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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. COE has officially changed. Yesterday it said you must stay a minimum of 14 days in ASQ, now it says this ????
  2. This is from the Thai Embassy which makes it very clear the places will be opening on 1 Nov under a 'Sandbox' program UPDATE: Starting November 2021, there is a proposal for a Sandbox Program for Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chonburi (Pattaya), and Hua Hin. The details and the official guidelines are yet to be announced in the coming days. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/thailand-travel-restrictions
  3. For the above posts talking about numbers through the sandbox, TAT publishes this figure every day (currently 37,576 with only 99 arriving today) https://www.tatnews.org/
  4. So 40,000 international arrivals July to September, guess that leaves 240,000 for October to December. Dropping to 7 days quarantine is not going to increase travellers x 6 needed for that ridiculous number
  5. How do you figure? The STV has similiar requirements as an O-A visa, namely 400k/40k health insurance, medical check, police check and A$25,000 in bank for last 6 months The O-A fee is also cheaper than STV as it's A$300 for 12 months while STV is about A$280 for 9 months (A$120 fee + 2 extensions @ 1900 baht each) O-A can the get extended for another 12 months, while STV is 9 months max.
  6. Luma insurance has just come back to me with a quote of 31,500 baht for 1 year, or 25,000 baht for 270 days (that's cheaper than my current Bupa insurance in Aus) They state this meets all requirements for the O-A or STV 400k/40k health insurance and the US$100,000 covid insurance in the one policy https://www.lumahealth.com/
  7. Flooded for choice now as Thailand just extended the Special Tourist Visa (STV) until October next year. It's great at A$120 for 270 days (90+90+90) however the rules are pretty much the same as the O-A Visa (police check, 400k/40k health insurance, medical check, proof of accommodation for length of stay) Note: embassy site says proof of 20,000 baht per person required, however the online application form says proof of A$25,000 for last 6 months https://www.cognitoforms.com/RoyalThaiEmbassyCanberra1/OnlineVisaApplicationFormForSpecialTouristVisa
  8. Canberra embassy also asks for this, however Sydney consulate does not. However, as the COE application site is the same used by everyone in the World, it does not mention in the instructions to upload accommodation after ASQ. https://coethailand.mfa.go.th/regis/step?language=en
  9. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-thailand-idUSKBN2GN0E4 https://www.tatnews.org/2021/09/thailands-ccsa-approves-4-phase-reopening-plan-from-october-until-january/
  10. Even better, no quarantine from 1 November. Full speed ahead ???? BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand will waive its mandatory quarantine requirement in Bangkok and nine regions from Nov. 1 to vaccinated arrivals, authorities said on Monday...
  11. Wahoo, looks like ASQ reduction to 7 days has been approved ???? https://www.facebook.com/richardbarrowthailand
  12. As you came in on a tourist visa, could you advise if you got covid insurance for 60 days or 90 days to cover the extension?
  13. Onward ticket to where? As far as I know you cannot fly from Thailand to stay in Laos, Vietnam, Singapore or Cambodia. Surely Thai immigration know that so an onward tickets is useless.
  14. Found a problem with flights on Singapore Airlines. I can't book a return ticket. I was going to book a return at 90 days just to line up with the TV and then change it as it's valid for a year with date changes free. I've traveled to Thailand many times before with just a one way ticket and never had a problem, however these are different times obviously. I'm hoping just a confirmed one way ticket there and a proposed itinerary back will be enough. Edit: haha, just tried Business class and no problem getting a ticket. Only 108,955 baht one way to Brisbane lol
  15. I could have got an exemption for an issued O-A Visa but very unlikely I would get one for " the intention to apply for an O visa in Thailand". That's why I'm going down the exemption for condo maintenance. I'm also hoping they relax the scrutiny a little on the exemptions seeing they're opening up anyway in December
  16. OK not sure now. I know you can apply for a 'name check' and a 'criminal records check' through the AFP and the O-A asks for s name check. My previous police certificates (for employment) didn't look anything like yours. Either way, I don't have any record ????
  17. AFP check is just a police name check. It basically just proves that there is a real person with that name and date of birth.
  18. To get an exemption to leave Australia I have to agree to stay out a minimum of 3 months. A 60 day TV + 30 day extension meets that obligation should I need to return to Aus for unknown reasons.
  19. One of the most stressful thoughts to me was paying for everything in advance and then having everything wasted if I couldn't get my PCR test result back within the 72 hour window before flight. This company (Australia wide) takes all that stress away as there's a clinic 5km away from me ???? ($150 for test result within 24 hours, can be same day result if you go to certain clinics, but that is $300) https://consumer.healius.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAiAtej9BRAvEiwA0UAWXrpi3gmWiQHCmRGoipTR5ypkYgE8E6knLhQ17dLAgCFGq1vzEac8ZxoCoukQAvD_BwE
  20. Yes I've had a Krungsi account for years, got it in a visa exempt visit :) What proof of overseas transfer are they looking for? Just the unsigned transfer receipt I get from my Aus bank?
  21. I'm fully vaccinated with Pfizer. I guess I'm just anti sandbox asking for so many PCR tests for vaccinated tourists while locals are 200+ positive tests a day. 7 days ASQ much better to be over and done with it
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