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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Thanks, many friends were speaking highly of that movie, but i think I'll pass. Tbh, i prefer talking to real people, reading books, and even chat on forums, although i can enjoy a good movie once in a while.
  2. Glad to hear that, but that's my position since many years. Perhaps it's my fault if I've been misunderstood.
  3. Lol, you know very well that I'm not a religious fanatic, nor I'm going around trying to push my opinions down people's throat, so, what are you talking about? I'm not fond of movies, maybe I've seen less than 100 in my whole life, but i heard that Monty python was witty and funny.
  4. It's very simple, and I'm not going to dance around it. First of all, and I'm repeating myself, I'm not against science, I'm against the bad use of science. 2nd, Greed has taken over all sectors of society, and most importantly the media, the politicians, the investors and the scientists. I don't see an easy way out of this sad situation.
  5. Atheists think it's ok to mock believers, then complain when they're given a taste of their own medicine ????
  6. Examining and comparing different states of consciousness it's exactly the right way to get a perspective and a proper understanding of what is consciousness.
  7. Wow, I've been reminded to avoid mockery today. Yet, it seems like they've discovered hot water. So, provided that some big bang originated all the material universe, where does consciousness comes from ? We are left to ponder if consciousness, intended in a broad way, originated the big bang, or maybe it's consciousness which originated one or multiple big bangs. I think that it would be safe considering both options.
  8. ...why put limits ? Realities are universes, and there are countless imho.
  9. Welcome to share your experiences, although i can't guarantee no occasional insults ????
  10. My theory is that we don't have a clue about the origin of life. The scientists should admit that they don't know, that way, both them and science itself, could regain some of the credibility they have lost.
  11. I guess that even the most fanatic religious fundamentalist could agree with that, but then, how would you explain the "order of the universe " or the "organization of life" ? If it's orderly and organized, there must be a sort of a project behind. And if there's a project, a design, there must be intelligence and consciousness. Or perhaps order and organization can happen randomly? But science says that randomness is unlikely, there must be a rational explanation behind everything, right ? So back we are to step 1.
  12. Well, perhaps I'm too thick, i don't see contradiction here, but some food for thought. Could "heaven" mean another planet in this or a parallel universe ? Could be the "fiery chariot " a description of a flying vehicle? I know it may sound absurd, but when God and celestial beings are involved, i have to remind myself that everything is possible.
  13. Right, i understand your point of view, but I'm curious about the countless interpretations of the holy scriptures. Surely i agree that there are many misinterpretations of the facts, which probably started with the apostles themselves, then the translators and the organized religion. I just keep an open mind about it, the study of the bible is a very complex topic in itself, and surely not every word is meant to be taken literally.
  14. "As stated in the New Testament with a quote by Christ-Jesus, the Individuality known as the prophet Elijah re-appeared as or also worked through John the Baptist. Rudolf Steiner identified that this was an angelic being (1911-02-25-GA127) that also worked in Raphael and Novalis." .. from a lecture of Rudolf Steiner; well of course these theories are better taken with a pinch of salt, but personally i have quite some faith in Steiner's lectures.
  15. My reporting of an interpretation of the bible, not the bible itself, which at the moment I'm not able to quote more accurately. I'll let you know if I find the information I'm alluding to.
  16. ...in the light of these considerations, it appears logical that a soul "travels " various, perhaps countless incarnations, to learn from its own mistakes and correct them. Although the bible doesn't clearly mention rebirth/reincarnation, there's a hint of it, when Jesus meets John the Baptist, and says to his friends that the 2 of them know each other from before .. According to some scholars, Jesus was Eliseo, and John his master, the prophet Elijah, in a previous life.
  17. Lol, yep, on this we perfectly agree. While i don't think it's ok being bored all the time, a little boredom here and there is never wasted. There's some wisdom in accepting boredom as an important part of life.
  18. Lol, same here. It's a good thing not to be afraid of anything, but looking at how society is developing in the so called civilized countries, one can feel really scared. I pity the children growing up in these days. Anyway, i think humming is right about training the brain, and you are right at enjoying the sunset. I try to do the same every day, filling my soul with art and natural beauty. It sure helps thinking positive, and be grateful for the little we have, instead complaining for what we have lost.
  19. When we identify only with our physical body, there's not much to be happy, but much to be sad. Even if we're happy to be rich, healthy and charming, which surely isn't my case btw, we are going to lose everything anyway. Nobody gets out of here alive, the physical body soon or later deteriorates. Yet, there's hope, if we see this experience as a learning path, and once the physical experience is over, we still have a very light, but precious treasure of spiritual experience, which is all one truly possesses.
  20. Nice deflection, but if you had some integrity, you should try some apology. Instead you try again to muddle the waters, well done ???? Well, tbh, I'm not expecting any apology, i guess it would be too much to ask for. Hopefully you'll not accuse me again of personal insults and whatnot ???? Nature is good? Try a tsunami and let me know, genius ????
  21. Really, that's after you accused me of dismissing science, and having a wild imagination ???? Well, i am glad that in the end you accept some common sense. God exists ????
  22. For all the ones who are interested in physics and quantum physics, Max Planck doesn't need presentations. Here's a quote attributed to him : "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . . We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."
  23. Uhm, i understand, but freedom, or more exactly the feeling of freedom, should be analyzed very carefully, as it's quite elusive, and most likely temporary. I also don't agree on comparing my freedom with others' , as anything can happen at every moment to change that idea. So, i prefer to compare my different states of mind, and realize that a feeling of freedom i had when i was 20, for example was created by my own illusions. So, speaking for myself, the feeling of freedom depends on countless factors, and i would be very careful if i had to think that i feel free. Actually i tend to see freedom as the opposite of love, and my focus is more in trying to find my personal point of balance between those 2. I heard someone say that freedom IS love, but i am rather skeptical about it. Perhaps some kind of perfection is achieved when one's total freedom meets one's total love, if so, I'm still very far from it.
  24. Sure, the soul reflects the surrounding nature and makes for peaceful thoughts.
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