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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. You're welcome, but where's the "absolute freedom of thought " when we are tied to a physical body ? Health is indeed the greatest wealth, as it allows the "tuning" of the thoughts. Thought is potentially free, but in different ways for different people in different moments in different places imho.
  2. As they say, the ways of the lord are infinite, so we can just speculate without any certainty. We have to consider that a belief, any kind of belief, can become a mental prison, so keeping an open mind is a safe option.
  3. Without going too much into details, it's safe to say that fear is something that, soon or later, everyone has to experience. In the case of some apparently unreasonable fear, i would explain it with past life experiences, kind of scars of the soul. Some masters insist on challenging one's fear until victory is achieved, recently I'm working on the fear of swimming in deep water, and i feel better as i make some progress. I have other fears of course, but I'm not really in a hurry, guess I'll have to come back again on this planet to do some more work????
  4. Thanks for sharing, and for the advice. I also have been doing a lot of outdoor activities, mainly climbing mountains, for many years, so i can relate with the feeling of offering one's life in exchange for some wild and pure joy of living, and beautiful landscapes. Enjoying the view from above gives one some great insights, and the more the struggle to reach the top, the more the joy and the perception of freedom. In fact, I could say that the only thing to be afraid, is fear itself.
  5. That's quite agreeable, and i share very often the same mindset. But we already know since long that one day we will lose everything we have, including the physical body. That imho, will be a new start, rather than the end. So now, I'm trying to figure out what I can take with me which is not material. I think that every thought and memory which is good and true, all the rest is useless. Oh, i also would prefer socialism over the excesses of nowadays capitalism, but good ideals are indeed hard to be put in practice when the leaders and most of all people are selfish.
  6. If you want to call God other names, it's ok for me. "Random chance " is a choice, and i respect that. Yet, if you do something good and clever, and i say that it happened by random chance, when you put a lot of work into it, you would not really like it, would you ?
  7. Nope, the "soupy sea" with "molecules bumping.. etc" it's already some sort of life. But if you say that life originated from life, i would have to agree ????
  8. Hope the weather will be fine soon, see you mate ????
  9. I don't disagree with what you say, from a purely materialistic point of view it makes sense. However, it will be difficult for you to explain how conflicting spiritual forces like 'survival ' and 'cohabitation ' and the various combinations between those 2 may arise from a big bang or a small ball of compressed energy. You see a clock, and it's clear to you that some guy, assembling materials and knowledge has built it, but then you see a solar system, which is at least as amazing as a clock, on a much bigger scale.. it makes sense to me that the clock, the human and the solar system etc are all "products" of some intelligent design, which some call God. Now imagine that one day the sun explodes, and the humankind as we know it, gets completely extinct, do you think that the intelligent design of countless solar systems, many potentially fit to host life in different forms, would disappear? And if you could, one day, admit that there's indeed some design in the universe and all those laws of physics, would you swear that there cannot be a consciousness behind it ?
  10. I disagree. I'll try to explain why. The assumption that everything is random, that life has no purpose, is not a deterrent for evil, but quite the opposite. The assumption that there's no purpose, implies that moral behavior is useless. On the contrary, the absence of moral behavior is likely to create conflicts not among nations, as in the past, but among individuals. Did you notice that everyone is getting more and more isolated, and it's difficult to find someone to talk to, let alone to make new friends? The war "all against all" has been predicted, and from what i see, i think it will get worse before it gets better. Of course, this rampant individualism is part of a bigger plan, so everything is fine. Understanding the separation to understand unity.
  11. It's like to ask an ant how to build an airplane. Like the ant, i cannot answer. Not even the great masters like Buddha or Jesus could answer. If there is a God, it's everything, it's infinite and eternal, thus non born.
  12. Congrats, it's not easy to compress so much bias in such a little space.????
  13. The same misunderstanding over and over. I tell you again, and next time I'll do a drawing ???? I love good science, and I try to avoid nonsense (although it can be funny, like the theory of the magic ball coming out from nowhere 13,8 millions of years ago)????
  14. Yes, of course there are other scientific theories that leave me perplexed. However, it's our personal choice what we take for certain, likely, unlikely or nonsense. So, I'd rather stick to vedic philosophy or Steiner's anthroposophic teachings. In our stage of evolution, whether we are scientists or not, we just cannot comprehend the origin of the visible universe, let alone the invisible ones, so the story of the little ball creating the big bang is as credible as santa claus etc ????
  15. Are they serious? "At that time"... "a small ball".. " with infinite density and intense heat".. Did it fall from some airplane? ????
  16. I'd bet that creating confusion is sometimes intentional ????
  17. According to ancient scriptures, every single atom is an image of God, you can count them if you wish, pls send a postcard when you're done ????
  18. This may apply to any blind follower of any doctrine. It's quite possible that the placebo effect is underrated for commercial reasons as well. Many scientists are well aware of an intelligent design which creates the laws of the universe, so to say that "science " has showed that God and gods don't exist is a lie.
  19. Exactly, that's a real poison, and very rare on this planet are the humans who are immune.
  20. What strikes me is the hypocrisy. Or perhaps the laziness to think critically. They condemn faith as total nonsense and scourge of humankind, and then they give their faith to the manipulators. Let's be careful where we put our faith.
  21. Well, I'm provoking, or trying to get a rational response. Those science types seem to think that creation happened randomly, while imho is more rational to think that everything has a reason to be, and there's an intelligent design at work. So yeah, big bangs happen, but they are part of the design.
  22. Well spoken, to think otherwise is unscientific. I'm amazed how so many grown people can think that there's only 1 reality. There are infinite realities, and humans, well, some of them, can choose.
  23. It's clear to me, comparing dreams with wake it's enlightening, as you can observe the difference between you in the material world, and you in the spiritual world which you create yourself with your thoughts and life situations. As for lucid dreaming, one can train himself, i remember Don Juan teaching Castaneda how to do. I tried and it works. Yet I'm lazy, and i stopped doing it. My best lucid dream was some 20 years ago. In the dream, i was with my brother studying a map of a seaside town, and suddenly the map was the real earth, and I was flying over it. When i dream about flying, it happens every few years, i can be totally happy for days.
  24. That's better, I also apologize if sometimes inadvertently i say something wrong. Have a good time too????
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