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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. I just arrived at my Test, & Go hotel in Bangkok this morning and have currently locked myself in my room in shock The guy who greeted me explained that I was free to roam the hotel immediately whereas I was under the impression I had to wait for the negative Test. What was worse is that he said they only get 7/10 day ASQ now and when questioned he said they are also free to roam from as soon as they arrive. So here I am in the so called 'safer' Test & Go program and I'm expected to mingle throughout the hotel with so call 'riskier' unvaccinated ASQ travellers who may have just got off the plane and haven't had their PCR result yet ( I know there would also be some vaccinated ASQ). Thailand might as well scrap all arrivals programs if this is how the rules are implemented. Meanwhile, please hurry up with the result so I can get the hell out of this place. I've got 3 meals with my booking and I don't want to go down to a crowded restaurant lol Edit: I would love the above if I was in ASQ as I couldn't do 7 days locked in my room. The point is why bother mandating ASQ if it's not actually followed. It's just an income stream in this case.
  2. I checked in last night at Singapore Airlines in Brisbane for a flight to Bangkok. Conversation went like this: How come you only have 1 night hotel booked? - I have Test & Go That's been cancelled. Let me check - 5 minutes of checking regs, not caring what I said about being valid Oh, it's okay, you are allowed to enter on test & go up to the 15th, you're all good - your handbook is wrong, anyone with test & go approved can enter *crickets* I suggest if anyone is flying T&G after 15th they print a copy of the Thai Pass wording or a copy of what the Gazette says as this guy was buying nothing of what I said. Luckily I flew 13th
  3. I just checked in on Singapore Airlines from Brisbane to Bangkok. He spent 5 minutes checking his regulations about my only 1 night Test & Go. "He came back and said, yep you are allowed to enter until the 15th" This Deputy PM sprouting rumours about 10th and then 15th cut-off is still doing damage I see because a legitimate traveller will turn up on 16th for flight and be rejected according to the SQ handbook ????
  4. It's already in the article lol "Thanakorn also said that Thailand is expected to welcome nearly 15 million visitors throughout the year, which will generate between 1.3 to 1.8 trillion baht in revenue"
  5. There has been a departure tax for decades, it used to be 500 baht cash you had to pay at the airport. They then added it onto your ticket about 12 years ago and discretely increased it to 700 baht. Semantics whether it's now called a PSC
  6. When you consider there's already a 700 baht tourist departure tax, the last sentence of the article says it all “Collecting an additional fee will increase the travel budget of international visitors. It will affect their decisions to skip Thailand.”
  7. OP, yes you can share a room. Make sure both names are on hotel booking form they provide and then upload the same form to each of your Thailand Pass applications. As for the Phuket sandbox brigade, what's so hard to understand that some of us want nothing to do with going to Phuket lol
  8. It's even worse, another thread has just been raised an hour ago with their pics in the headline
  9. That's not correct. Currently all with a Test & Go Thai Pass are allowed to enter until further notice as per the Gazzette. The 15th date is now just when the next meeting is to occur where it can be discussed. I'm sick of all these rumours as the official status of Test & Go since 22 Dec has never changed for people that had a current Thai Pass. All this talk about the 10th cut-off and then 15th cut-off has never been approved at any level. Note: I canceled my 13th Jan trip because of all these cut-off rumours. Luckily I was able to reinstate everything after Friday's meeting with only an additional $70 for flight
  10. What is the point of the TM30 if they can't use it to find 6 people staying in hotels (which must submit a TM30 for every guest on arrival)
  11. My question would be by turning up for a flight out is that considered surrendering (lower ban) or being caught/arrested (much higher ban)?
  12. Trusted destination...just forced to cancel everything booked for 13 Jan because of their flip flop rules. Absolute joke of a country
  13. So have they had their Damn meeting yet, I have flights next week so I would like to know at least a week in advance if I'm welcome to come or not???
  14. So you think everyone that has approved Thai Pass, flights and 1 night hotel will arrive in Bangkok and be told, sorry you must stay 7 nights quarantine instead of the booked 1 night Test and Go? Again, only this forum is telling me otherwise, no-one that matters has told me my booking next week is no longer valid?
  15. I was feeling really depressed. I have a flight 13 Jan on Singapore Airlines with an approved Thai Pass, 1 day hotel, taxi, insurance and PCR test paid for. I read this thread and thought oh no....then I thought no-one has contacted me and told me my plans must change??? What if I was never on this forum, Singapore Airlines is expecting me 13 Jan from Brisbane to Singapore and Bangkok on 14 Jan, Elegant hotel is expecting to pick me up 14 Jan for 1 night stay, I realised only this forum is telling me I can't go, my airline, hotel and approved Thai Pass tell me I can go, who is correct???
  16. Nah, Pattaya local, I said "Thailand Sucks" after 4th edit trying not to be banned for saying what I really think of Thailand right now lol
  17. How is this a minor issue? I've waited 2 years to come back to my home without having to do solitary confinement in a hotel first, I've paid 26,000 baht to arrive under the rules at the time and one week before my flight Thailand decides to block fully vaxxed arrivals from countries that have better covid records than them...
  18. Flight would then leave 2300 on 10th and arrive 11th....so close ???? Obviously arriving on the 11th means I have bubonic plague and being fully vaxed plus PCR test 72 hours before flight and PCR test on arrival can't be trusted... thailand sucks
  19. The "random" part was aimed at the poster complaining about no side walks being dangerous...in a thread where a guy was stabbed to death, much more dangerous no?
  20. It was initially announced that 10 Jan would be the cut off but this was then dismissed as not approved and it was formally announced that all T&G approvals would be honoured as money had already been spent. For me, I received my Thai Pass on 24 Dec, 2 days after the suspension, with 13 Jan arrival being approved in the Thai Pass. If 10 Jan was always the date, why would they approve my Pass after that date?
  21. I don't want to go Phuket.... The way I see it, I wasted 3900 baht hotel, 2000 insurance and about 20,000 baht one way flight....so Thailand got about 26,000 baht worth of ping pong balls I never got to enjoy...
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