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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. Nah, won't be doing shared taxi with strangers. Thinking the Elegant hotel 6km from Swampy might now be the best idea and it's only 3900. I'll have my normal taxi on speed dial for as soon as I get a negative result ????
  2. They claim transport is free as their special offer. 4700 was full cost with room, tests, 2 meals and transport
  3. New booking hasn't provided any info. Richard Barrow has just written an article where a guy, despite testing negative, has been locked in hard quarantine because he shared a cab to the hotel with someone who tested positive. Don't really want to take that risk, especially as it's a 2 hr drive to Pattaya Cab guy is 2nd story of "the nightmare of testing positive" https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=445678823585053&id=100044288176713
  4. Try like every Thai Embasssy and Consulate in an exempt country lol "Travelers entering Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme must possess adequate cash of , or equivalent to 20,000 Baht per person or 40,000 Baht per family" https://thaiconsulatela.org/en/visa-exemption/
  5. If an aircraft is landing on the ocean, I don't think it really matters if Thai crew can swim or not, no-one will be swimming...
  6. @ThaiVisaCentre My previous booking stated that my transport from Swampy to Pattaya was a shared taxi. This means if one of the strangers I'm sharing with tests positive, then I'll be forced into 10 days quarantine regardless of my negative test. Is there a way to tell which hotels have individual taxi, or are all in Pattaya shared?
  7. Many thanks, I got over myself and signed up to Wise. It was super easy and very cheap like you said. I will use this a lot as exchange rate was great as well (24.17 while TT rate on street 24.02) ????
  8. Just in case there was any doubt about whether a leisure tourist should visit or not, Richard Barrow has just written an article ("the nightmare of testing positive") about people testing positive on arrival. It's worth a read to everyone travelling to Thailand, I know it's made me put my trip on hold. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=445678823585053&id=100044288176713
  9. B787 much better than the B737 Max....I will seriously refuse to board if they ever did an aircraft swap on me (Thai didn't buy any thankfully)
  10. I also just got asked for payment by bank transfer which I can't do as my bank has a minimum overseas transfer of $1000 (also most transfers take 2-3 days to arrive which is why they may say 3 days?) Can someone please advise if Agoda accepts visa card as this hotel wouldn't. This should make a quicker turn around time on the letter?
  11. Thanks. I need a Stat Dec witnessed in Pattaya in January so will be sure to look these 2 up (I knew my previous 1200 baht to witness 2 people was right lol).
  12. Thanks but it's just me. I've survived traveling all over the World for 40 years with a credit card and ATM card and not willing to do new money payment things just for a once off 1 night stay for a measly 4700 baht. TP is all the new thing I can handle. Who knew a Thai Visa card was no longer welcome in Thailand lol
  13. This is the hotel thread so haven't got to Thailand Pass yet (plenty of threads about that though)
  14. They asked me for copy of flight ticket, insurance, Passport and vaccination certificate
  15. Thanks but like PayPal I won't be opening a Wise account, whatever that is. I'm at my wits end with all of this extra Thailand nonsense for entry. If they don't want my money, so be it.
  16. Just another issue with all these new rules. In 13 years coming to Thailand I've never used a credit card due to the bad reputation of credit card fraud. Now we have to give them an actual photocopy of our card...mind is blown lol I guess I'll cancel booking and start again ????
  17. @ThaiVisaCentre I tried to pay for my Pattaya hotel and they only gave me 2 options. 1. Transfer money to their account 2. Use PayPal I won't be signing up for PayPal and my bank has a minimum overseas transfer of $1000 (24,000 baht) so that won't work for 4700 payment. I have a Thai Visa Card (debit card) but they said they can't take it? Any ideas. Maybe just this hotel or is this the expected payment method of all? Any thoughts appreciated
  18. Nothing wrong with Boeing 777 and 787, World leader in twin engine aircraft...loved my Brisbane to Bangkok direct flights
  19. I've switched to Singapore Airlines, half the price to BKK and prettier girls ????
  20. I only used to fly them to see the pretty crew smile so I could get back into Thailand happy mood after a long absence. Much better than the old angry dragons on Qantas ????
  21. Sorry, but bad advice. The list of professions that can witness an Aussie Stat Dec remains, but they must have a current connection to Australia (eg. Doctor/Dentist still registered to practice in Australia, Aussie policeman on holiday). As for mates signing, you're basically negating the whole Stat Dec. I'm an Engineer so have witnessed countless Stat Dec's in Aus, but even I'm not allowed now because I'm retired.
  22. ^ just to point out that any Thai lawyer can not do it. They must hold a specific Notary Public approval as I said in my post above Note: Siam Legal only charged me 9000 to prepare my Thai divorce papers (with 2 condo being considered), so I doubt they would charge more than 1500-2000 for one signature on a paper you bring to them?
  23. Maybe ask yourself if you arrived at a hotel at 2am pre-covid, would they charge you for that night? Note: I don't think 2nd night would be much, my hotel is 4700 with taxi, PCR Test, ATK kit and 2 meals, so must be a lot cheaper without all that? This is why I'm glad my flight arrives 9am, be in Pattaya by 11:30 so plenty of time for test and result before check out next day
  24. @1 I had to do this a couple of years ago and I found the only choices to be the Aussie Embassy in Bangkok, or find a Notary Public in Pattaya. Lucky my Condo purchase lawyer had the Notary Public approval (Magna Carta, just past 3rd road on the Tukcom street). They charged me 1200 baht from memory (to witness 2 people signing the stat dec) I think Siam Legal is also a Notary Public. From the gov website: You can use a notary public to witness your statutory declaration even if they are called something different under another country's legislation. For example, they may be called a notary or a public notary. Before using a notary public overseas, you should check the person has been appointed by a government to witness documents. https://www.ag.gov.au/legal-system/statutory-declarations/who-can-witness-your-statutory-declaration
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