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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. Don't agree. I was shocked to find Thai citizens can still enter Thailand on an expired passport (without any other Passport) and they can stay as long as they like. Just went through this in Dec 2021.
  2. Completely not true, Thai citizen can stay as long as they like once they are back in their own country with Thai ID, regardless of passport entered on
  3. Lol you think that. Thai ID is the law in Thailand not an expired passport
  4. We get it, you're a covid expert and now Thai passport expert. She's coming for 3 weeks, I'd rather travel on my Aussie passport through Singapore to get there and back to her home in Aussie. What's so hard to understand about that? (and therefore leaving Australia and arriving back with all travel entries on same passport)
  5. What a load of entitled <deleted>. Any Thai from any country can enter Thailand on a Thai expired passport or ID Card. I love this about Thailand welcoming their citizens home always, unlike Australia last few years ????
  6. What a stupid argument. What would a non-thai have to do in above situation Are you telling every tourist on 30/45 day visa exempt to get 60 day tourist visa just in case something something happens...ridiculous way to live a life What if you have bike accident requiring 9 months surgery, should everyone get a year visa in case ????
  7. You missed my point on passport you leave a country on you should stay on for entre travel, so up to them No difference either way for you to be so adamant about. Thai citizens are also allowed to be admitted into Thailand with expired passport so not really an issue. Immigration accept their Thai ID card when needed to solve any immigration issues
  8. She is staying for only 3 weeks on an Aussie passport so no need to visit immigration (45 days visa exempt fom Oct 1) I understand that anyone leaving Australia on an Australia [Thailand] Passport should stay on that passport Not rule breaches if not, but general rules
  9. I think it's more that Netflix and other sites now available cheaply so why read when they can watch the movie (I used to read a book a week for over 30 years....can't remember the last time I read one)
  10. With Australian passport why even bother thinking about Thai passport unless she wants to stay longer than 30 days (45 days visa exempt from 1 Oct) My ex-wife didn't even bother renewing her Thai Passport once she got her Aussie
  11. Ha ha, never got this place other than people pretending to read while looking at the girls across the road ???? Seriously though I just off loaded 100+ books to Lifeline donations as I couldn't even sell them for $1 each....does anyone still read books?
  12. Pretty obvious to most people as your favourite bar Retox closes during covid shutdown, Hemmingways spends lots on doing up the place and re-opens with similar concept of great food and sports... Why in your mind is this a bad thing as same place is maybe better now than before?
  13. To first question, yes from 1 Oct there is 45 days visa exempt entry plus 30 days extension. I'm doing that rather than a 60 day tourist visa with 30 day extension
  14. If Leaver can't name any of his "favourite bars" (not any random bars he keeps posting) that are no longer open since last 3 years since starting thread, maybe this thread is done?
  15. Further to above, which @Leaver favourite bar is no longer open bringing you sadness
  16. Given the thread title of "is your favourite bar closure imminent" I haven't seen anything mentioned here for over 18 months (Leaver posting random bar sales to bump the thread dont count) Who's "favourite bar" is still not open now after a once in century worldwide virus event?
  17. What's the point of this thread, you don't listen to anyone's advise Didn't the username Spambot give the Mods a hint...
  18. Steroid users and Testosterone addicts should just <deleted> off from Pattaya, would make it a much nicer place
  19. So what happened to the law that anyone attempting to overthrow an elected PM would be put to death? His army did it and they walking around fine ????
  20. The Beach House bar has a good pool, especially after a few drinks ????
  21. I don't know but there is one for insulting a public official with a one year prison sentence Section 136. Insulting an Official "Whoever insults an official in the execution of his or her duty shall be imprisoned not more than one year or fined not more than two thousand Baht, or both." https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-offense-against-officials-sections-136-140/
  22. Found an update "Police are under pressure from royalists to prosecute the German activist who staged a one-man protest against the government of Thailand" "Songchai is urging police to take action against the 35 year old German for inciting civil disobedience and interfering in Thai affairs..." https://asiadailydigital.com/royalists-in-thailand-target-one-man-german-activist/
  23. I've mainly researched retirement but I believe that would be correct (example: if I can prove 70k per month, 800k would not be required in bank for retirement)
  24. Why do you care if other people choose to wear masks "outdoors in non-crowded areas, on the beach, in your car and on motorbikes" They are not asking you to do it so how does that effect you in anyway?
  25. I read the fine was between 800 and 1600 and wondered why the difference. Maybe tourist is 800, long term visa is 1600? Or likely just random...
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