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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. What's the point in counting the microbes when one doesn't know himself ? Why not apply science methodology to the study of thoughts, emotions, feelings, perception, consciousness etc instead of dismissing them as "electrical impulses created by the human brain" ? ... which is a very shallow approach to say the least.
  2. I read somewhere the other day, that what we don't like of others, is what we don't like in ourselves. Perhaps not a dogma, but an invitation to see things from different perspectives.
  3. I like cats and all the animal life, they are our little brothers. Yep, happiness is clarity of thought, as far as I'm concerned, and the best gift i can receive.
  4. I think that if we can manage, in this life, to expand our consciousness one way or another, we've already done a good job. I agree that it's a very personal thing, but sharing opinions with fellow travelers is a part of the journey.
  5. Yes, the details are extremely interesting, and the practical applications... that's why we have a physical body, and we're supposed to make the best of it. As for being satisfied with my life, i never saw that as a goal. Learning is more important imho. I think helping others can make one happy and satisfied, but I'm still trying to find a way to do it.
  6. The way i see it, there's just 1 fact, and it's infinite consciousness. Some call it God.
  7. Well, i heard that spiritual entities (you can call them deva, angels, or aliens, as you prefer) are monitoring the "nuclear situation", to avoid dangerous incidents, but I'll take that with a grain of salt. Yet I'm convinced that reality can be stranger than fiction. Yes, of course we are spiritual beings dressed in flesh, but i was referring to entities NOT dressed in flesh. Now if you ask me if I've ever seen a ghost, well, not with my physical eyes, but both i and my then girl friend, have heard her very well, without funny pills involved.
  8. So you don't think that there are spiritual entities/forces, able to influence your thoughts, i guess. That's good, but i would not say the same for the masses, not even for people i know and people i meet. The majority seem to be unaware though, if you tell them that they are heavily influenced, to the point of being controlled, they give you strange looks ???? ...i don't think that I'm completely free too, but I'm working on it.
  9. Yes, but then, one of those .modern "democrats" , will tell you with a grin that "science " says this and that, and you are not a scientist, so you don't know....peer reviewed blah blah... It's a funny world ????
  10. Btw, @Tippaporn, there's a question about your assertion that we are the creators of our own reality. Which i agree. Yet, we have major and minor influences in our lives, friends, relatives, parents etc. But even more, spiritual entities contribute to our thoughts, feelings, imagination etc My point being, our thoughts can come from many places, and it takes practice to manage the traffic, so to speak.
  11. I agree in principle, but, apart from the fact that feelings are extremely important in shaping everyone's life, i think that cherry picking is something everyone's doing. Do you need a pat on the back ? Ok then, i appreciate that you're here discussing consciousness and nature and their connections, and our connections with those.
  12. Didn't you say many times that you don't like complicated things and reasoning ? Yet you are here everyday, trying to look clever. I have a good memory, should i be sorry for that ?
  13. Yes, complicated, so better not thinking about, right ?
  14. Nothing better than a personal attack to avoid admitting your mistakes eh. Well done, but I'm not impressed.
  15. Great post, yes even the laws of gravity, which most people take as molten gold, have a few holes that have not been satisfactorily explained.
  16. Yet, we had people here saying that evolution theory is settled, and therefore belief in intelligent design is wrong, but you didn't say a word. On the contrary, i get accused of dismissing science, when in fact I'm dismissing hypothesis presented as facts. Perhaps it's you who has to understand the differences between hypothesis, theories and facts.????
  17. Well, there have been a few famous dictators just in the last 100 years, their life shows that, while they were liked by the majority of their people, the mistakes committed were calamitous, and affected millions of people, including their followers. That's just to show that, while it's true that everyone is a creator of realities, one has to pay attention to what realities he's creating. I tend to be a non-doer, as i came to think that there are too many doers in this world. I've been indoctrinated to believe in hard work, but now i think that we would better have a break, relax, and watch carefully where are we going with this hard work.
  18. That's a principle i agree with, but it's hard to explain it clearly to people who refuse to listen. Also, and probably you'll find this inconvenient, one has to be careful about what realities he creates, as one is going to pay for every mistake, in every finest detail. And here comes the great philosophical question, are "doers" right, and " non- doers" wrong ? Or the opposite? The answer is blowing in the wind.
  19. I would say that both seriousness and playfulness are important. The choice between the 2, or a clever mix of the 2, depends on the time, the place, and the personal feelings and thoughts. One can decide to be more or less serious or playful for personal gain, to please someone, or because of what the whole world needs. There's a reason why Buddha suggested a middle way approach, because from a middle point of view, one has a good view of both sides/polarities.
  20. Fair enough, but has consciousness its origin in life, or it's life which originated from consciousness? Or are "life" and "consciousness " 2 names for the same thing, which existence is eternal and infinite? It's quite possible that the answer is yes to all 3 questions, so God exists ????
  21. Lol, it's ok, I've nothing better to do today, (and many other days) than thinking about the mysteries of existence. An internet chat is not the same as a real conversation in real life, but something is better than nothing, so anything which challenges a dull view of reality is worth some attention.
  22. Welcome back, even if your post is for sunmaster, it's a very well thought post, and it resonates as intellectually honest.
  23. Nice one, so can i assume that the fantastic tale about the big bang, the little ball of compressed energy and the pool of mud could be in fact just a load of fertilizer, ???? ... and that we can't possibly prove anything about the origin of life. Because we were not there.
  24. So now, just because the theory of evolution got something right here and there, i guess we are supposed to believe every single idiocy which comes from the anti-creationists.. Well, sorry, it doesn't work that way.
  25. Ok, i get it, but consciousness is subjective and personal, and emotional factors play a great part in it. We are not machines, we are not just physical bodies. So, in other words, you are what you think you are. Glad to help, although I'm probably wasting time.????
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