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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Seconded. "You are not a scientist " has become a sort of mantra for some people that I can't define for respect of public decency and forum rules.
  2. Very good! When I was a very young kid I had similar recurrent visions, in a state between wake and sleep. I think you are a lucky man, you've visited some great place in your dream.
  3. Tbh, "absolute freedom " doesn't fully convince me. .. but I'll give it some thought. Btw Seth's words have a striking similarity with some Steiner's dissertation.
  4. The first one reminds me of "nothing new under the sun". ...which i consider a partial truth. "Life travels space" is pretty good imho.
  5. Ok, my first one was a truism too. Btw, I had one of the most vivid and thrilling dreams of my life, not too long ago, and Nietzsche was showing me something in the mysterious basements of some castle in the middle of Europe.
  6. On 2nd thoughts, I would invite anyone who are reading to name or define an "absolute truth ". Obviously the choice is free, but please keep it short ???? I'll start, "the absolute " which incidentally is one of the names of God . I want to exaggerate, because outside is raining buckets.. "Everything changes" is for me another absolute truth.
  7. I like to see you taking things seriously. ???? I used to read, and some re read, C.Castaneda's books, some very good insights there. ???? The thing about the feeling lonely when following some spiritual path.... I think it's a very good sign, a blessing. ???? There are not many people to talk about certain things. Is there an absolute truth? Is our language able to express such a concept? Are all humans equal? ????
  8. I cannot answer directly to your question, but i am sure that i am not in a position to define God's limits or boundaries. As i believe in karma, or law of cause and effect, we are taught lessons in life, until we learn how to behave. Karma being a divine design though, deserves a careful investigation, and I'm not at the stage where i can say that i completely understand it.
  9. The parable of the prodigal son , which probably you heard of, is rather clear. As wicked as one could be, he's always given a 2nd chance. To forgive is always the right thing to do, even from an egotistical point of view, as carrying hard feelings is counterproductive.
  10. Ok, just to let you know, after years of various readings, trips in India, family and hard working, I've immersed myself in anthroposophic teachings of R.Steiner, so I'm not much interested in other teachings, and extremely pleased to read Steiner's books and lectures on various topics. I got ecstatic on daily basis in a very simple way, just observing the magnificence of what surrounds us. That said it's always a pleasure to know that I'm not the only "fool" who follows a spiritual path.
  11. I would talk to you if you were willing to listen and not just talk. Thing is, I've read all the posts here, since the beginning of this thread, and I've noticed that people, as in real life, don't really pay attention to others. Maybe too much ego ? Also, i could also copy and paste 1000s of words from great masters, but it would be boring for everyone, and nobody except 1 or 2 would read half of it. Sorry to be blunt, I'm also not the best at communicating. ..and i do appreciate your posts, as i told you already.
  12. That's the point i am making. You can kill an ant, 1million ants, but you can't destroy the ants. Thanks God.
  13. Yes, gaia, or planet earth is a sort of entity, but in some way we are part of it. This is what i learned recently, i think it makes sense.
  14. I'd bet on the asteroid shower, tilting the axis with consequent huge catastrophic mega tsunamis etc. Happened before, will happen again. Humans can survive in small numbers, and tell the tales again. It's a cycle imho.
  15. Yep, definitely, but the majority who are so immersed in their materialistic beliefs, don't notice, or pretend not to notice. ????
  16. Thanks God you are privileged and you can afford a shrink ????
  17. Convince you of what ? No one can prove how evolution happened. But you are free to believe any rubbish you like ????
  18. I cannot say what i really think, because i don't think you can understand ????
  19. False problem imho, but useful to distract the masses.
  20. It appears the gap is thinning eh, well, I'm not holding my breath. You are right, there are scientists arguing with other scientists, i really wish the proper ones could be the majority, but unfortunately, materialism forgives the dishonest, and punishes the ones who go against the current. Good post, but it doesn't change my opinion.
  21. Yeah right. I guess you believe also that the government is working for your well being, and all the scientists work for the glory of knowledge and wisdom. Good luck with that.
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