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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. What do you think about the giants who are mentioned not just in the bible, but in many traditions around the world ? Don't you think that some of the megalithic structures found around the world could have been built by those giants, and using some unknown and lost technology ?
  2. Not sure " pure nonsense " does exist, but this seems pretty close ????
  3. Nobody has ever supported the pope and organized religion on this thread , so you're wasting your ammo. I wonder if you really don't understand this, or you just like playing the clown ????
  4. There's a difference between a " christian " who goes to church on sunday to conform to social rules, and a "Christian " who believes in the spiritual wealth of the teachings of Jesus Christ. But i guess you know that.
  5. Good post, it takes into consideration the point of view of those who don't believe. Quite often i ask myself the same questions, and i wonder about the many ways we have to deceive ourself. If one tries to use logic though, i find that "Pascal's wager" is correct. In short, we cannot prove that God exists, but it's convenient to accept it does. That said, I've seen self-proclaimed agnostics behaving like good devotees, and I've seen self-proclaimed christians behaving like criminals, and i can understand why many are so confused.
  6. I see it as a wonderful trick of the nature. If not for sexual desire we would have gone extinct looong time ago. Of course, most women know very well the kind of power they have on men, and they take advantage of it. Thanks God, at my old age, I'm not really interested anymore, and it's funny to think about all the silly things I've done for women until not too long ago.
  7. Ok, my fault. Sorry for your problems, i hope that with the help of God..
  8. Ok, so apparently you are talking about Muslim nations and you are American, right ? Who would have thought.. ????
  9. Didn't you say that you have "a big problem" with people believing something you don't approve ? I'm just trying to help ????
  10. Yep, and normally some kind of troubles are likely to start after that.
  11. People have not the same sex drive. A lot has to do with diet, a lot has to do with repression, a lot with propaganda. It's a very complex topic. Personally, i find that sex is overrated, and good looking women have this peculiar trait of driving me mad.????
  12. What would be your solution then, force your democratic beliefs down the people throats ? How democratic... If you like freedom for yourself and your people, what's wrong with other people choices ?
  13. It's ironic, isn't it, some think they are free minds, but when they speak they sound like fanatics.
  14. Apparently people's minds are being manipulated as we speak. I'm quite busy myself just trying to understand what's going to happen next. Yet, living the precious moment, and clearing the mind from useless stuff should be a priority imho. So, let them think what they want to think, it's none of my business anyway.
  15. It's a tough question, no wonder he can't reply. A honest answer could be "Science doesn't know yet " Yet, if he said that he doesn't know, his beliefs would crumble down.
  16. Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when the desire for group consensus overrides people's common sense desire to present alternatives, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion. Apparently agnostics are not immune to group thinking. I'd guess roughly 70%, or even more, of the human population are severely affected.
  17. I think i watched quite a few of him, he's very famous and rightly so. But, as i said, I'm here to hear ideas, possibly in short, for the conversation to be flowing. Like sitting with friends and talking, at least that's my idea of a forum.
  18. Sure i watch videos, but normally i choose. I am here to exchange ideas, not for watching videos. Perhaps conversations with real people enrich one's world more than watching videos ?
  19. Thanks, i know this guy, but I'm not watching videos. If you think that his point of view is significant, why don't you say with your words ?
  20. Yes, everything is possible. Every single atom could be a solar system with little planets and sentient beings trying the best to survive etc. Perhaps there's no God, but it's better to believe that there is imho.
  21. Is he a priest of your sect ?????
  22. If everything we know is supposed to have a beginning and an end, it's in the realm of possibilities that there's something we don't know, and has no beginning and no end. If the universe comes from the big bang, where did the big bang happen? Perhaps in the kitchen of the universe? ..oh well.
  23. Yes, what is not so well explained, afaik, is that the speed of orbit and rotation of a planet, apparently doesn't decrease with time. So, there must be a force which balance inertia quite accurately. It's quite possible though that an impact from a very large asteroid could affect significantly the rotation speed, it could have happened already in the distant past.
  24. Do you think people have a conscience? How would you define conscience? And do you think that "immoral" has the same meaning for everyone? It must be the 1st time i hear an atheist talking about conscience.
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