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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. While it's true that human brain, compared to body's weight, is bigger than animals', and our nervous system more developed, there is more than the physical reality to differentiate us from animals. To make it short, it's about consciousness, which is doesn't come from the brain. I think the brain can be compared to a computer, and there's an ego in charge of the computer. If it was just about the brain, every human would display the same level of consciousness, and that's clearly not the case.
  2. You make some good points on the 1st part of your post, which surely deserve a lot of debating ! Yet, to answer this question, i think it's unlikely for an individual soul (human) to incarnate again as collective soul (animal), but everything is possible, and at this point i can only speculate.
  3. Agree with the lesson to be fully learned, as i have learned some truth in the past, but for some reason which is under investigation, i keep on doing mistakes. As an old zen proverb says, "before enlightenment fetch wood and carry water, after the enlightenment, fetch wood and carry water".
  4. Agreed until this point, where i beg to differ. Imho there is a hierarchy in the evolution of the souls, so it's unlikely, i guess, for a soul who has been aggressor and victim, to incarnate again as aggressor. A bit of a generalization, i know, I'd bet that the "game" of incarnations is much more complex than that, and even more complex when trying to put into words.
  5. We can agree on that, and I've had similar feelings since i was a kid. However, as i don't like to be criticized for my own choices, i have to concede that others don't like it too. I'd wish I'd be right all the time, but most likely I'm not. On a spiritual level, if one has to transcend the wickedness of the material world, one has to learn to forgive the perceived wrongdoers, i think.
  6. I would say yes. In the tales of extreme climbers who have survived terrifying ordeals at high altitudes, the appearance of supernatural beings is often mentioned, the same goes with fasting and yoga techniques. As for mental illness, aren't we all feeling uncomfortable with the surroundings to some extent, sooner or later in life ? And isn't true that the best way to discredit someone is to brand him as crazy ?
  7. We can agree that the leaders try to exert control on the masses by any useful means. It was undoubtedly religion in the past, now it seems to be mostly science and technology.
  8. Yep, but give people cheap technology, and they will conveniently forget that. Of course, some here would say that I'm "dismissing " science, which is not true. It's true that science can be a terrible weapon if controlled by the wrong people.
  9. Sorry if you don't like it ????
  10. Thanks, but i don't need pats on the back, and I'm fairly sure that the other "spiritual searchers " here don't need it either. If you had bothered to read a few posts on this thread, you would know that there is no identity of views here, and in some case not even affinity. On the other hand, there's someone who judges the book without even reading it, so to speak, how pathetic is that ?
  11. Amazing eh... and it's not the 1st time some people ask to close the thread. I have some idea, but i don't want to offend those gentlemen.
  12. Lol, go to see the holy river and get stabbed ????
  13. Hey, it's not that i don't like youtube ! I just prefer to hear your ( and other posters) direct perception of reality. I may have a look at this video though ????
  14. Interesting, i have heard respected masters talking about Ireland as a special place. Can you say something more about your experience?
  15. I have been reading about "energy lines", as a sort of an invisible grid of 'spiritual vibes", as you call them, but i remain a bit skeptical. I was in Benares 40 years ago, holy place on the river Gange in India, and i was disappointed if not almost shocked, but it was rainy season. In Vrindavan, despite the good weather and the good vibes, there was still something wrong. Perhaps too much expectation.. ..But whenever i see an old tree, especially if the sky is clear, i perceive good energy.
  16. Sure, but personally I'm not greedy, i don't kill and i don't hate, so he's barking at the wrong tree, so to speak.
  17. Of course Well, i accept my part of responsibility for the nuclear waste in the sea and in the space, but i have faith in the "reset function " of our planet. Apparently it has happened before, and it will happen again.
  18. Well, i personally don't feel like I'm " the ugly side of nature ", but I'll take notice of your opinion.
  19. Ok, sorry for taking you seriously ????
  20. Well, pls forgive me, but i guess you're still using money to buy food, instead of hunting snakes or picking roots and berries in the wild, and use internet instead of smoke signals, thanks to civilization. Agree with the rest of the post, it seems a well balanced view.
  21. Nature is beyond good and bad, just ask any victim of a natural disaster. But if you want to blame everything on humans, just carry on. Honestly, i would expect anyone who has such a rosy picture of nature, to go live in the wild, like our ancestors used to do, but that would be too hard, i guess.
  22. Perhaps you might consider the fact that humans are part of nature as a whole. People who respect nature are part of nature, and people who destroy nature are part of nature too. Perhaps human civilization has failed, but you might consider it as a fair attempt to improve the life of humans.
  23. Strange logic.. if he doesn't exist, how can he oversee anything?
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