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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. The most misunderstood word must be God. It's ironic that the ones who don't believe in its existence are the ones who complain bitterly about its ruthlessness.
  2. I have never listened to them, but i find most of "heavy metal " music very hard to listen. That guy, however, has some interesting facial features. Some spiritual teacher has suggested that all art has lucifer's influence, and I'm still pondering.. Yep, they are everywhere imho, but one doesn't have to take it literally, as the distinction between good and evil can be quite subjective.
  3. I think i understood your previous post, but now it seems that it's you who are misinterpreting... again, i don't blame ideologies and religions, but i blame the people who use them to exploit others for personal gain. In the same way, in a road accident, it's almost always the bad drivers' fault, not cars' fault.
  4. Good to see that we see things in a similar way. .. although i would not blame religions, but I'd blame the villains who use and abuse the name of religions to gain power.
  5. There are agnostics here who seem to be genuinely interested in this debate, they have rejected the dogmas of religions, but appear to me, in various degrees, to be "prisoners of scientific dogmas." When i ask them, " where do thoughts come from?", the typical answer is " the thoughts are electrical impulses which originate from the brain". Are you sure ? Thanks to what i call enlightened teachers, i have come to ponder this issue, and it seems to me that it's exactly the other way around. It's the matter, and the brain is also matter, which originates from the thought . All matter is "thought condensed ". i don't have the desire to convince anyone, but i don't see why this hypothesis shouldn't be considered. Next, one could ask, so, are the universe with its living beings the product of some higher intelligence ? Or are the random result of some explosion in the middle of some nothing?
  6. That's a very honest answer, so don't you think that, instead of ditching religion and adoring the profit, could be a better idea to take the best from religion (intended as a moral code for a peaceful cohabitation), and the best from science ( intended as a research for the well being of the majority) , to improve our quality of life? Of course, there are problems with the pollution created by billions of humans, but how those problems can be solved if there is no peace ?
  7. Thanks for the clear answer, but I'm very suspicious about a science which is devoid of morality. Why i say that ? Because it's obvious that if the cult of profit, which follows the cult of materialism, is allowed to become totalitarian, we're in deep trouble. ... oh wait, it's already happening !
  8. I wonder what that "better effect " would be ... can you expand, just for the sake of the debate.?
  9. Yes, that's the point, i believe in the power of thought, i believe in prayers, and i believe that karma is real. Have to say though, that being aware of my insufficient understanding of those matters, i try to be careful in judging people's karma, or a country's karma. Yet, I'm interested in my own karma, and sorry to say that again, Steiner's work is being precious for understanding interesting details of karmic laws. I'm also aware that some talk about karma, they may have good manners, a clear voice, but they sound not true to my ears.
  10. I think we've clashed a few times,with you and others, on similar opinions before, there are not bad intentions from me. I think I've been very clear now, and in the past, but i can try with other words... What escapes our 5 basic senses ( cannot be measured) is not considered "real" by materialistic science.
  11. I guess he means "weakness " from a purely materialistic point of view, in fact it's not so easy to "measure " karmic laws in centimeters or moon cycles. Everything which can't be measured is shunned by the so called science nowadays. There's a reason why it's called kali yuga, or era of darkness.
  12. Of course i agree, but whether we discuss religion, gods and karma, I'm interested, provided that we are open even to the most bizarre theories. As for Einstein, one has to consider that in certain circles, in this materialistic era, it's a social suicide to entertain discussions about god/gods, so one can understand that scientists in general are reluctant to enter such discussions.
  13. Surely we are debating it ! However, yes, Buddhists usually don't debate god directly, but once we accept karma laws as a reality, one may ask what is the origin of those karma laws . Imho, accepting the existence of karma, one accepts the existence of higher beings, which somehow makes one open to the existence of a supreme being.
  14. Perhaps you're right, but it's also right to never stop questioning ????
  15. Lol, i have the same book, i have to say that it took me a few months to read it. Yes, I'm not i the position to judge the veracity of every single detail, but his general vision of some reality hidden to the majority "resonates" so to speak. Media has become a joke, obviously almost everything is driven by profit.
  16. Surely one has to question the real motivation for any action.. ..so, are you still convinced that most scientists are working for the well being of the entire world?
  17. Can't say that i fully understand your 2nd paragraph ( open space ? ) I read D.I. and i have to say that there are very few things i disagree with. Surely, we are living interesting times, apocalypse means also revelation.
  18. Yes, very intriguing, in fact in my slightly blurred vision, the reality somehow fits all the 3 possibilities you mentioned, and more. I'd like to add that the "visitors " are probably still around. In other words, gods and demons are everywhere, and surely they can defy the laws of physics.
  19. Surely agree, yet most probably a few good ones in the mix.
  20. I agree, but i feel like i have to be careful while trying to decipher those laws. In other words, i trust very few when we talk about karma. Incidentally, have you noticed how the number of internet gurus has increased recently, and exponentially in the last 3 years or so ?
  21. Now I'm puzzled ???? are you referring to your home country? Oh, well I'll probably consume some grey matter thinking about it for the whole day .
  22. Now I'm curious, are you referring to the earthquake stricken countries ? Incidentally, Jesus, when hearing comments about a huge tragedy of his times, apparently said: " those who survived are not necessarily better than the victims.." In other words, sorry if it sounds ominous, it always happens to others, until it happens to us.
  23. Same here, and i can only guess that it's not that easy to translate our mysterious intuitions into rational, logical thoughts.
  24. Uhm, i believe that wishes always come true, so one has just to be patient and wait. My dream is to channel the music of the heavens, which I've been lucky to hear a few times, but most probably I'll have to wait for my next life ????
  25. I have a lot of respect for what you just said, and sometimes my thoughts are exactly the same. .. we can agree on the fact that god is impartial to all the creatures of the universe.. ..yet, i think that you are too fast in judging what God can do, and what he cannot do.
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