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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. ...and they can't be wrong, because "science" says that ????
  2. As usual, we tend to agree when we dig a bit in the meaning of our words. Personally i love boredom, and i feel privileged to feel bored once a day. Good creative thoughts can come from such state of mind. Surely, social media are part of the design of our spiritual evolution, even if with different results, according to the personal evolution of everyone. The divisiveness which is rampant, will drive us again to unity, i hope. I have to say though, that I'm a bit worried for the younger generations, as i think that they are losing the ability of communicating vocally and physically. The other day i was sitting on the beach, and i saw a group of 3 friends sitting nearby, everyone of them intently staring at their phones.
  3. You are very condescending, i could never aspire to that level. Can you read your own posts ? Well try, and be honest, if you can ????
  4. I have to agree with you here, whether it's evolution or creation/evolution, both material and spiritual , boredom has not much to do with it. It's more about hard work imho.
  5. Sorry, but i am reasonably sure that my explanations would have no value for you, so I'm not even trying.
  6. Yes, i get your point very well, and i am a bit sad that you don't get mine. It's ok, I can live with it ????
  7. Yes ! Absolutely, everything is relative to time/space. I'm sure that we don't really disagree, it's just that we have occasionally different points of view and perspectives.
  8. Or because they cannot build them, they cannot even build a decent musical instrument... Well, i don't want to insist and bother you with my illogical logic, so let's agree to disagree on this one.
  9. Thanks, but it's terrible on my phone, and I don't have computer. I prefer books. I told you already, that what I have read from Seth's resonate very well with me, i would define it knowledge from above. However, as I told you , i chose already a master, and he gave me so much to think about, probably enough for more than a few lives. I invite you to try to pass the concepts you find important in your readings through simple words, that would be convenient for our chat.
  10. No need mate, yet what you say is not untrue. Truths can be apparently conflicting, and my ability with words is not great. Sometimes words in general are not able to describe spiritual realities. That said, hierarchies exist, higher and lower are just words to define their essence, and don't imply arrogance or a feeling of superiority on my side. Air and fire, are above earth and water, and so on.
  11. I also know very little, but I'm not giving up yet. We both like to watch the nature for inspiration, if we come to different opinions, that's very good ! I'm reasonably sure that we can find many answers to our questions, even conflicting truths, and i can accept that you and @Tippaporn don't like, or don't see the hierarchies in the visible and invisible worlds. I don't expect other people to see it in the same way that i see it though.
  12. You said that, not me. We are part of the creation, but dogs don't throw nuclear bombs, and whales sing, but they don't write symphonies. Humans have been given some power on nature, our choice whether make it better or worse. Apparently we are failing, but we can take responsibility and improve it. Have you ever walked into a jungle? It's more difficult than walking on a path in a countryside, believe me.
  13. Those are good questions, and i read avidly every day, to find out some answers. Script is only about 5 or 10 thousand years old, before that we can rely on oral traditions, bible, mahayana, veda etc. I dare to think though, that all the forms of life exist in the spiritual worlds, and there's no linear "time" and "space", perhaps a spiral. Our extraterrestrial visitors could be humans travelling on the waves of time, for what we know..
  14. That's what I'm I'm trying to find out, observing nature, thinking, reading and thinking again, and writing and reading posts on this thread. Sometimes I meet strangers in real life who i can have some meaningful conversation, but it doesn't happen often enough. I think that observing animals is an easy way to understand different stages of consciousness, and i consider them my little brothers. But, of course, maybe you know better.
  15. Both of you have completely missed my point.
  16. Did i say that hierarchy is "a absolute structure ". No, i didn't. A higher consciousness implies a higher responsibility. You have the power to make the world a better, or a worse place to live, more power than a bird or an elephant. Mother earth has the power of making life possible or impossible, the sun as well, just to mention the most obvious, so why deny hierarchies?
  17. When i talk about human creativity, of course i don't think about all the human miseries that you know so well. I'm thinking more of human imagination who created amazing technology, i think about Michelangelo's paintings, Mozart's music, or the architects of angkor wat. It's true as Oscar Wilde said." "We have our feet in the mud, but look at the stars ! "
  18. That's true, and i am sure that my life too is boring from many other perspectives. However, hierarchies exist, so let's agree to disagree. You can learn many things from a dog, or a butterfly, even from a drop of rain, but you don't spend hours debating with them, do you?
  19. Well, the natural world is in front of you, and you can see it in the way that's more convenient to you. Yes, animals can do wonderful things, but they are more limited than humans. Of course, everything is relative, a life as a dog is surely less boring than a life as a worm. I have never met a person who wish to be re-born as an animal though. As for the soul of animals, I've tried for 2/3 years to explain that they are a "collective soul", in opposition to humans being " individual souls " but i guess that you're not ready to understand the concept ????
  20. Fair questions, it's really difficult to understand why people who claim to have a "scientific mind" can claim that consciousness belongs only to humans. Consciousness is everywhere imho, inside and outside ourselves, and surely we are able to explore and enjoy different levels or stages of it.
  21. Perhaps, due to the fact that spirituality is nowadays so underrated, and even ridiculed, there is more freedom of expression on this topic than other ones. Just saying ????
  22. I used to be sad for people who disregard imagination, which is perhaps the best gift we have as humans, if we make a comparison with the boring life of animals. However, i think that everyone has the right to live their life as they wish, so I'm not sad, as being sad for too long is too sad ????
  23. Your post only proves that humans can only perceive a part of which is called reality, and science is the result of the observation of a tiny fraction of everything which surrounds us. @Tippaporn was just pointing to a common perception that we have as humans with human eyes, human brain etc. If 3 persons look at a blue sky, they will indeed agree that the sky is blue, but their perception, and the thoughts which derive from that perception can be totally different. That's is a living evidence of the fact that the physical body is just a vehicle, for the souls to experience the physical reality which is limited to our limited physical senses. However the souls are able, in various ways, to develop other tools of perception which are not limited to the physical world. It's about expanding consciousness. Got it ?????
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