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Posts posted by mauGR1

  1. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I disagree. IMO imagination is the thing that separates us from just being hairless apes. Without imagination we'd never have seen the possibility to make our lives better, by imagining how to make fire, cook food, build a house, plough a field. None of us were born with that knowledge. Just inventing printing required imagination.

    Perhaps you slightly misunderstood my point.

    In fact i regard imagination as one of the highest qualities of humans.

    .. although it's left to us to discriminate if our imagination is compatible with the laws of the universe. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    A great quote from Albert Einstein:


    'I only know of two things that are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not at all sure about the Universe'.


    Seems appropriate here. 

    I don't think that discussing the existence of God is the pinnacle of human stupidity, but you're entitled to your opinion. 

    I like that quote though, and i think Einstein was referring to war, violence and the such.

  3. 9 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And I thought god is that guy in the sky who is watching everybody.





    Perhaps some folks see it in that way, personally it doesn't make sense to me.

    Yet, I've come to the conclusion that I've better to accept the existence of nonsense, as it seems to be  part of life in this world ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Imagination is great. It's not only fun, it's necessary for creativity.

    And it has nothing to do with god. 

    We'll agree to disagree once again then, as imagination is infinite, exactly like God. 

    I won't go as far as to proclaim that imagination IS God though ????

  5. 2 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    See what? Reality?

    There is no god, it's not too difficult to see that. Anything else is just imagination. 

    I can accept your point of view, but even if I'd embrace it, no one can deny the existence of imagination. 

    Although imagination itself may be useless in many cases, no one would deny the importance of imagination in our lives.

    Since aeons people have been discussing the existence of God, and we're still discussing it, so it's not like all the believers are nuts or vice-versa. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO compassion was designed into humans else they'd kill everyone else. Imagine if no one had compassion- in a natural disaster no one would help the affected, so they'd all die. Nurses wouldn't work for the pittance they get paid, so no help in hospital, etc.

    So IMO compassion is the way to ensure humans survive. God doesn't need compassion to survive, so doesn't need to be compassionate.

    I'm not saying that you're wrong,  and perhaps its just me, but i cannot see God as a separate entity from humans,  animals, plants and minerals. 

    I see it more like a sort of conscious "energy' pervading everything visible and invisible. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Compassion is a human quality, and God is not a human, ergo doesn't have human emotions. As pointed out billions of humans die horribly, and no compassionate God would allow that.

    I think God cares as much about us as we care about the mosquito we are spraying to kill it.

    Well, then where's the compassionate people's compassion coming from, if not from the eternal source of everything?

  8. 14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Be grateful that God isn't taking an interest in us. If God was, God would see what we are doing to the planet and to each other and likely send another asteroid to get rid of us, so a better species could emerge.

    The asteroid is coming, it's just a matter of time ???? 

    Sometimes i also think that God's not caring a lot about us, but, as i find that compassion is one of the highest qualities of humans, why should we think that gods don't have high qualities ?

  9. 1 minute ago, ravip said:

    If all is good, why should we know about evil? What's the use?

    Well, i can only answer in the best way i can, and of course i could be wrong.

    The goal is to evolve into better beings, so we are given death and suffering to transcend the physical reality.

    Unfortunately, in this era, we are taught since the early years to identify exclusively with our physical bodies, but that's not correct. We are much more than that.


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  10. 1 hour ago, ravip said:

    Do you believe in God and why...

    NO. Because its all man made bs.

    If there is ANY such thing as a god... why are the most rotten humans thriving and  in power... while the genuine good people are  praying and suffering...???

    Today...  Turkey and Seria...  God's work?  If Satan, was God on vacation? 

    Can any devotee explain this in simple language? 

    No. Blind beliefs are like amulets. 

    Just my 2 cents..

    If there was no evil, we wouldn't be able to know what is good...and complaining about the state of this world isn't going to make things better.

    Being grateful for what you have instead, seems to work wonders. 


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  11. 3 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

    The line that divides reality from fiction is very subjective and not a definite line at all. More like a blurry, fuzzy area. What might sound like fiction to one person, might be completely reasonable to another. Let's not forget that at some point in the past, heliocentrism was considered fiction and fought to the death. 

    Spot on. We are taught since childhood to see " reality " as an inescapable prison, while in fact every single person is creating his own reality, according to his level of consciousness. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Nemises said:

    There are over 10,000 worshipped Gods, so the question of believing in just one God makes no sense. The question needs to be corrected to read "Do you believe in any of the 10,000 Gods, which one and why?"

     Just my opinion, but the way i see it, if God is everything, he/she can show countless shapes and faces.

    Also,  being a follower of a particular cult, doesn't make one a true believer. 

    Science, intended as an effort to unveil the truth, is barely scratching the surface of what seems to be an intelligent design which pervades every aspect of what we call reality. 

    Just to think that life on this planet happened " by chance" is in fact a limited view , which has nothing to do with science. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If one believes in the devil one de facto believes in God of religion.

    That's my impression too, but he has been quick to deny it.

    Words can be misleading, it seems that we have to live with it.

    Personally, i accept the existence of evil forces with different names and shapes, the same with what i consider good forces or entities. 

    However, burying one's head in the sand, so to speak, is not a solution, and the relief never lasts long. 

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Devil is a synonym and symbol for everything thats bad and wrong in this world, thought you knew that ????



    That's your opinion, and it sounds simplistic.

    Sometimes what appears to be good is bad in the future, and vice-versa.

    Besides that, there are many sources of "good " and " bad" forces.

    But anyway,  your above post was quite agreeable.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Still we are influenced by theories and patterns we most likely learn and experience, and Im very aware of mass influence as mass illusions, as well my own illusions I can create if I work with my mind and want it to be true. 

    Survival mode is often a grip on some kind of an illusion to hold on to, be it temporarily or it becomes a lifelong illusion. People who never question the rules or their beliefs have their tools when they meet challenges, but other people who question their beliefs, the system, and are not rooted when <deleted> hit the fan, they are more likely to create their own Illusions to survive, to hold on to, just to have the feeling of sense and an explanation why they are hit so hard. 

    In a perfect world, we had all the answers, and we worked for the same goals, peace, wealth, love, sustainability without the devil to intervene over and over again and again. 

    Oh, do you believe in the devil ?

    I am a bit surprised now ????

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  16. 25 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    I'm more interested to learn why they believe in something that's to me obviously not true, and same goes for other personal beliefs. I'm curious, very curious why they believe the way they do. 

    That's similar to my way of thinking, however the thought-patterns between the masses and the less significant individual soul who has the ability to see behind the smoke screens are very different.

    Someone said that the masses can be compared to a stupid,  and sometimes crazy huge animal.

    Obviously the earth is not flat, but I'm quite sure that my ideas on that funny theory are very different compared to yours ????

  17. 15 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    What I think about your statement in previous post, is you underestimate other people and ridiculous them for using sources when posting to make a statement, especially YouTube. I will agree just serving a link, is a bit lazy, but if the content is good, it sometimes is not necessary to add anything.


    My original statement was about making a comment to someone without even bothering checking first is like reading the headlines and make up your mind what the real story is. Lazy and ignorant. Better not to comment at all. 

    Ok, thanks for the explanation.

    It's just my opinion that i prefer to read the forumer's thoughts rather than watching or posting videos.

    Just imagine if everyone on this forum starts posting videos from internet instead of expressing clear opinions, it would become a meaningless exercise.

    Hope you understand my point, and of course it's your choice to agree or disagree. 



  18. 4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    That's quite interesting statement. Nobody have pure discoveries without some kind of inspiration or teaching, and claim you or your thoughts and thought processes is self made is either a bold statement or pure ignorance. Make a pick ????????

    Where did i say that my discoveries are pure ?

    Or that my thoughts are entirely self made, to use your words?

    I am just trying to make some sense of my thoughts and thought processes, and i find useful to hear what other people think, regardless of their titles.

    Of course i have my influences, or preferences, specially in the words of spiritual masters, some famous and others almost unknown. 

    Sometimes inspirations come from unexpected directions too. The universe is constantly giving us knowledge, if we want to hear.

    If you want to think this is ignorant or bold, that's your choice and not my business, and of course i respect your choices. 


  19. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Looking at a few minutes of a U Tube vdo is not the same as being expected to watch nearly an hour of the expected anti religion/ faith lecture by someone that apparently didn't understand faith.

    If they can't grip my interest in 7 minutes, why would I watch more of the same? Nothing to say to the faithful to change their minds.

    I also don't post or watch videos posted here, actually it's pretty sad that some people think of posting videos as a way to discuss a subject. 

    I wonder if those people have some ideas on their own. 

    • Thanks 1
  20. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    As I understand it, a soul can be reluctant to pass over if they feel too attached to this existence ( leading to the presence of ghosts ), but that could be wrong.

    Yes, that's possible, I'd  guess, specially in the case of sudden, violent death ; in that case, one could find difficult to accept that the physical experience is over.. but i was referring to guys who strongly deny afterlife, and thus they may have no afterlife at all.

    In most if not all the religious cultures in the world, the burial,  or cremation happens 3 days after death, so not to disturb a soul's transition towards the spiritual planes of existence.



  21. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    No one alive on planet earth actually knows what is on the other side of the great divide. It's like a blind person trying to understand why sunsets are wonderful. They can get a tiny bit of the reality, but, like everyone, will only actually know after they die.

    This is debatable, perhaps some of the folks who think that "soul" is just a music style, and deny the existence of soul, in fact they have no soul.

    It seems logical that, after death, the soul leaves the body, and not all the souls have achieved an equal level of consciousness. 

    Perhaps a beggar, after death, can navigate the spiritual worlds much better than one who has been a billionaire all his life.

    Material attachments apparently play quite a role in the so called afterlife. 


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