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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. This thread is about belief in God, or the supernatural if you prefer, but feel free to do any scientific research you find appropriate.
  2. I entirely share your feelings. It's ironic though, and it makes me giggle, that we are actually surrounded by a majority of people who find comforting to conform to the official narrative, and then accuse spiritual minded folks who actually search for the truth, of being against science. ????
  3. Hey, i always back you up when you post something which makes sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen very often, but it's not my fault. Yet, if you eagerly look for the truth, inside and outside, and in the middle, I'm confident that you will find something. Soon or later.
  4. Nice sugar coating, what you call " certain human failings" appear to be the norm if one uses a little critical thinking. "Science " indeed benefits the people who own it, but I'm not really sure about the remaining 99% of the world population. We already agreed long ago that science, intended as the relentless search for knowledge is a good thing, but unfortunately knowledge can be used against the man and the environment. There's a classic historical example about the "discovery" of gunpowder. The Chinese were using gunpowder for fireworks for donkey years, then the white people came, got it, and after few weeks, guns and cannons were ready and available. I don't even want to start at how the media can influence the perception of reality... the science of communication ????
  5. I had a look at the video,thanks God it was short. He has money and he's famous, so he must be right. ...people are showing who they really love and adore. .. ????
  6. I've been vilified for nearly 3 years for expressing the same view. Thanks God, reading your post, and various posts from @Tippaporn I'm somehow regaining faith in humanity.
  7. Good post, i especially want to highlight this concept : " you cannot discover the secrets of life by desecrating it". It seems obvious to me, but apparently I'm a minority. Hopefully in the not too distant future this concept will become universally accepted. ... perhaps in a couple of centuries though.
  8. Appreciate your hair splitting, i agree with you, nothing is completely motionless, not even a block of marble.
  9. While i believe coincidences have the right to exist, i think in this case, similarities and differences among beliefs are not coincidental. Actually, i tend not to believe in coincidences at all, but i want to give a little credit to S.Freud. " Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" ????
  10. Well, it's the opposite for me, I've been cross- checking different beliefs and religions and philosophies since my teens. Although coming in recent years to the decision of choosing a school of thought, I'm still comparing, and it's a joy when I find that, essentially, the same wisdom can be explained in so many different ways, but it's still the same wisdom.
  11. I've asked myself the same question, perhaps more free thinkers the better. But of course i cannot prove it.
  12. At the risk of being pedantic, i have to say again, those 3 forces , can be called with different names and are present in everything, including, i dare to say, the thoughts themselves; preservation for example, can be called also love, attraction, magnetism, force of gravity, sympathy, compassion, persistence, endurance etc. If you observe an atom, a big one, like the solar system, you'll notice those 3 main forces at work in various ways. As above, as below.
  13. LOL I agree with you 99%. However, if arguing implies testing your ideas, even with some occasional disappointment, i would argue that not arguing at all is worse.
  14. I can believe that, 2 polarities ( creation, destruction) and a point of equilibrium (preservation). ????
  15. That's amazing and i can only congratulate you for your self confidence ????
  16. Creation, preservation and destruction are not only contemporary, but eternal forces. Those same forces are active, and permeate everything. .. and the potential of dogma is everywhere, not just in religion... just look at what they try to pass as science in these days... I understand that religion has no appeal to you, my point is not throwing away the baby with the dirty water, so to speak.
  17. Creation, preservation and destruction (which implies creation) is the holy trinity in Hinduism. A proper balance of those forces is essential for a good journey imho. Notice the importance of the number 3.
  18. That's true, without exception. God is in everything imho.
  19. You're not a believer, if i remember correctly, yet what you say is correct from a Christian point of view. Thing is, the deepest sea is between "say" and "do".
  20. Interesting to see that in these days, "being religious " has become a negative, a symbol of ignorance and stupidity.
  21. Good choice ???? i was wondering what makes you so confused, because you post here, but you seem unwilling to discuss the topic. And if you have some interesting ideas to share, insulting the recipients is not really a good start. Or do you expect to be acknowledged as a great mind just because of your spiteful attitude? Just trying to make some sense, the whole world seems to get mad faster and faster.
  22. Do you think alcohol can improve your discernment skills ?
  23. Are you looking for help or what ? If so, perhaps you're asking in a wrong way. Just saying.
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