this Thai Pass scam email today, even though I entered Thailand over 6 weeks ago Lucky Thai Pass was free otherwise they'd have our bank details in addition to our email, phone number, passport, residential address and date of birth ????
  4. True, but is international flight law....totally misleading news article as a passenger never needed to hear about so called Air Bubbles that airlines negotiate
  5. Does Morchana app even do anything? Noone asks to see your green QR code, I've turned my location off a month ago, nothing happened?
  6. When was your test done, that is what is supposed to be within 72 hours, not when "test certificate was issued"
  7. Well they can't exchange on the street as all exchanges I saw today have N/A or 0.00 for the Ruble
  8. @roo860 what's so funny about India, UAE and China being aligned with Russia, therefore they should all be treated the same (just like Balarus is facing sanctions for supporting Russia)
  9. I'm hoping Russia, China, India and UAE flights are banned from all Asia-Pacific countries Unproked Russia invades Ukraine, and then UAE, India and China abstain from voting against this atrocity, therefore providing support to Russia Coincidence Thailand is trying to attract Russia, China, India and UAE to Thailand right now...think not, pretty sure if Thailand was a rotating UN member they also would have abstained to support their friends Make a stand Thailand!
  10. None in this thread, which is supposed to be about the invasion effects felt in Asia ????
  11. Basically Airlines have 2 ways to fly between countries (1) approved scheduled flights or (2) charter flights. As all scheduled flights are suspended this "Air Bubble" just seems to be a formal way to have planes flying without the excess paperwork required when flying charter flights. They could have just said regular flights resuming between Thailand and India as this 'Air Bubble' process is invisible to passengers. All Thai Pass requirements still apply
  12. From the article:"Passengers planning to travel to Thailand should however keep in mind that they must meet all travel requirements, and also could be facing health control measures" So Air bubble means nothing to passengers, it just allows the planes to fly there while scheduled flights are suspended
  13. Thai Airways is giving up to 30 days free covid insurance ($50k) for flights before 30 April. Insurance is Tune so I assume this is fine for Thai Pass (or there'd be no point) As an Aussie my email link states for Australian passport holders, so not sure if this applies to other countries? https://www.thaiairways.com/en_AU/offer/special_offers/Fly-Safe-to-Thailand-with-Free-COVID-19-Insurance.page
  14. Not surprising, Russia vetoed the UN Security Council resolution that called on Russia to halt the attack on Ukraine and withdraw troops. So resolution lost even though voted 11-1 (with China, UAE and India abstaining) What I find dissapointing is that the UN members closest to the Asia-Pacific region all abstained. I understand China, but why did India and UAE not vote against Russia?
  15. Russia's Aeroflot banned from flying to UK Which Asian countries my follow suit? I'm guessing none although all Aviation Authorities could have concerns as EU and USA have banned all provision of aircraft spare parts to Russia https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/russias-aeroflot-banned-flying-uk-2022-02-24/
  16. It's still on the TT Facebook page although a Ruble only buys 0.250 baht
  17. TT exchange booths have dropped the Ruble to 0.250 (was 0.420 in January and 0.360 a couple of days ago) This 40% drop should deter Russian tourists you'd think?
  18. It's almost like they introduced the 5th day hotel and PCR in February just so that they can remove it in March to show how progressive they are The Test and Go is still the same as it was when introduced in November (1 day hotel with PCR + ATK on day 5) So no real progress in 4 months of supposed "learning to live with it"
  19. Sorry, but if a country attacks another country when unprovoked, you don't all of a sudden not be part of that country
  20. I wasn't talking about Thai's, I was thinking Russians might want to avoid every other expat/tourist here, especially if they were to run into someone from Ukraine?
  21. Are the Russians in Pattaya/Jomtien now staying home? I can imagine how it would be to go out when the entire World (other than China) seems against them...
  22. Restrictions vs actual No bars open - all bars open relabled as restaurants ATK before entry - yeah right, at most temp check ok No GoGo's - see first point, now restaurants Masks everywhere - except in bars No alcohol before 11am or between 2pm and 5pm - enforced at Hooters and 7/11, all other bars serving no problem
  23. aussiexpat

    Booster shots ?

    Well I heard there was two queues, one for registering and one for the shot. Quickest way to check which is shortest queue is a trip down Boystown soi, I'd rather not so I guess I'll line up on 2nd road ????
  24. aussiexpat

    Booster shots ?

    I see people lining up at Royal Garden on Beach Road and on 2nd road for let in at 10am. Which street is best to queue to register?
  25. Do you even bother to read current threads?
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