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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. Without sounding tooooooooooooooo negative, I would never again team up with a bird with kids. Mrs.Trans kids are 19 and 25.........And still a complete pain in the ass......For sure you will end up with some other blokes kids living with you.....Seen it time and time again................sad.png

    If you try and chastise the kid(s) YOU will be in the wrong...Trust me on that...........facepalm.gif

    So very well put Transam, and so very true.

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  2. I have not been changing these things "all my life", as a previous poster stated, but I have been around them in various countries for the past 20 years or so.

    I have yet to see one that did *not* pierce the cap.

    I would take a photo but the bottle has only just been changed.

    The water cooler we have is 8 years old and bought from Global house. It DOES NOT pierce the top when loading the water bottle.

    My method is to top up the cooler container to about three inches from the top and fill the bottle to half inch from top. If the bottle is tipped over quickly just above the container I get a few drops of water spilt on the flat top. Have been doing this since purchase and touch wood have so far not had any problems. But sods law being just that??

  3. Another day, another 'crackdown'. I thought the vans were going to be prevented from using Victory in the last crackdown; I thought the sidewalks were to be cleared of vendors...there is no plan here....just a series of press releases to keep the good general on the front pages.

    To get things done, you don't tackle 25 issues at the same time....you focus on one or two important issues, formulate plans and then implement them, and keep on implementing until they take root and the issue is solved for good...then move onto another one or two and implement them.

    I have listened to the general's speeches...great long rambly unfocussed affairs, where he tells us all the issues have been resolved, but never gives any specifics....frankly it's amateurish. Nothing will ever get done with good intentions if an unfocussed approach means that it is impossible to implement. Now after each crackdown, 5 minutes after each press release we are be back to business as usual.

    My advice...start with the top of the police force and stamp out corruption...unless the senior officers are clean how can you expect the troops to be clean? Send the corrupt ones to jail for long periods until they get the message. I think Thailand has way too many police but if you have a problem there is no redress because the police will not or cannnot help....I say if they can't even help with violent crime (because there is no money in it for them or because the have links to the perps) then get rid of half the police force because they don't keep the peace anyway, so there is no downside for law and order, and it might save motorists some tea money. There is no respect for the law amongst citizens, because the police who are supposed to uphold it, don't do their jobs...it is a failed institution. If the general does this he will set Thailand on the path forward to a bright future....if he fails to root out corruption in the police, the future looks dim indeed.

    Agree 100%. Law and order is the backbone of any society, without it you have Anarchy.

  4. Two years ago I was paying 1200Baht for 15 Prevacid at a small private hospital. Asked the doctor to write me the precription to take to a pharmacy and paid 740Baht for the same amount in the same packaging. I still only pay 740 Baht and don't even have to ask for the scrip, the pharmasist just takes off the shelf and I pay the money.. A government hospital will be cheaper than private but the inconvenience in my opinion is not worth the time involved.

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  5. Currently Nationwide charge £25.00 on a SWIFT transfer. They use HSBC as the intermediery bank with the total charge still being £25.00. However, be very careful because other charges have mysteriosly come at a later date and can be a further £20.00 Again, ONE month later another £20.00 has been known to be charged. Nationwide insist these extra charges are from the receiving bank, but when checking this, it is found not to be the case. I am refering here to a transfer from Nationwide to Bangkok Bank. The dispute is now in the hands of the UK Financial and Banking Ombudsman. Be warned!!!

  6. From personal experience, although a few years ago, an international permit is valid for 90 days from date of arrival. If you have a motocycle licence from your home country and the international permit it may be possible to aquire a Thai licence. You would need a doctors note from any local clinic or hospital, a confirmation of your Thai address from immigration, but I very much doubt you would be granted the licence on a tourist visa. If I'm wrong here, I feel sure someone will correct me.

  7. Violence against suspected criminals or even proven criminals seems to be the norm here. I have seen a few arrests where the arrested male is punched and kicked while held down on the ground handcuffed. Irrespective of the arrested persons guilt or innocence, violence cannot and should not be justified except in extreme cases where the suspect is himself violent. Where violence is used by arresting officers it shows a total lack of training and discipline.

  8. When I see and read of these sad but avoidable incidents, I can't help but think the UK health and safety guys could have a very high rate of employment in LOS. The whole Thai attitude is one of, "We've always done it this way, why should we change"! Education, Education, Education. Until the system is change, these kind of incidents will continue. Unfortunately it will most probably not be in my lifetime.

  9. The Dear General should gather up the program makers for all TV stations and ask them if any of them have a brain big enough to think of something more interesting and intelligent to make programs about. These people get paid good money to come up with endless streams of banal garbage and have the audacity to call them programs.

    One wonders if it is all part of the plan to keep the natives dumbed down, which is something that has been successfully achieved now for several decades. Time for a new beginning in so many ways and ridding the public of this TV trash would be a good start.

    The Dear General has one of the finest weapons available in the Thai soaps. If properly structured they could be used to re-educate the Thai's. On the other hand, is that a good idea?

  10. It is not true. Whether or not a foreigner living in Thailand needs a visa to enter another member country of ASEAN depends on his nationality and on the country he intends to visit, regardless of the status of his permission to stay in Thailand.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks for the info Maestro. I thought it a little odd when it was said to me but as with many things, it pays to ask around.

  11. I have heard that as of 1st January 2015 it will be possible for expats with appropriate visa extensions to visit other Asean countries without first acquiring a visa to enter that country. Has anyone any idea if this is true and if so are any details available?

    I also understand a re-entry permit will still be required for return to Thailand as normal.

    Any info would be appreciated.

    Many thanks

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