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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Don't be naive. It's the old story again, looking for high quality rich tourists that will drop a lot of money, and get rid of the lower class expats, backpackers, drunks, etc. First time I heard it was from Thaksin, but it was likely around long before then.
  2. Thanks for that. I've DL'd the first season and the available first 3 episodes of season 2. Next time I take a puff I'll give it a go. With Brooklyn nine-nine and schitz creek both finished, this one will fill the void.
  3. I break my shows into 3 categories. Those I need to be clear headed, as in they are somewhat complex and you need to be able to follow. eg: WestWorld, Game of Thrones, Spooks, etc. Those I need to have a few drinks. If I'm sober they are just not watchable. eg: Doc Martin, etc. Those where a puff or two is needed. These are generally watchable in the other two states but are much more enjoyable in this state. eg: Schitz Creek, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Just for Laughs Gags, etc.
  4. It is really simple. Please try to understand and stop crying about it. The Oscar's have implemented "quotas" of what types of people need to be involved in movies before they will be considered for awards. Likely there are similar rules for TV shows. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/yes-hollywood-has-created-diversity-quotas-oscars-168782 The requirements are extensive, though they can be achieved through a variety of means. One lead or significant actor in the movie must be from a list of “underrepresented” racial or ethnic groups. Or at least 30% of secondary actors must be from a list of “underrepresented” groups, including women, “LGBTQ+,” or disabled people. Or the storyline of the movie must be about one of the listed underrepresented groups. The requirements also include a diversity quota for department heads and technical jobs relating to the movie, and an “audience development” requirement, again geared toward that list of underrepresented groups.
  5. Pfizer is currently being approved for ages 5-11 in the US. Jabs will likely start next week.
  6. Looks like a remake of Misfits without the superpowers. Hopefully this one is just as good. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1548850
  7. This is the only way I'll transfer money into Thailand. I will add a few details that don't seem to be here yet. The amount you can withdraw at one time is the daily counter withdrawal limit, as mentioned above. If you need a lot of money this way, you can call your bank and have this number adjusted to a higher number, either temporarily or permanantly. Say you need 800k baht for some reason, do this and do it in one transaction. I have a Capital One (Mastercard) ATM, and a Chime (Visa) ATM. Neither have a foreign transaction fee. When I received the Chime, I decided to see which was better to transfer money. I did a counter withdrawal of 10k baht from each card at the same time. The Chime (Visa) rate was 1% worse than the Capital One (Mastercard) rate. So while neither bank had a foreign fee, the conversion fee by the credit card company is worse for Visa than Mastercard. The Mastercard rate I get is generally a bit higher than the current xe.com rate.
  8. I had a similar situation happen to me 15 years ago or so. One of the ladies working in the Juristic office of a complex rented me a unit and had me pay 6 months up front. A month or so later the owner showed up and told me he had not been paid. As I had the lease and receipt, I went to the local police station and initiated a complaint. They forwarded it to the local officer that covers that complex. So the officer sets up a 3 way meeting between me, the owner and the jursitic lady. Here he told the owner I needed to be allowed to stay and he could collect the money from the juristic lady. Soon after that, I found out what was really going on. The local cop was a loan shark who had loaned money to the juristic lady. My rent money was actually paid to the cop to cover her debt. As it was apparent to the cop that I was not going to take it quietly, I guess he decided to give the loss to the Thai owner. Any real investigation would have uncovered the loan sharking, etc. The fridge in the unit did not work and the juristic lady "borrowed" one from somebody else's unit, without permission of course. At least the Thai owner got a new fridge out of it. I arranged for the juristic lady to be fired.
  9. I always thought the roosters crowed at the first sign of light. While we think of sunlight, it may be as simple as someone lighting a cigarette, a car driving by with headlights on, or a motion activated light being turned on by a bird or something. And the light doesn't need to be close...
  10. I strive to learn from other people's mistakes. This is a common problem in Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, etc. and we've all heard it a thousand times. Chickens in the philippines are the worst, waking you up at 3am every morning. Solution: If you can't buy enough land so it doesn't matter what the neighbors do, don't buy. Rent. This way you can move if you need to.
  11. I had this operation done yesterday, and in the US. The surgeon prefers the open method to laparoscopy as the repair is stronger and apparently lasts longer. He gave me oxy for the pain but i didn't need or use any. Acetaminophen every 6 hours. Ibuprophen every 6 hours. Take dosages every 3 hours so they overlap. 24 hours after, no pain. The only issue is getting out of bed without stretching the stitches. Can't recommend a surgeon there but thought the info might be helpful. My surgeon could do either the lap or open and after 25 years operating prefers the open method.
  12. https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1034535705/ The trip 2021. IMDB 7.2 with about 1000 votes. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13109952 Norwegian language but English available in the DUBBED or NF versions. A dysfunctional couple head to a remote cabin to reconnect, but each has intentions to kill the other. Before they can carry out their plans, unexpected visitors arrive and they faced with a greater danger.
  13. Anyone entering Canada has needed to be fully vaccinated since the border was opened to Americans a few months ago. Why would entering on a train be different? Are there any passenger trains that actually travel between Canada and the USA?
  14. Oh, is Freeman black? I had not noticed. I tend to focus on the character, not the actor...
  15. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. You want to travel? You must be vaccinated. You want to work? You must be vaccinated. You want to shop? You must be vaccinated. Deal with it. Other countries need to do this too. The sooner the better.
  16. Coming soon to a country near you... ---------- https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/canada-trudeau-vaccine-mandate/index.html Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday announced a nationwide Covid-19 vaccine mandate for rail and air travelers as well as staff. "Today we are fulfilling two of our main commitments — mandatory vaccination for federal employees and mandatory vaccination for travel," Trudeau said. Canada will also have a vaccine mandate for federally regulated workers in place by the end of the month, according to Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Trudeau said that by the end of October all travelers 12 or older on a plane or train within Canada must be fully vaccinated. Trudeau said there will be a short grace period where unvaccinated travelers or staff "can provide a negative Covid-19 test."
  17. https://www.drugabuse.gov/news-events/news-releases/2021/10/people-with-substance-use-disorders-may-be-at-higher-risk-for-sars-cov-2-breakthrough-infections An analysis of electronic health records of nearly 580,000 fully vaccinated people in the United States found that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection among vaccinated patients with substance use disorders was low overall, but higher than the risk among vaccinated people without substance use disorders. People with substance use disorders—such as alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, opioid, and tobacco use disorders— also had elevated rates of severe outcomes, including hospitalization and death, following breakthrough infections.
  18. So the deceased has 290k in his pocket when he visits the house? Clearly many looking to squeeze as much money out of this as they can.
  19. Of course, since you're likely looking for misinformation and right wing propaganda, you might be having a problem getting it from google if they, like other sources, are restricting that nonsense.
  20. Three Pfizer mRNA vaccination shots already received. No side effects.
  21. It's a standard practice for loser foreigners to come to SE Asian countries, lie to and then marry a local after telling them they will be taken care of after the foreigner dies. In actual fact, the pension of the foreigner in this case barely covers the current costs of living, and there are no resources in the home countries to be distribetd after the demise. The foreigner in this case is using the marriage to get free support in their final years, as they have no resources to pay for it themselves. I have seen it happen all too often.
  22. This is basic immunology. This is expected behaviour. Antibodies are present in your body when you are fighting a virus/bacteria, or have been vaccinated. Antibody counts naturally diminishes when the threat is no longer present. Your body, however, remembers (via T-cells and B-cells) how to fight the infection and will regenerate the antibodies if again infected with the offending virus/bacteria. Don't fall for all the anti-vax nonsense trying to use this as ammunition for their futile position.
  23. You've been subject to this kind of thing your whole life and now it's an issue? I have to assume you, or most of the rest of you, are religious. I don't hear you crying "WOKE" every time you see a picture/statue etc of a white Jesus when he, being born in Bethlehem, would be brown, looking more like an Arab than a WASP.
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